Types of Data Techniques of Data Collection

54 54 The data was obtained in each cycle using observation checklists and in the form of vignettes. 5. Reflection After all actions were applied in a cycle, the collaborator and I reflected the implementation of my action plans. I interviewed some students and the collaborator to review the actions I implemented during the teaching and learning process and the results after the actions. The interviews and the class observation showed that there was no significant improvement in cycle 1. Therefore, I decided to conduct cycle 2. The action plans were revised and improved based on the results and obstacles found in the cycle 1. After the cycle 2, it was showed that there was significant improvement on the students speaking skills. Therefore, the actions were successful. However, I needed to check the consistency of the results in the classroom, whether or not the same changes and improvements on students speaking skills were consistent. For that reason, I decided to conduct one more cycle. The results of cycle 3 showed that the actions were successfully enhancing students speaking skills. With some consideration, I decided to end the research.

D. Data Collection

1. Types of Data

Qualitative data and quantitative data were collected using some instruments: rubric of the students’ speaking performance, observation checklist, interview guideline, and questionnaires. In addition, a camera and an 55 55 audio recorder were used to record the teaching and learning process in the classroom and the interviews. The data were collected in the form of: field notes, inte rview transcripts, and students’ speaking scores.

2. Techniques of Data Collection

The data were collected in every action during the research. The collaborator and I used several techniques in collecting the data. 1. Interview During the research, I interviewed the English teacher, the collaborator and the students. The interviews were held in the reconnaissance step to find out the initial problems regarding students English speaking skills and the teaching and learning process. During the actions, I interviewed the students, to know their opinion about the actions I implemented. In addition, I interviewed the teacher and the collaborator in the reflection step concerning their opinion and suggestions about my teaching. 2. Observation The collaborator and I observed the teaching and learning process in the classroom and the students’ participation during the teaching and learning process. I used observation checklist to monitor the observation. 3. Quizzes and tests There were one test and three quizzes during the research. The pre-test was carried out to determine the base scores of students’ speaking skills. The quizzes were conducted at the end of every cycle to find out whether or not 56 56 there were improvements on the students’ speaking skills after the implementation of actions in each cycle. 4. Documentation I recorded the interviews using the audio-recorder as the instrument to make me easier in making the interview transcripts. Some photographs were also taken during the teaching and learning process.

E. Data Analysis Techniques