Implementing STAD Student Team-Achievement Division Using the classroom English during the lesson Giving a handout of materials related to the program of study

64 9. The students were less motivated to actively respond to the teacher’s explanation and class discussion. The teacher did not invite the students to the class discussion.

B. Report of Cycle 1

1. Planning

Considering the problems occurred, the teacher and I decided to solve the problems by planning some actions. The actions were designed to achieve the expected aims. The action plans of the Cycle 1 are presented below.

a. Implementing STAD Student Team-Achievement Division

I planned to implement STAD from the first meeting in cycle 1. The first step in STAD was presenting the materials in the classroom. In this session, the students would be expected to pay attention when the materials are presented. Then the students would learn in groups of four or five to learn the materials. During the group learning, it was expected that the students could get opportunities to speak in English since there would be many activities that required them to talk to each other. There would be a quiz in the end of the Cycle 1 to check the students’ speaking improvement and to decide the next group members.

b. Using the classroom English during the lesson

During the lesson, I planned to act as the English teacher in the class. The collaborator and I planned to use classroom English during the teaching and learning process. By using the classroom English, the students were expected to hear many English expressions so that the 65 students will be familiar with them. While I speak in English, I expected students would use English in response to my speaking which could give students a chance to practice their speaking. I planned to use English for some functions such as greeting the students in the beginning of the lesson, explaining materials, giving the instructions of the tasks and the activities, giving feedback, and reviewing the materials, and ending the lesson.

c. Giving a handout of materials related to the program of study

I planned to give the students a handout during the English class. The handout contained the materials and the tasks. In the handout, there were some empty spaces for them to write down some important notes. This was expected to be effective since they would not have to write the materials they learn and the tasks they would complete. There would be much time for learning the materials and doing the tasks instead of taking notes. In Cycle 1, the students would study the expressions used in describing processes. I planned to adapt the materials to fulfil the basic competency. Since the students are accounting program students, I planned to give the materials that matches their needs at accounting program. I had discussed the suitable materials with the teacher to meet the students ’ need. 66

d. Asking the students to bring dictionary