113 lesson, classroom English was effective to stimulate students to accustom themselves to speak using English.

4. The changes in the collaborators’ behavior

The collaborator got more knowledge of how to conduct an action research in the field. The collaborator realized the difference between teaching as a practice and teaching in real situation.

5. The changes in teaching and learning process.

Previously, the teaching and learning process focused on grammar and comprehending lesson. Since the implementation of this research, the teaching and learning process was more interesting and challenging. It allowed students to involve in activities which encouraged them to speak more. The group study was conducted effectively.

B. Implications

Some actions were done to improve students’ speaking skills. Findings of the research showed that the students’ speaking had improved. The results of the actions have some implications. The implications were described below. 1. Implementing STAD during the teaching and learning process had improved the students’ speaking skills of students in SMKN 1 Depok. The teaching and learning process engaged students to speak. In group study, the teacher encouraged students to speak up by giving tasks which require them to work with their friend. That way, the students 114 interacted with each other. By working in groups, the students built self-confidence, responsibility and respect on others. It is implied that STAD was a useful method to be implemented in English language classroom. 2. Using classroom English made students to be more familiar with English expression as the teacher provided them many English expressions shown in the classroom during the teaching and learning process. The students were encouraged by the teacher giving examples of English expression all the time. Then the students were stimulated to respond by speaking using English as well. This means that the students were encouraged to speak because the teacher gave examples and inspiration during the teaching and learning process. 3. Providing handouts to teach speaking helped students to learn effectively. The students got more time to do activities instead of writing the materials. The materials in the handouts were related to accounting which helped students to learn expressions commonly used in their field. It implies that the students learn enthusiastically if the materials and activities fit their learning needs and preference. 4. Reminding students to have dictionaries with them was not an easy task. Instead of asking them to bring dictionaries, making them realize the necessity of having dictionaries was a better strategy to encourage students. It implies that making students realize the importance of something is better than only tell them that something is important. 115

C. Suggestions