The Limitation of the Problem The Formulation of the Problem The Objective of the Study The Significance of the Study


C. The Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification above, there are many problems found in the teaching and learning process in the English classroom. However, it is impossible to solve all problems in a very limited time. Therefore, the researcher only focuses on improving students’ speaking skills, regarding the activities in the classroom. The English teacher and I decided to use one of the cooperative learning strategies STAD to improve students’ speaking skills. We use STAD in this research because it is considered suitable for teaching speaking. STAD has been suggested as the solution for many educational problems. It offers a proven, practical means of creating exciting social and engaging classroom environment to help students to master traditional skills and knowledge as well as to develop the creative and interactive skills. In learning speaking, STAD is effective to engage students to practice their speaking skill. By working in teams, students will be motivated to learn maximally.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

In this research, the problem is formulated as follows: ―How does STAD improve the speaking skills of Accounting Program students grade XI in SMK N 1 Depok ?‖ 7

E. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to describe how STAD can improve the speaking skills of Accounting Program students grade XI in SMK N 1 Depok in the academic year of 20132014.

F. The Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to give some theoretical and practical significance. 1. Theoretical Significance The researcher expects that the findings of this research study can be a reference related to the use of STAD in improving students’ speaking skills in the English classroom. 2. Practical Significance a. The English teacher of SMKN 1 Depok can use the result of this study as an information source in employing STAD to develop students’ speaking skills. b. The students of Accounting Program grade XI in SMKN 1 Depok can use this study as a helpful source to improve their speaking skills. c. As the researcher, I hope this study can be a reference to conduct further research of English language teaching in EFL context. It is also expected that this study can give experience in not only doing action research but teaching English as well, especially using STAD. 8