Teaching Speaking for Vocational School Students


4. Teaching Speaking for Vocational School Students

In vocational schools i.e. SMK, English is an adaptive subject which is designed to prepare the students with English spoken and written communication skills in a certain program. It means that the students need English with a specific purpose that is to use it in particular occupational setting. Therefore, it would be more efficient to teach them the specific kinds of language and communicative skills for specific roles rather than to concentrate on general English. Based on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Permendiknas 22, in SMK, English is an adaptive subject which has two main goals of English learning in SMK. The first is that the students master the basic knowledge and skills of English to sustain the program competence achievement. The second goal is for the students to apply the English knowledge and skills to maintain both spoken and written communication in intermediate level. There are three levels of English that have to be taught in vocational school i.e. novice level, elementary level, and intermediate level. These levels are supposed to be taught as follows: the Novice level for tenth grade students, the Elementary level for eleventh grade students, and the Intermediate level for twelfth grade students. As stated in Permendiknas 2006 No.23, there are a number of standard graduates competencies of English for SMK students. To accomplish the standard graduates competencies, standard of competence and basic competencies are proposed. The following tables show the standard 31 graduates competencies, standard of competence, and basic competencies of English for the eleventh grade students of SMK. Table 1: The Eleventh Grade of SMK Students’ Standard Graduates Competencies Skills Graduates Competencies Listening Understanding meaning both interpersonal and transactional oral expressions, either formal or informal, in listening requests and commands related to jobs. Speaking Expressing meaning orally both interpersonal and transactional expressions, either formal or informal, in delivering requests and commands related to jobs. Reading Understanding meaning both interpersonal and transactional written expressions, either formal or informal, in reading requests and commands related to jobs. Writing Expressing meaning both interpersonal and transactional expressions, either formal or informal, in delivering requests and commands related to jobs in written form. Table 2: The Standard of Competence and Basic Competencies of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Standard of Competence Basic Competencies Communicating in English in Elementary Level 1.1.Understanding daily conversations in professional and personal setting with non-native speakers. 1.2.Writing simple messages both in direct and indirect interactions. 1.3.Describing jobs and educational background both oral and written. 1.4.Telling jobs in the past and the future jobs. 1.5.Expressing feelings. 1.6.Understanding simple instructions. 32 1.7.Making short messages, directions and lists using appropriate words and correct spelling. The students of SMK need skills to prepare themselves for a specific occupation. Accordingly the vocational English course should support this by offering the students communication skills closely related to their fields.

5. The Roles of the Teacher