Time Allocation : 4 x 45 minutes Teaching Method: Based on the Contextual-Communicative Model of Setting: individual work, pair work, and group work Teaching Media: a laptop, a speaker, an LCD projector Learning Resources

156 - purpose ˈpɜː.pəs - command k əˈm ːnd - navigation ˌnæv.ɪˈgeɪ.ʃən - redirect ˌriː.da ɪˈrekt - determine d ɪˈtɜː.mɪn - button ˈbʌt.ən - experience ɪkˈspɪə.ri.ənt s - change t ʃeɪndʒ

G. Time Allocation : 4 x 45 minutes

H. Teaching Method: Based on the Contextual-Communicative Model of

EFL Teaching-Learning

I. Teaching Learning Activities

a. Pre-Teaching 1. The teacher greets the students. 2. The teacher asks the captain of the class to lead the prayer. 3. The teacher checks the roll by mention the names. 4. The teacher asks at glance the last materials the students have learned. 5. The teacher explains the goal of today’s lesson. 6. The teacher presents the outline of today’s materials. b. Whilst-Teaching  Comprehension Focus 1. Listening to the recording “How to Use a Fax Machine” 2. Answering the questions related to the recording 3. Working in groups to comprehend the text. 4. Completing the missing dialogue 5. Arranging the jumbled sentences  Language Focus 1. Identifying the expressions of describing processes in the text 2. Identifying the transitional signs that indicate the processes 157 3. Working in groups to find the meaning the difficult words and how to pronounce them correctly 4. Practicing the correct pronunciation of words in the text  Communication Focus 1. Practicing the dialogue of describing processes 2. Presenting the answer of the questions that has been discussed in the groups 3. Asking and giving information on how to use or how to make something 4. Telling others about how to do something in front of the class c. Post –Teaching 1. The teacher summarizes the materials given 2. The teacher gives a homework 3. The teacher gives feedback toward the learning process 4. The teacher gives a brief glance of the upcoming topic

J. Setting: individual work, pair work, and group work

K. Teaching Media: a laptop, a speaker, an LCD projector

L. Learning Resources

- English for SMK, BSE. - Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary - Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XI Elementary Level, Erlangga 158

M. Assessment