Using the classroom English during the lesson Giving a handout of materials related to the program of study

102 improvement score. In the next meeting the reward was given to the super group. The students’ response to STAD implementation can be seen from the interview vignette below. R: Menurut kalian, selama belajar sama saya ada peningkatan ga di speaking? In your opinion, while learning with me, does your speaking improve? S1: Iya Miss, kan lebih banyak ngomong pakai bahasa Inggris pas di kelas. Yes, Miss. Because we speak using English a lot in the classroom. R: Oiya, bagaimana cara belajar di kelas dengan belajar di kelompok dan kuis setiap akhir topic menurut kalian? Really? What do you think about learning in the classroom, learning in groups, and a quiz in every topic? S1: Bagus sih Miss, Kita jadi tau kita nilai speaking nya naik enggak. Terus pas belajar di kelompok juga enak. Great, Miss. So we know our speaking improve or not. Learning in groups is also comfortable. Interview 19 – Appendix B

b. Using the classroom English during the lesson

The use of classroom English significantly improved the students’ confidence in speaking English. They could use English in response to my questions during the lesson. This was because they listened to me speaking in English almost all the time. They understood my explanation and the instruction easily. This could be seen from the response when I explained something, they did not look confused. And if they did not understand when I said something, they asked me right away. The classroom English helped the students’ to improve their speaking skills. This can be seen from the interview transcript below. R: Menurut kalian, selama belajar sama saya ada peningkatan ga di speaking? In your opinion, while learning with me, does your speaking 103 improve? S1: Iya Miss, kan lebih banyak ngomong pakai bahasa Inggris pas di kelas. Yes, Miss. Because we speak using English a lot in the classroom. Interview 19 – Appendix B

c. Giving a handout of materials related to the program of study

Providing handouts were successful in helping students learning the materials effectively. The handouts contained the materials, examples, and tasks. The students did not need to write again. Especially in speaking class, the students could focus on speaking practice instead of writing. The materials in the handouts were related to their field. This made the students became more familiar with the language around their field. The students’ opinion regarding the action could be seen from the interview transcript below. R: Menurut kalian kalau pakai materi dari handout bagaimana? Membantu tidak? Do you think using handouts helps? S1: Membantu Miss, banyak latihan-latihan nya. Sama contoh- contohnya juga. Yes, Miss. There are a lot of practices too. Examples as well. S2: Ga usah nulis Miss, kan udah ada di handouts semua. We don’t need to write because all materials are in the handouts, Miss. Interview 19 – Appendix B

d. Asking the students to bring dictionary