46 Furthermore, a classroom action research conducted by Rumiarsih entitled Using Student Teams-Achievement Divisions STAD Strategy to Improve the Students’ Speaking Skill at Vocational School showed that STAD successfully improved students’ speaking achievements and students’ participation during the teaching and learning of speaking. Therefore, STAD is indeed helpful in teaching speaking skills in the classroom.

G. Conceptual Framework

As stated above, the problem of the students of XI AK 1 Accounting Program at SMKN 1 Depok is related to speaking skills. Considering the problems investigated before, cooperative learning strategy STAD was applied in the classroom in order to solve those problems. The used of STAD is based on the assumption that STAD can help students to learn comfortably in groupsteams. Working in groups promotes cooperation and developes communicative competence through the use of interactive group activities and increases opportunities for learners to use the target language. Furthermore, the solution is expected to encourage them to speak more during the learning process. Cooperative learning makes a situation in which group members can achieve their own personal goals if the group is successful. Therefore, if they want the group to be successful, they have to help their teammates to put the 47 maximum efforts in doing the tasks. When students work together toward the same goals, their learning efforts help their teammates succeed by encouraging one another’s learning, reinforcing one another’s academic efforts. Undoubtedly, cooperative learning makes students being supported by each other in the academic goals which have important effects on student achievement. The students interact with other students in order to increase student achievement for reasons which have to do with mental processing of information rather than with motivations. Students learn from one another because of their discussion of the materials. Working in a group, practicing speaking skills and performing a task together with teammates may increase students’ self-confidence. Moreover, the anxiety of making mistakes in grammar production and pronouncing words can be reduced since cooperative learning encourages students to help each other by correcting mistakes and giving feedback on the teammate’s ideas and contributions. Supporting the character education in teaching, cooperative learning can effectively develop core virtues, such as personal responsibility, and respect, by promoting a classroom environment where social skills are practiced and nurtured. By working in groups, students learn how to respect teammates and their ideas, and help each other to complete the tasks. The conceptual framework for this study is in the figure below. 48 Figure 1: Conceptual Framework Problems Actions in STAD Confidence Working, performing a task and practicing in a group with teammates will increase self- confidence. Vocabulary mastery Face-to-face promotive interaction – encouraging and facilitating each other’s efforts to complete tasks. Anxiety about making mistakes grammar and pronunciation Less opportunities to practice In small groups STAD, students practice with their teammates all the time. Low motivation from the teacher Reward – feedbacks of every aspect from the teacher can motivate students. Less varied class activities Cooperative learning has many methods for classroom learning. Students’ problems low speaking skills: - low self-esteem in speaking English - low vocabulary mastery students rarely bring dictionary with them - afraid of making mistakes grammar and pronunciation - few opportunities to practice speaking skills - Classroom activitieswere not varied - The students were less motivated to practice speaking skills Target of curriculum: 1. Communicating using English equivalent to elementary level. 2. Character building value achieved. Cooperative Learning: Student Team-Achievement Division STAD 49


In this chapter, the researcher discusses the method that was used in the research. The discussion includes research setting, research participants, research design and procedure, data collection, and validity and reliability of the data.

A. Research Setting

This research was conducted in SMKN 1 Depok, located at Ring Road Utara, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. It was a Pilot International Standard School but now because of the government policy, it is a regular vocational secondary school. There were 27 classes in total consisting of 9 classes of tenth grade, 9 classes of eleventh grade, and 9 classes of twelfth grade. There were 4 programs available in SMKN 1 Depok i.e. accounting program, office administration program, marketing program, and boutique program. There were some facilities in this school supporting students’ activities. The facilities were classrooms, a library, a computer laboratory, a counseling room, an accounting laboratory, an office laboratory, teachers and staffs offices, an infirmary, a mosque, a student council room, two canteens, parking areas for teachers and students, a basketball field and also a hall for holding big events. The eleventh grade students of the Accounting Program class XII AK 1 used the classroom located in west wing building at the second floor. The facilities available in the classroom were an LCD projector, a whiteboard, a