Giving a handout of materials related to the program of study


c. Giving a handout of materials related to the program of study

During the lesson, I used textbook which the students had and the handouts containing the materials and exercises. Since the textbook contained many materials which focused on grammar, I added some speaking exercises in the handouts to support the students’ need. In the handouts I provided a list of words commonly used in the topic presented and the phonetic transcription to practice the pronunciation. I also provided some space if the students need to write notes. For a better result, before using it in the classroom, I consulted the materials with the English teacher. The materials in the handouts were designed in the office and school setting so that the students would be familiar with the situation of their future career. For example in meeting 1 I presented the listening section which contain the steps in sending a message using facsimile machine. Before that, I asked the students if they knew how to use facsimile machine. They answered that they only know the machine but did not know how to use it. However there is a chance that they will use it in the office when they work so they need to know how to use it. The students’ opinion about the handouts could be seen in the interview transcript below. The students stated that the handouts helped them because they contained materials which were not present in the textbook. The handouts also contained examples of speaking performances which helped the students in learning new items of vocabulary. 80 R: Terus tadi kan dikasih handouts, membantu ga? Did the handouts help? S: Membantu, kan yang dulu ada yang belum lengkap. Yes, The material was not complete. Interview 2 – Appendix B R: Menurut kalian kalau di kasih handout seperti tadi gimana? What do you think about the handouts? S: Enak sih Miss, apalagi ada cara bacanya juga. Jadi bisa dipake belajar sendiri. It’s good, Miss. There is also the way to pronounce the words. It can be used to learn by myself. R: Kalau materinya bagaimana? What do you think about the materials? S: Bagus Miss. Banyak contoh-contohnya. It’s good, Miss. There are a lot of examples. Interview 3 – Appendix B

d. Asking students to bring dictionary