Assessment Standard of Competence Basic Competency Indicators Instructional Objectives


M. Assessment

Speaking Performance Name Assessment Aspects Score Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Fluency Interactive Communication Yogyakarta, April 2014 Approved by, English teacher Siti Murtiningrum, S.Pd, M.Hum NIP. 19751122 200604 2 009 Prepared by, Dwi Ariyani NIM. 09202241022 159 LESSON PLAN 2 A. Identity of the Lesson Subject : English School : SMKN 1 Depok GradeSemester : XI2

B. Standard of Competence

Communicating in English in elementary level.

C. Basic Competency

2.6. Comprehending simple instruction.

D. Indicators

1. Responding to the recording “Vacation” 2. Answering the questions related to the recording 3. Completing the missing dialogue according to the recording 4. Identifying and getting the meanings of difficult words 5. Understanding the dialogue between a secretary and the director of a company 6. Answering the questions related to the dialogue 7. Practicing the dialogue with a partner 8. Pronouncing the words correctly 9. Finding the expressions used in asking for, giving and declining suggestions and advice, necessity, lack of necessity, and obligation 10. Understanding the expressions used in asking for, giving and declining suggestions and advice, necessity, lack of necessity, and obligation 11. Giving personal suggestions and advice to certain problems

E. Instructional Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to: 1. Respond to the recording “Vacation” 2. Answer the questions related to the recording 160 3. Complete the missing dialogue according to the recording 4. Identify and getting the meanings of difficult words 5. Understand the dialogue between a secretary and the director of a company 6. Answer the questions related to the dialogue 7. Practice the dialogue with a partner 8. Pronounce the words correctly 9. Find the expressions used in asking for, giving and declining suggestions and advice, necessity, lack of necessity, and obligation 10. Understand the expressions used in asking for, giving and declining suggestions and advice, necessity, lack of necessity, and obligation 11. Give personal suggestions and advice to certain problems

F. Instructional Materials