Identification of the Field Problem



This chapter presents the process, findings and interpretation of the research. There are three sections presented below. The first part is the reconnaissance. The second part discusses the report of cycle one, cycle two and cycles three. The last discussion is the general findings of the research.

A. Reconnaissance

Several actions were conducted to find out the field problems. First, I did a classroom observation to observe the teaching and learning process in class XI AK 1 SMK N I Depok. Second, I interviewed the English teacher to collect the information about the activities in the classroom, especially the speaking activities, the obstacles that the teacher faced with and the suggestions for the research. After conducting the observation, interviews, and discussion, I distributed questionnaires to strengthen the findings of general problems.

1. Identification of the Field Problem

The identification of field problem based on the classroom observation, interviews with the English teacher, and the distribution of questionnaires were done on September 12 th - 15 th 2013. Here is the vignette of the observation in the classroom during the teaching and learning process. 61 ………………… The teacher began the lesson by asking the previous topic they had learned. “Do you still remember about the last material?” The students did not answer. “Masih inget ga kemarin kita belajar apa sebelum ulangan?” Some students said “Oh, menerima tamu.” “Oke, kemarin kan kita belajar menerima tamu. Nah bertemu dengan pelanggan itu kan tidak harus face-to-face, bisa lewat telepon. Sekarang kita akan belajar tentang ‘making and receiving calls from the telephone’. ” The teacher prepared the audio material. “Make a group of four. I will play a recording and I want you to make notes from the recording. I will play the recording twice.” No one answered. The teacher asked “Do you understand my instruction?” The students did not answer. Then the teacher explained the instruction using Indonesian. During the listening section, only few students took notes. Some students only listened to the recording and some of them chatted by whispering about other things. After the second time the recording played, the teacher asked the student about the recording but no one answered him. Then the teacher dictated the dialogue in the recording to the students. The teacher wrote some expressions of ‘making and receiving phone calls’ on the whiteboard and the students wrote them on their notes. The break time bell rang. The students chose to take a break rather than to continue the study first. After the bell rang again, the teacher distributed a paper for each group contained some jumbled ph one call dialogues. “Di kertas itu ada beberapa jumbled dialog. Kalian kerjakan dalam group masing- masing.” The students began to read the task. In some groups, the members worked together to complete the task but in some other groups only one or two students did the task. During the group work, the students use Indonesia and even Javanese to talk to each other. The teacher walked around the classroom to observe the students work but the students did not ask anything but the word meaning. Some students did not know certain words so that they asked each other. As they realized no one knows the word meaning, they started to ask the teacher. The teacher said “Coba cari di kamus.” No one brought a dictionary. Almost everyone said “Ga bawa kamus.” “Kan dulu sudah dibilang, kalau pas ada pelajaran bahasa Inggris harus bawa kamus.” Some students replied “Lha kalo pas bawa kamus ga pernah dipake e.” “Berat.” “Lupa.” “Ketinggalan.” After about 15 minutes, the teacher invited the students to check their answers. The teacher said the numbers and the students said the answers. Only the students with the paper in hand read the answers. At 10.50 sharp the bell rang and the teacher ended the lesson by praying and saying goodbye. Vignette 1 – Appendix A In identifying the field problem, the English teacher, my collaborator and I did a discussion. The findings of the observation are presented below. 62 Table 3: Field Problems in the English Teaching and Learning Process of XI AK 1 Class at SMK N 1 Depok No Field Problems Code 1. Most students were not confident to speak in English. S 2. Most students were acquainted with limited vocabulary. S 3. Most students had difficulties in pronouncing words correctly. S 4. The students were afraid of making mistakes when they spoke in English. S 5. The students showed little responsibility when they worked in groups. S 6. The students did not get many chances to practice speaking in English. S 7. The activities were monotonous and less engaging. A 8. Many students did not bring dictionary. S 9. The method used was less engaging students to speak in English. A 10. The materials taught were less relevant to the students’ major. M 11. The students used Indonesian and Javanese at class. S 12. The book used was focused on grammar only. Md 13. The students were not easily concentrated in the lesson. S 14. The students were less motivated to actively respond to the teacher’s explanation and class discussion. S

S: Students A: Activities M: Materials Md: Media