Focus of The Study

D. Significance of the Study

The reseacher will analyze the representation and intertextual of CNN Kerry: U.S. isn t blind or stupid on Iran 10 November 2013 edition. Then, the reseacher expects, this research will be useful for giving information or being reference for the students of Linguistics, who are interested in Critical Discourse Analysis for making a research study the other people from text the research and about the social problem.

E. Research Methodology

In the research methodology creates to arrange well-organized data; objectives of research, method of research, technique of data analysis, instrument of research, collecting and analysis data, until the analysis and conclusion. That is all to make an organized technique of analysis, the reseacher arranges the steps of general logic and the theoretic perspectives for the research.

1. The Objectives of Research

With answering the research questions, it will know several information from the analysis: 1. To know Iran representation through indirect speech in the article of CNN Kerry: U.S. isn‟t „blind‟ or „stupid‟ on Iran 10 November 2013 edition. 2. To know the role of intertextuality that represents Iran through indirect speech of the CNN article Kerry: U.S. isn‟t „blind‟ or „stupid‟ on Iran 10 November 2013 edition.

2. The Method of Research

The research is included into the qualitative research. The researcher collects the data by the other resources that is related to the research and analyze and describe the data with qualitative method to answer the research question above. The qualitative method uses content analysis to arrange concept in analyzing data. The content of the text within the text in the news and the use of the text in a social context.

3. The Technique of Data Analysis

In the research, the reseacher uses the descriptive analysis technique in the relationship between context and construction. 7 The Technique of Data Analysis while doing analysis is as follows: 1. Choosing Indirect speech on this article 2. Identifying vocabulary research finding 3. Analysing the grammatical of sentences of the news 4. Analysing the sentences arrange in clause combination 5. Identifying the participant representation in the inter-clause combination 6. Reading related sources to know the points of each sentence and note the words which are inferred relating to text and another text. 7 Endraswara, Suwardi. Metodologi Penelitian Sastra: Epistemologi, Model, Teori, dan Aplikasi, Yogyakarta: CAPS, 2011. P. 164