Intertextuality Analysis Datum 1 the title

2. Datum 2 The first sentence

a. Representation Analysis

CNN -- The United States and its allies arent blind or stupid when it comes to negotiations with Iran, Washingtons top diplomat said Sunday after nuclear talks with the Islamic republic broke up without an agreement. The 1 st Sentence The first sentence relates to the title that describes U.S. is not blind and stupid on Iran. In the sentence, the journalist shows with his negative perspective of Iran by the Washington top diplomat ’s statement that describes the title. The Washingtons top diplomat is John Kerry as the Secretary of States. Table.3.3. The representation analysis of Datum 2 Sentence Representation in clause: Verbal process The sayer Verbal The verbiage CNN -- The United States and its allies arent blind or stupid when it comes to negotiations with Iran, Washingtons top diplomat said Sunday after nuclear talks with the Islamic republic broke up without an agreement. Washingtons top diplomat Said The United States and its allies arent blind or stupid when it comes to negotiations with Iran Representation in clause combination: Cohesion devices Pronoun Conjunction Determiner Its allies And The Islamic Republic Representation inter-clause combination Pros with U.S. Cons with Iran Although, the verbal process is one special feature of verbs, in the category is that the participants can be swapped round without any change in meaning. 41 However, in indirect speech, the journalist could show people’s speech by adding his perception. 42 The journalist shows Kerry as the Washington’s top diplomat or Secretary of States, which has a high power in U.S. as the sayer and the speech “The United States and its allies arent blind or stupid when it comes to negotiations with Iran”, is as the verbiage that is shown by Kerry’s statement. In the verbal process, there may also be a person to whom the words are said, Halliday terms this participant as a target. 43 In the speech, the target is Iran which shown by the journalist from the statement that is produced after nuclear talks with the Islamic Republic or Iran. As readers, who are almost American people, they should attract with this topic in the title and the 1 st sentence that presents by CNN’s journalist. Based on the table above, the journalist also adds new information. The journalist puts U.S. only as the subject, but in the first sentence the journalist adds other side, „its allies‟, that is connected by the conjunction, „and‟. „Its allies‟ are pronoun which points to U.S. allies who are in U.S. side . „The‟, is determiner which points to Islamic Republic. In addition, „the‟ is the definite article which means that it is used when the writer expects that the reader knows which particular thing or person the writer refers to. 44 In other words, by the article or 41 Finch, Geoffrey. Op Cit. P. 117 42 Eriyanto. Op Cit. P. 306 43 Finch, Geoffrey. Op Cit. P. 117 44 downloaded in 19 December 2014, 13:56 pm. determiner „the‟, the journalist makes the same perception that Islamic Republic is Iran. The analysis proves that the journalist is contra with Iran in the title and it describes in the first sentence by positioning Washington top diplomat’s statement who criticizes Iran. Consequently, the first sentence contains negative perspective as like as the title that it can influence the reader. Moreover, in the sentence, the journalist adds the new information that U.S. and its allies have problem with Iran as the Islamic republic on the nuclear talks.

b. Intertextuality Analysis

According to Kerry’s indirect statement, the allies of United States are quoted on NBC 10 November 2013 edition 45 , and explained on the 24 th sentence on CNN, in this edition. I think we have a pretty strong sense of how to measure whether or not we are acting in the interests of our country and of the globe, and particularly of our allies like Israel and Gulf States and others in the region. The journalist shows that U.S. allies are Israel and Gulf States and others in the regions, which are as the part of United States. It is quoted by the NBC and the 24 th sentence on CNN, in this edition. The analysis is not only about the allies, which become the U.S. supporter, but the journalist also gives information that the Islamic Republic points to Iran. 45 http:www.nbcnews.comvideomeet-press53515943 . Op Cit