text and conversation 8 or discourse is a unity of meaning semantics turf in the wake of a unified language for each part in the discourse that relate coherent. 9 Then, discourse analysis is a systematically text which contains an ideology. In some perspectives, ideology and manner which are legitimized and achieve dominance a central issue in textual analysis. 10

2. Critical Discourse Analysis

Toward the end of cold war critical scholar begin to emerge in Eastern Europe, and in socially turbulent environment that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union many scholars are comforting the new emergent discourses of capitalism and its attendant social and political problems. 11 Critical Discourse Analysis CDA is crucially interested in the social conditions of discourse, and specifically in questions of power and power abuse, but has also failed to develop more explicit theories of context as a foundation for its own critical enterprise. Obviously, power is not shown just in some of the aspects of “powerful speech,” and we need insight into the whole, complex context in order to know how power is related to text and talk, and more generally how discourse reproduces social structure. 12 With such dissident research, critical 8 Yule, George. The study of language; third edition. London: cambridge university press 2006. P. 124 9 Kushartanti. Pesona Bahasa, Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama 2005. P. 93 10 Fairclough, Norman. Critical discourse analysis: the critical study of language Longman Publisher: 1995. P. 73 11 Wodak, Ruth and Paul Chilton. A New Agenda In Critical Discourse Analysis John Benjamins Publishing Company: 2005. Preface 12 Van Dijk, Teun A. Discourse and Context: A Sociocognitive Approach Cambridge University Press: 2008. Preface discourse analysis, takes explicit position, and thus want to understand, expose, and ultimately resist social inequality. The aim of Critical Discourse Analysis is that the researcher analyzes the discourse at the level on the text, history, and the context, all of it. 13

3. Norman Fairclough

’s CDA Theory Norman Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis is not just a reflective studies of those issues canvassed above. CDA is consolidated here as a three- dimensional framework where the aim is to map three separate forms of analysis onto one another: analysis of spoken or written language texts, analysis of discourse practice processes of text production, distribution and consumption and analysis of discursive events as instances of socio-cultural practice. 14 Fairclough describes Critical Discourse Analysis CDA that is to systematically explore often opaque relationships of causality and determination between a discursive practice, events and texts, and b wider social and cultural structures, relations and processes to investigate how much practices, events, and texts arise out of and are ideologically shaped by relation of power and struggles over power. 15 He shows how media illustrate the mediating and constructing roles with a variety of example. By the explanations above, those are three dimensions of 13 Van Dijk, Teun A. Ibid. 14 Fairclough, Norman. Op Cit. 15 Locke, Terry. Continuum Research Method Critical Discourse Analysis. London-New York: 1976. P. 2.