Critical Discourse Analysis Concept

Fairclough’s CDA theory, to proof how the media contains a power into the news. The dimensions are as follows: A. Text Text transforms in systematic ways across these boundaries, and even media orders of discourse the text production process may involve complex chains of discursive practices and transformations. 16 The text consists of any structureslevel that supported each other. Although it consists of different element, but the element is a unity, relate and support each other. 17 According to Fairclough, Texts are social spaces in which two fundamental social processes simultaneously occur: cognition and representation of the world, and social interaction. 18 He sees the text on the level. Text, not only show how an object is described, but also how the relation of object is defined. There are three elements of text by Fairclough is as follows: Table.2.1.Text Analysis of Norman Fairclough ’s CDA Theory The Elements To See Representation How the event, people, public, situation or anything are shown and described in the text. Relation How the relation between journalist, public, and news participants are shown and described in the text. Identity How journalist’s, public’s and news participant’s identity are shown and described in the text. 16 Fairclough, Norman. Op Cit. P. 13 17 Van Dijk, Teun A. Op Cit. 18 Fairclough, Norman. Op Cit. P. 06 In addition, the writer limits the analysis by using Representation only to proof the ideology of journalist which is arranged in the texts arrangement.

1. Representation

Representation in Fairclough’s concept is seen by two things; how people, group, and ideas are shown in clause and the combination of clause. 19 Representation shows the tragedy, people, situation, and condition in the text. In social media, the text represents the journalist’s ideology in the news, with some processes since the journalist sought, wrote, and chose and placement news which is done by the reduction staff, automatically, reformation of the reality through media discursive practice on the news will be distributed. 1.1. Representation in clause The analysis focuses on how the journalist choose the vocabulary and grammatical to make the unity of paragraph. According to Fairclough, if those are shown, the language user will be faced in two choices. First, vocabulary level and second is grammatical level. a. Vocabulary Level Vocabulary level is very important, because it relates on how the reality is acted in language and showed certain derivative reality. This level is used to show and describe something, how the vocabulary relates on how somebody, group, 19 Eriyanto. Op Cit. P. 290-305