Representation Analysis Datum 9 The 16

offered by P5+1 power countries. It is quoted by the U.S. administration officials as the Sayers , while the verbiage is “other sweeteners were also under consider ation”. The journalist shows that Iran would get the prizes, i.e., the P5+1 would unfreeze Iranian assets and the other sweeteners are under consideration for Iran. “The officials” as the Sayers, refers to the two senior U.S. administration officials . Then, by “„the‟ P5+1 powers of „the‟ United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany ”, the journalist explains the members of P5+1, which uses hyponymy in lexical cohesion. To explain the members of the P5+1 country is power of the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany. Similarly, in the verbiage, it shows that the P5+1 power would unfreeze the Iran’s asset. It may be the point that French disagree. The sentence also presents that the journalist is in pros side with U.S. and cons with Iran, by positioning the U.S. officials’ statement who say about the deal, especially about the prizes which is refused by Iran. By the analysis, the sentence is shaped to bring down Iran in the negotiation. In other words, the journalist represents Iran in the negative perspective. He shows that Iran would get some points about the extraction of western sanction from the negotiation which is advantage for Iran, but Iran refuses the negotiation.

b. Intertextuality Analysis

The western sanctions againts Tehran have had a devastating impact on the Iranian economy, ensuring that Iran’s central bank is unable to access its overseas accounts and can not bring back the country’s revenues from crude exports – its lifeblood. It has also provide the US and EU with important leverage in negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear programme. Iranian people believe that the central bank has between 80bn - 100bn frozen in overseas accounts – mainly in China and India. 59 So, the journalist shows that the negotiation would give benefits for Iran if they accepted the offering deal. Consequently, the journalist shows the sentence in the negative perspective, because in the sentence Iran has breakdown the negotiation, though Iran would get some benefit, like the western sanction extraction.

10. Datum 10 The 17

th sentence

a. Representation Analysis

One of the officials said the deal was designed to delay the point at which Iran could develop a nuclear weapon while providing temporary, reversible sanctions relief. But Fabius told radio station France Inter on Saturday that while Paris wanted a deal, it wouldnt agree to a fools game -- and that the proposal on the table at that time was unsatisfactory. The 17 th sentence Related with the 15 th and 16 th sentence above, that contain about the content of the proposal, in the 17 th sentence, the journalist continues the one of the U.S 59 http:m.ft.comcmss05fa3d14c-3f46-11e4-a5f5-00144feabdc0.html , downloaded on 21 December 2014, 17:56 pm