Representation in clause combination

Table.2.3.The Example of Representation in the inter-clause combination Pros The head of MPR, Amien Rais, said for his disagreement with Gus Dur’s suggested to remove Tap MPRSXXV1966. According to Amien Rais, if the Tap MPRSXXV1966 was removed, the probability, communist will comeback. While, there are demonstrations from Islamic Younger which is refused this removing Tap MPRS, in Solo, and also in Jakarta too. Cons The head of MPR, Amien Rais, said for his disagreement with Gus Dur’s suggested to remove Tap MPRSXXV1966. But, some observers support Gus Dur’s suggested. Politic observer, Arbi Sanit, certain that the society was aged. The same thing is proposed by Hendardi, who says the communism has died in another part of the world. Hendardi also said that the society had to be educated for respecting law and democration. As we see, in two sentences which contains about the debate of Tap MPRSXXV1966 between Amien Rais and Gusdur is built by two different journalists. In the first sentence, one journalist shows Amien Rais as legitimate whose opinion as though is advocated by many people. It shows the journalist is pro with Amien Rais. In other hands, the other journalist in the second sentence uses some observers who support Gus Dur’s suggested. It shows the journalist in the second sentence is pros with Gus Dur and cons with Amien Rais.

B. Intertextuality

Intertextuality concept relates to ways in which texts are refered to other texts by virtue of stories or discourse embedded in them. Moreover, texts can refer forward or backward. 29 Intertextuality is the presence of actual elements of 29 Locke,Terry. Op Cit other texts within a text - quotation. 30 Fairclough ’s theory is developed the Intertextuality ideas by Julia Kristeva and Michael Bakhtin. As follow Fairclough theory, there is a set of other texts and a set of voices which is are potentially relevant, and pottentially incorporated into the text. Where other texts are intertextuality incorporated in a text, they may or may not be attributed. For instance, Example, an extract from Tony Blair’s speech following the attack on the World Trade Center in September 2001, includes quite a lot of non-attributed intertextuality, and this is true of the speech as a whole. One example is 31 : In the world of the Internet, information technology and TV, there will be globalization. And in trade, the problem is not that there’s too much of it; on the contrary there’s too little of it. The issue is not how to stop globalization. The issue is how we use the power of the community to combine it with justice. There is a repeated pattern here of denial followed by assertion – negative clause followed by positive clause. Denials imply the assertion „elsewhere’ of what is being denied – in this case, that someone has asserted that there is too much globalization in trade, and that the issue is how to stop globalization. In the context which this extract comes, Blair has been reffering to peo ple who „protest againts globalization’. What he is implying is that these people do assert or have asserted these things, but he is not actually attributing the assertions to them. In fact, many who „protest againts globalization’ are not claiming that there is „too 30 Fairclough, Norman. Analysing Discourse – Textual Analysis Fo Social Research. Op Cit. P. 40 31 Ibid. P. 41