Background of The Study

plant in Bushehr with German assistance, under the approval of the United States. 5 Even though the Iran’s nuclear program is controlled by U.S., but now, there is conflict of it, because Iran enriches his uranium, and it hesitated by the Western countries. By the suspicion of the Western countries on the Iran’s nuclear program, the UN Security Council is decided to make several meetings to negotiate with Iran. However, after several meetings with no result, the UN tries to extend this meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. As the international mass media, CNN has an influential role to shape the ideology of people in the whole world when they consume the news of the Iran’s nuclear program. It adopts several topics about the nuclear negotiation between U.N. Security Council and Iran. One of the topics is CNN “Kerry: U.S. isn‟t „blind‟ or „stupid‟ on Iran” 10 November 2013 edition. To see how the CNN’s journalist represents his ideology within representation Iran on the news, is needed more analysis. As a consequence, Representation and Intertextuality on Critical Discourse analysis is submitted.

B. Focus of The Study

The problem in the study limits to analyze the representation and intertextuality on CNN Kerry: U.S. isn‟t „blind‟ or „stupid‟ on Iran 10 November 2013 edition. The reseacher only takes indirect speech in the text to make easier 5 http:www.batan.go.idmediakitacurrentmediakita.php?group=Aktualitaartikel=ak t3hlm=4 downloaded on 7 September 2014, 13:03 pm the analysis, because there are changes from direct speech into the indirect speech from participants. In spite of this analysis uses the indirect speech, but it is possible to use direct speech to support the analysis. By the analysis, we can see the CNN perspective that is shown by journalist, which uses the negative perspectives on Iran. This analysis uses Norman Fairclough theory of Critical Discourse Analysis CDA. By the theory, there are three dimensional frameworks; Text, Discourse Practice, and Sociocultural Practice. In the text dimension, there are three elements; Representation, Relation and Identities. 6 In addition, the reseacher uses the Representation elements on the text dimension only. Talking about the text dimension, Intertextuality can not be separated by the analysis. It shows the relation between the internal text and the external text.

C. Research Questions

By the background and the focus of research, research question are: 1. What does CNN represent Iran through indirect speech in the article Kerry: U.S. isn‟t „blind‟ or „stupid‟ on Iran 10 November 2013 edition? 2. Does intertextuality play role in representing Iran through indirect speech in the article Kerry: U.S. isn‟t „blind‟ or „stupid‟ on Iran 10 November 2013 edition? 6 Eriyanto. Analisis Wacana : Pengantar analisis Teks Media. Yogyakarta : LKIS, 2001. P. 290-305

D. Significance of the Study

The reseacher will analyze the representation and intertextual of CNN Kerry: U.S. isn t blind or stupid on Iran 10 November 2013 edition. Then, the reseacher expects, this research will be useful for giving information or being reference for the students of Linguistics, who are interested in Critical Discourse Analysis for making a research study the other people from text the research and about the social problem.

E. Research Methodology

In the research methodology creates to arrange well-organized data; objectives of research, method of research, technique of data analysis, instrument of research, collecting and analysis data, until the analysis and conclusion. That is all to make an organized technique of analysis, the reseacher arranges the steps of general logic and the theoretic perspectives for the research.

1. The Objectives of Research

With answering the research questions, it will know several information from the analysis: 1. To know Iran representation through indirect speech in the article of CNN Kerry: U.S. isn‟t „blind‟ or „stupid‟ on Iran 10 November 2013 edition.