Hasil seleksi item skala gaya attachment Reliabiltas skala gaya attachment setelah uji coba Reliabilitas skala attachment per jenis

Item_62 171,55 391,975 ,676 ,905 Item_63 171,52 400,162 ,589 ,907 Item_64 171,77 398,366 ,642 ,906 Item_65 171,39 398,057 ,680 ,906 Item_66 171,70 398,864 ,707 ,906 Item_67 170,86 413,423 ,134 ,910 Item_68 171,55 399,230 ,644 ,906 Item_69 171,34 403,207 ,429 ,908 Item_70 171,36 400,609 ,452 ,907 Item_71 171,25 407,820 ,399 ,908 Item_72 171,20 410,260 ,194 ,910

3. Hasil seleksi item skala gaya attachment

Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbachs Alpha if Item Deleted Item_1 103,82 334,292 ,327 ,938 Item_2 104,14 336,167 ,267 ,939 Item_3 103,18 337,780 ,262 ,938 Item_4 103,39 338,382 ,284 ,938 Item_7 104,55 329,463 ,452 ,937 Item_10 104,89 324,196 ,690 ,935 Item_12 104,73 334,529 ,378 ,938 Item_13 104,70 333,283 ,552 ,936 Item_14 104,39 333,219 ,357 ,938 Item_15 104,64 331,121 ,544 ,936 Item_17 104,70 328,725 ,549 ,936 Item_19 104,27 333,552 ,376 ,938 Item_20 104,82 328,710 ,666 ,936 Item_21 105,14 333,469 ,517 ,937 Item_23 104,70 333,329 ,518 ,937 Item_24 105,18 333,362 ,428 ,937 Item_28 103,39 338,150 ,255 ,938 Item_30 103,66 336,044 ,309 ,938 Item_31 103,77 335,156 ,309 ,938 Item_32 104,86 325,702 ,697 ,935 Item_33 104,25 337,634 ,256 ,939 Item_35 104,39 327,452 ,626 ,936 Item_36 104,34 338,649 ,411 ,937 Item_37 104,00 337,070 ,299 ,938 Item_38 104,48 335,744 ,403 ,937 Item_40 104,55 336,672 ,314 ,938 Item_41 104,50 331,140 ,463 ,937 Item_42 104,95 330,044 ,725 ,936 Item_44 105,11 336,382 ,422 ,937 Item_45 104,48 332,162 ,476 ,937 Item_46 104,84 328,276 ,704 ,935 Item_47 104,77 333,715 ,552 ,937 Item_48 104,77 337,436 ,320 ,938 Item_49 104,73 328,389 ,592 ,936 Item_50 104,66 324,835 ,765 ,935 Item_55 103,73 339,180 ,283 ,938 Item_56 103,75 338,890 ,287 ,938 Item_57 104,52 332,395 ,555 ,936 Item_60 104,75 326,703 ,799 ,935 Item_62 104,91 321,573 ,723 ,935 Item_63 104,89 329,871 ,616 ,936 Item_64 105,14 327,795 ,686 ,935 Item_65 104,75 328,424 ,689 ,936 Item_66 105,07 329,042 ,722 ,935 Item_68 104,91 329,852 ,638 ,936 Item_69 104,70 334,073 ,402 ,937 Item_70 104,73 332,296 ,409 ,937 Item_71 104,61 335,638 ,488 ,937

4. Reliabiltas skala gaya attachment setelah uji coba

Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 44 100,0 Excluded a ,0 Total 44 100,0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items ,938 48

5. Reliabilitas skala attachment per jenis

secure attachment Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 44 100,0 Excluded a ,0 Total 44 100,0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. preoccupied attachment Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 44 100,0 Excluded a ,0 Total 44 100,0 dismissing attachment Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 44 100,0 Excluded a ,0 Total 44 100,0 avoidant fearfull attachment Case Processing Summary N Cases Valid 44 100,0 Excluded a ,0 Total 44 100,0 Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items ,721 18 Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items ,825 18 Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items ,801 18 Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha N of Items ,801 18

D. Reliabilitas skala passion 1. Reliabilitas skala sebelum uji coba