Background Isi Proceedings ISCCFS 2013 TAMRIN

Proceeding of 2013 International Seminar on Climate Change and Food Security ISCCFS 2013 Palembang, South Sumatra -Indonesia, 24-25 October,2013 13 Pro-Poor Technology in Small Scale Farming For Adaptation to Weather Anomalies Maman Rahmansyah 1  , and Arwan Sugiharto 1 , I Made Sudiana 1 1 Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Cibinong Science Center Abstract. The objective of study was to assess the role of local biodiversity resources and pro-poor technology input on the ability of local community community resilience to face the impact of weather or climate anomalies. Local resources of floral feed have a significance sense to farmer community resilience faced climate anomalies impact, particularly in some certain local farmer in the dry land of northern and eastern small island of Bali, Indonesia. Forage availability was influenced by on water shortage. Climate anomaly impact to perceive rainfall shifting, even to the dry season period began. In Bali, peak of dry climate crisis in 2004 led to feed even to food scarcity. Those above problems should be anticipated by enthusiasm of local farmer communities. Due to this obscurity, studies had been summarized on the potential of floral forage resources. This study examines in attempt to identify local forage sources utilized as feed and silage during the transition and along the dry season. Results of the current assessment concluded that silage fermentation was acceptable for the forage preservation in effort to maintain feed availability as livestock favor. Main study was verifying the role of fermentative and hydrolyzing microbes, particularly Lactobacillus plantarum . The output of the representation work could become a reference in addressing for adaptation response through the application of functional microbial technology involvement in the small local cattle management activities, in particular for silage handling to keep the feed quality and its continuity of the supply. Keywords: local-resources, anomalies-impact, silage, microbial-technology

1. Background

Case study was executed in the dry land exotic island of Bali. The programs focused on farming resilience to weather anomalies for adaptation. Related work was designated to small scale livestock throughout microbial fungsional applications. Climate change is a real issue, and some certain action is needed to be established. Weather anomalies influenced farm planning and its utilities. At the same time, technology utilities appear to have beneficial from their various efforts to understand their potential vulnerabilities and to evaluate long term planning options. Despite of the uncertainty, small scale farming is reasonable and has prudent steps taking the ordinary technology to better understand and manage the farm within cope the risk required to support rural livelihood. In the contrary, strengthening of feed intake often missed by farmer particularly to the small scale cattle activities. In the other hand, the presence of small cattle by farmers in Indonesia which are relatively large; empowered of its potential and might become a national oblige to contribute for self-sufficing of meat provision Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Petemakan, 2010. Forage sources can be obtained from the forest and the gardens, or cultivated within agroforestry farming. Agricultural waste used as feed source being consumable directly to livestock, subsequent to ensilage process. At the ensilage technology, there were recognized through biological silage and chemical processing ammonium hydrolysis. The biological process normally used anaerobic microbes as inoculant. Silage can maximize the uptake of feed and gain the weight more rapidly. Forage portion preparation using as the main ingredient, then fitted with supplements, additives such as probiotics and pro-vitamin, will ensure adequate nutrition for livestock Rook et al , 2004. Forage availability derived from natural habitats and as well as cultivated ones, must be influenced by climatic conditions. In the rainy season forage availability is often abundant, while in the dry season becomes less. In the normal climatic conditions, the rhythmic of supply and demand might tend to be balanced in nature. Climate change due to weather anomalies was affecting floral growth performance  Corresponding author. Tel.: +021 8765066; fax: + 021 8797612 E-mail address : Proceeding of 2013 International Seminar on Climate Change and Food Security ISCCFS 2013 Palembang, South Sumatra -Indonesia, 24-25 October,2013 14 producing forages. Strategies were needed to improve adaptability of each component to their respective life communities. Part of basic concept of integrated farming system would keep resulting for vegetation mixtures that combine grasses, legumes, trees, palms, shrubs and edible weeds, vegetable, fruits etc., and will contribute to increase photosynthesis, improve nutrient recycling, recover soil biota and fertility, and enhance biodiversity Bellefontaine et al ., 2002. Unavailability of feed stock in the sufficient quantities as due to land restriction in some certain places must be solved together to obtain the solution Risdiono et al ., 2009; Murgueitioa et al ., 2011; Janzen, 2011; Ukanwoko and Igwe, 2012. Reveal the above mention so the study was focused to inventory on local floral resources used for feed in the dry land area. Microbial technology in feed process disseminated to the farmer which is aimed to optimize the feed quality and stock continuity along the dry season. In the other hand, the aims of the activities is also to provide information on the scope of mainstreaming effort in the adaptation concept in relation to climate change due to anomalies weather impacts affect the small-scale cattle farming activities in the rural neighborhood.

2. Method