Environment and System of Waste Treatment

89 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report The Company has made policies on energy and committed to ensure that every activity always consider the safety of environment and energy in an effective and healthy way by minimizing the usage at source energy and water and by reducing the emission of green house gas. The Company has decided to reduce the intensity in the usage of energy to 20 in the year 2020. To achieve the target all parties must always remember and consider the aspects of energy usage on each and every activity to be taken. The Company’s production is based on orders, so that the products produced vary from year to year. This is very closely related to the consumption of energy at times it can be very efficient while others not efficient. Other factor is the design of machineries of production where it can be very efficient if it compatible to the design and inefficient if it is incompatible. BMBN IBM FmTJFOTJ OFSHJ 1FSTFSPBO NFNCVBU LFCJKBLBO UFOUBOH OFSHJ EJNBOB 1FSTFSPBO NFNJMJLJ LPNJUNFO VOUVL NFNBTUJLBO CBIXB TFUJBQ LFHJBUBO PQFSBTJOZB TFMBMV NFNQFSUJNCBOHLBO LFBNBOBO MJOHLVOHBO TFSUB FOFSHJ TFDBSB FGFLUJG EBO TFIBU NFMBMVJ QFOHVSBOHBO QFNBLBJBO TVNCFS CBJL FOFSHJ EBOBJS EBONFOHVSBOHJFNJTJHBTSVNBILBDBw 1FSTFSPBO UFMBI NFODBOBOHLBO VOUVL NFOHVSBOHJ JOUFOTJUBT QFOHHVOBBO FOFSHJ hingga 20 pada tahun 2020. 6OUVLNFOVKVLFBSBIUFSTFCVUTFHFOBQQJIBLIBSVT TFMBMV NFOHJOHBU EBO NFNQFSIJUVOHLBO BTQFL penggunaan energi pada setiap aktivitas yang hendak dilakukan. - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Pembangkit Listrik Produksi Kendaraan kWh Alokasi penggunaan energi primer Diesel 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Diesel Gas Total T O E kWh T O E Komposisi Penggunaan Energi Primer Seluruh Perusahaan Produksi yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan adalah CFSEBTBSLBO PSEFS TFIJOHHB WBSJBTJ QSPEVL TBOHBU CFSBHBN EJ TFUJBQ UBIVOOZB BM JOJ TBOHBU NFNQFOHBSVIJ LPOTVNTJ FOFSHJ EJNBOB QBEB TBBU UFSUFOUV NFOKBEJ TBOHBU FmTJFO EBO EJTBBU MBJOOZB NFOKBEJ LVSBOH FmTJFO BM MBJO ZBOH NFNQFOHBSVIJ BEBMBI SBODBOHBO NFTJO QSPEVLTJ EJNBOB BLBO NFOKBEJ TBOHBU FmTJFO KJLB TFTVBJ EFOHBO SBODBOHBOOZB EBO NFOKBEJ TBOHBU UJEBL FmTJFO EJTBBU EJHVOBLBO UJEBL TFTVBJ EFOHBO rancangannya. 90 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report At present the Company is still using the un-renewable source of energy of natural gas to fulfilll the needs of production process due to economic and practical reasons. However, the Company is in the process of using renewable energy, solar cell, for lighting in the pipes storage. To reduce the usage of natural gas for Generator for electricity the Company has implemented the following policies: X Use capacitor bank; X Install inverter to the motor drivers of production; X Socialize and implementation to the employees for: t ODSFBTFUIFUFNQFSBUVSFUPFH t 3FEVDF OVNCFS PG JO UIF 0WFS BQBDJUZ Rooms; X Usage of natural light; X Replace bulbs with energy saving from Tube Luminescent to LED bulbs in steps; X Replace spot lights in the final inspection coupling and pipes with LED bulbs which only need quarter of energy compared to existing light; X Use the solar cell lights in the areas where electricity is hard to install; X Replace ordinary AC with Inverter AC; X Manage the quality of electricity; X Accelerate the time of start-stop with Single Minute Exchange Die SMED. As to reduce the usage of natural gas in the furnace, the Company has done the following actions: X Increase the efficiency of production by using refractory ceramic in the hardening and tempering of heat treatment facility; X Close the door of the furnace and install software to simulate orders. - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Pembangkit Listrik Produksi Kendaraan kWh Alokasi penggunaan energi primer Gas Alam 4BBU JOJ 1FSTFSPBO NBTJI NFOHHVOBLBO TVNCFS FOFSHJ UBL UFSCBSVLBO CFSVQB HBT BMBN EBMBN NFNFOVIJLFCVUVIBOVOUVLQSPTFTQSPEVLTJ IBM JOJ LBSFOB BMBTBO LFFLPOPNJBO EBO LFQSBLUJTBO BNVO EFNJLJBO 1FSTFSPBO UFMBI NFNBOGBBULBO energi terbarukan secara bertahap yaitu QFOHHVOBBOUFOBHBMJTUSJLTVSZB TPMBSDFMM VOUVL QFOFSBOHBOEJBSFBNFOZJNQBOBOQJQB 6OUVL NFOHVSBOHJ QFNBLBJBO HBT BMBN ZBOH EJHVOBLBO VOUVL FOFSBUPS 1FNCBOHLJU MJTUSJL 1FSTFSPBO NFOFSBQLBO TFSBOHLBJBO LFCJKBLBO ZBOHNFODBLVQ X 1FNBOGBBUBOCBOLLBQBTJUPS X 1FNBTBOHBO JOWFSUFS QBEB NPUPSNPUPS QFOHHFSBLQSPEVLTJ X 4PTJBMJTBTJ EBO JNQMFNFOUBTJ LF LBSZBXBO untuk: t .FOBJLLBOTFUUJOHUFNQFSBUVSLFo t .FOHVSBOHJKVNMBIQBEBSVBOHBOZBOH NFOHHVOBLBO0WFSBQBDJUZ X 1FNBOGBBUBODBIBZBBMBNJ X 1FOHBOUJBO MBNQVMBNQV MJTUSJL ZBOH IFNBU FOFSHJ EBSJ MBNQV 5- 5VCF -VNJOFTDFOU LF MBNQV-TFDBSBCFSUBIBQ X 1FOHHBOUJBO MBNQV TPSPU EJ BSFB mOBM inspection coupling dan pipa de ngan MBNQV - ZBOH IBOZB NFNFSMVLBO EBZB TFQFSFNQBUOZBEBSJMBNQVFLTJTUJOH X 1FOHHVOBBO MBNQV TPMBS TFM QBEB EBFSBI MBQBOHBOZBOHTVMJUEJKBOHLBVKBSJOHBOMJTUSJL X 1FOHHBOUJBO JBTB LF4QMJU OWFSUFS X 1FNCFOBIBOLVBMJUBTLFMJTUSJLBO X .FNQFSDFQBUXBLUVTUBSUTUPQEFOHBO4. 4JOHMF.JOVUFTYDIBOHFJF 4FEBOHLBO VOUVL NFOHVSBOHJ QFNBLBJBO HBT BMBN QBEB GVSOBDF 1FSTFSPBO NFMBLVLBO LFHJBUBOLFHJBUBOTFCBHBJCFSJLVU X .FOJOHLBULBO FmTJFOTJ QSPEVLTJ NFMBMVJ QFSBXBUBO QBOBT QJQB EFOHBO NFMBLVLBO SFGSBDUPSZ DFSBNJD QBEB GVSOBDF IBSEFOJOH EBOUFNQFSJOH X .FOVUVQQJOUVLFMVBSNBTVLQJQBEJGVSOBDF EBO QFOHHVOBBO TPGUXBSF VOUVL NFNCBOUV TJNVMBTJBOUBSPSEFS 91 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report To save the consumption of fuel oil, some initiatives done include the followings: X Optimise operational of loaders and forklift; X Test of pick each heavy equipment; X Manage the distribution of filling of fuel oil to the heavy equipment. To ensure that the efficiency system is carried out properly and as expected, therefore energy audit is done by third party energy auditor who have more competent and experience in the audit energy and the last energy audit was done in 2012 and will re-audit in 2015. t 8BUFSDPOTFSWBUJPO The Company’s strategic plans to achieve the target related to the conservation of water up till 2020. In carrying out the operation, the majority of water is used for the production among others: X Spraying of the pipes from the furnace in quenching and descalling process; X The process of NDT and Hydrotest; X Process of surface treatment of pipes and couplings; X Cleaning of pipes. In maintaining the water supply level and reserving the environment, especially of source of water, the Company carried out water conservation program through a few activities such as: X Utilizing rain water for quenching and descalling of pipe from the furnace; X Use closed loop system for quenching in Heat Treatment process; X Recycling water in the NDT process and hydrotest. The Company also manages waste water treatment from the process of surface treatment phosphate and electroplating with the facility of IPAL Installation of Waste Water Treatment. The IPAL water process capacity is 9 m 3 per day. The main objective of this water treatment is to reduce the waste the existence of waste in the water but also to reduce the usage of volume of water from the industrial estate to water the plants and reuse and recycle waste water to become reusable water for other purposes. Through the steps above, the Company participated to maintain and preserve water source to be used according to the strict environment preservation scheme. The Company continuously monitors the quality of waste water from the processes and return it to the groundgeneral water reservoir, there is no certain parameters of measurement quality standard of the treatment. 6OUVL NFOHIFNBU LPOTVNTJ . CFCFSBQB JOJTJBUJGZBOHEJMBLVLBONFODBLVQ X 0QUJNBTJPQFSBTJPOBM-PBEFSBUBVQVOGPSLMJGU X 6KJQFUJLQFSVOJUBMBUCFSBU X Mengatur distribusi pengisian BBM ke alat berat. 6OUVL NFNBTUJLBO QFOFSBQBO TJTUFN FmTJFOTJ CFSKBMBO TFTVBJ EFOHBO ZBOH EJIBSBQLBO NBLB dilakukanlah audit energi dan audit ini dilakukan PMFIQJIBLLFUJHBZBOHNFNQVOZBJQFOHBMBNBO QFOEJEJLBOZBOHMFCJILPNQFUFOEBMBNIBMBVEJU energi. Terakhir audit energi dilakukan pada UBIVO EBO BLBO EJMBLVLBO LFNCBMJ QBEB tahun 2015. t ,POTFSWBTJJS Rencana strategis telah dibuat Perseroan untuk NFODBQBJ UBSHFU EBO TBTBSBO ZBOH TFIVCVOHBO EFOHBOLPOTFSWBTJBJSTBNQBJUBIVO BMBN LFHJBUBO PQFSBTJOZB TFCBHJBO CFTBS BJS digunakan untuk keperluan produksi antara lain: X 1FOZFNQSPUBO QJQB ZBOH CBSV LFMVBS EBSJ GVSOBDF RVFODIJOHEFTDBMMJOH X 1SPTFT5EBOIZESPUFTU X 1SPTFTTVSGBDFUSFBUNFOUQJQBEBODPVQMJOH X 1FNCFSTJIBOQJQB BMBN SBOHLB NFOKBHB LFUFSTFEJBBO BJS QFSNVLBBO EBO NFNFMJIBSB LFMFTUBSJBO MJOHLVOHBO LIVTVTOZB TVNCFS BJS 1FSTFSPBO NFMBLVLBO LFHJBUBO LPOTFSWBTJ TVNCFS EBZB BJS NFMBMVJCFCFSBQBLFHJBUBO ZBLOJ X 1FNBOGBBUBO BJS IVKBO VOUVL QFOZFNQSPUBO QJQB ZBOH LFMVBS EBSJ GVSOBDF RVFODIJOH EFTDBMMJOH X 1FOHHVOBBOBJSEFOHBOTJTUFNUFSUVUVQQBEB QSPTFTRVFODIJOHEJFBU5SFBUNFOUQSPTFT DMPTFEMPPQ X Daur ulang air pada process NDT dan hydrotest. 1FSTFSPBOKVHBNFMBLVLBOQFOHPMBIBOBJSMJNCBI ZBOH CFSBTBM EBSJ QSPTFT TVSGBDF USFBUNFOU QIPTQBUF EBO FMFDUSPQMBUJOH EFOHBO TBSBOB 1- OTUBMBTJ 1FOHPMBIBO JS -JNCBI 1- JOJ NFNJMJLJ CFSLBQBTJUBT QFOHPMBIBO N 3 per IBSJ EBQVO UVKVBO QFOHPMBIBO BJS MJNCBI JOJ TFMBJO VOUVL NFOHVSBOHJ LBEBS MJNCBI ZBOH EJIBTJMLBO KVHB NFOHVSBOHJ SFEVDF WPMVNF BJS EBSJ LBXBTBO ZBOH EJBNCJM VOUVL LFCVUVIBO QFOZJSBNBO UBNBO EBO NFOHLPOWFSTJ SFVTF SFDZDMF BJSMJNCBIVOUVLEJKBEJLBOBJSCFSTJIZBOH EJHVOBLBOVOUVLQFOZJSBNBOUBNBO .FMBMVJ MBOHLBIMBOHLBI UFSTFCVU 1FSTFSPBO CFSQBSUJTJQBTJ VOUVL NFNFMJIBSB EBO NFMFTUBSJLBO TVNCFSBJSQFSNVLBBOZBOHEJHVOBLBOTFTVBJLBJEBI pelestarian lingkungan yang dipegang teguh. Perseroan TFDBSBSVUJOKVHBNFMBLVLBOQFNBOUBVBOBUBTLVBMJUBT BJSMJNCBIIBTJMPMBIBOZBOHEJLFNCBMJLBOLFUBOBI QFSBJSBO VNVN TFUJBQ CVMBO BTJMOZB NFOVOKVLLBO UJEBLBEBQBSBNFUFSQFOHVLVSBOZBOHNFMBNQBVJCBLV NVUVZBOHEJQFSTZBSBULBO 92 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report The effort of 3R Reduce, Reuse, Recycle program carried out by the Company needs certain amount of fund. The return on investment will take some time. Due to the Company has commitment to preserve environment the infrastructure of using rain water project will still be continued. t 3FEVDJOHXBUFSQPMMVUJPO The ratio from the result of reducing the load of polluted water as reported in proper to the total waste water produced. The intensity of the waste fluid increased due to additional of waste fluid from the penetrant. The process of water treatment in IPAL uses a certain amount of chemicals so that if the cost is compared to the result, it is unfeasible. However, the Company committed to process the waste water treatment project even though the cost is high. t 3FEVDJOHBJSQPMMVUJPO The activity of reducing air pollution is carried out by the Company to conserve the ozone layer. Though the actual calculation of the potential emission of gas which effect the ozone is not calculated accurately from the activity of Company’s production, yet the Company is making effort to reduce emission of gas which may destroy the ozone. The concrete effort of the Company to reduce green house effect of global warming are : X To increase the efficiency of productivity through heat treatment of pipes, refractory ceramic is used for the hardening furnace and tempering in 2011; X Converted source of energy from fuel oil to natural gas since 2005; X Installation of scrubber to the electroplating chimney to reduce air pollution; X Monitor the source of gas emission at 17 locations of production in every 6 months and mobile gas emission every yea;. X Stop burning rubbish in open air; X Carried out reducing green house gas by: - Planting oliana, mango and angsana trees 6QBZB 3 3FEVDF 3FVTF 3FDZDMF BJS ZBOH EJMBLVLBOPMFI1FSTFSPBONFNFSMVLBOCJBZBZBOH DVLVQ CFTBS 1FOHFNCBMJBO SFUVSO EBSJ CJBZB JOWFTUBTJ ZBOH EJLFMVBSLBO DVLVQ MBNB BNVO LBSFOB1FSTFSPBONFNJMJLJLPNJUNFOLFQFSEVMJBO UFSIBEBQ MJOHLVOHBO NFTLJQVO SFUVSO DVLVQ MBNBOBNVOJOGSBTUSVLUVSQFNBOGBBUBOBJSIVKBO UFUBQEJCBOHVOEBOEJKBMBOLBO t Penurunan Beban Pencemaran Air 3BTJP IBTJM QFOVSVOBO CFCBO QFODFNBSBO BJS ZBOH EJMBQPSLBO EBMBN QSPQFS EFOHBO UPUBM BJS MJNCBIZBOHEJIBTJMLBO Jumlah Limbah Cair yang Dihasilkan Jumlah Air pada Tahun: Intensitas Jumlah Limbah Cair yang Dihasilkan terhadap Jumlah Produksi 1231 2064 1233 1612 m 2 Total Produksi 416104 577609 331432 343076 Ton Intensitas m3Ton 0.296 0.357 - 0.372 0.470 2011 2012 2013 2014 Satuan OUFOTJUBTKVNMBIMJNCBIDBJSNFOHBMBNJLFOBJLBO BLJCBUBEBOZBUBNCBIBOMJNCBIDBJSZBOHCFSBTBM EBSJQFOFUSBOU1SPTFTQFOHPMBIBOBJSMJNCBIQBEB 1- NFOHHVOBLBO NFUPEF LJNJBXJ TFIJOHHB NFNFSMVLBO CBIBO LJNJB EBMBN KVNMBI ZBOH DVLVQCBOZBLTFIJOHHBKJLBEJCBOEJOHLBOEFOHBO IBTJM QFNBOGBBU BJS IBTJM PMBIBO UJEBL TFCBOEJOH BNVOQFSVTBIBOUFUBQCFSLPNJUNFONFMBLVLBO QFOHPMBIBO UFSTFCVU NFTLJQVO CJBZB ZBOH dikeluarkan cukup besar. t 1FOHVSBOHBO1FODFNBSBO6EBSB LUJmUBTQFOHVSBOHBOQFODFNBSVEBSBEJMBLVLBO oleh Perseroan sebagai bentuk kepedulian NFOHVSBOHJ MBKV QFOJQJTBO MBQJTBO P[PO 8BMBV TFDBSB LIVTVT CFMVN NFMBLVLBO QFSIJUVOHBO QPUFOTJ KVNMBI HBT QFNJDV QFOJQJTBO MBQJTBO P[PO EBSJ BLUJWJUBT QSPEVLTJ ZBOH EJMBLVLBO Perseroan berpartisipasi nyata pada upaya QFOHVSBOHBO FNJTJ HBT QFSVTBL MBQJTBO P[PO EBQVO LFHJBUBO NFOZFMVSVI ZBOH EJMBLVLBO PMFI 1FSTFSPBO EBMBN SBOHLB NFOHVSBOHJ FGFL SVNBILBDB HMPCBMXBSNJOH BEBMBI X .FOJOHLBULBO FmTJFOTJ QSPEVLTJ NFMBMVJ QFSBXBUBO QBOBT QJQB EFOHBO NFMBLVLBO SFGSBDUPSZ DFSBNJD QBEB GVSOBDF IBSEFOJOH EBOUFNQFSJOH X ,POWFSTJEBSJCBIBOCBLBSTPMBSEJFTFMNFOKBEJ OBUVSBMHBTTFKBLUBIVO X 1FNBTBOHBOTDSVCCFSEJDFSPCPOHFMFDUSPQMBUJOH VOUVLNFOHVSBOHJQFODFNBSBOVEBSB X .POJUPSJOHFNJTJTVNCFSUJEBLCFSHFSBLEJ UJUJLMPLBTJQSPEVLTJTFUJBQCVMBOEBOTVNCFS FNJTJCFSHFSBLTFUJBQUBIVO X 5JEBLNFMBLVLBOQFNCBLBSBOTBNQBITFDBSB UFSCVLB X .FMBLVLBO QSPHSBN 1FOHVSBOHBO SFFO PVTFBT NFMBMVJ 1FOBOBNBO QPIPO PMJBOB NBOHHB EBO 93 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report BOHTBOBZBOHUFSCVLUJNBNQVNFOHVSBOHJ QPMVTJVEBSBEBONFOZFSBQ0 1FOHHVOBBO SFmHFSBOU ZBOH SBNBI lingkungan. 1FOEFLBUBO ZBOH EJHVOBLBO VOUVL NFOHBNCJM TBNQFM EBMBN NFOFOUVLBO OJMBJ LBMPSJ CFSTJI OFU DBMPSJmD WBMVF EBO LBOEVOHBO LBSCPO 1FSTFSPBO NFOHHVOBLBO EBUB QFOHVLVSBO EBSJ LPNQPTJTJ LJNJB CBIBO CBLBS HBT ZBOH EJQBLBJ yang datanya berasal dari laporan secara periodik ZBOHEJCFSJLBOQFNBTPLHBTBMBN 1 t BNQBL 1FSVCBIBO OFSHJ 1SJNFS UFSIBEBQ NJTJ 4FQFSUJ EJLFUBIVJ CFSTBNB CBIXB TPMBS NFNQVOZBJ EBNQBL ZBOH MFCJI NFSVTBL EBSJ QBEB HBT BMBN CFSJLVU BEBMBI FNJTJ ZBOH EJIBTJMLBOTFUFMBIQFSVCBIBOTVNCFSFOFSHJ CO 2 pada Area Produksi dan Sistem Pembangkit - 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Diesel Gas kWh Komposisi Penggunaan Energi Primer Sistem Pembangkit 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Diesel Gas kW h Emisi CO2 Sistem Pembangkit - 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Diesel Gas kWh Komposisi Penggunaan Energi Primer Produksi proven to minimise the air pollution and absorb the CO; - Use user friendly of refrigerant. The approach used to take samples in determining net calorific value and carbon content, the Company measured the data from the chemical composition of natural gas supplied from PGN on a periodic basis. t NQBDU PG UIF DIBOHF JO QSJNF FOFSHZ UP UIF emission It is known that fuel oil has higher level of damage to the environment compared with natural gas. The following is the result after the conversion of energy source. CO 2 UP UIF SFB PG 1SPEVDUJPO BOE FOFSBUJOH System 94 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Diesel Gas kWh Emisi CO 2 Produksi OUFOTJUBTFOFSHJEBSJHBTQFSN5POQSPEVLTJQBEB QSPTFT BSEFOJOH EBO 5FNQFSJOH EJCBOEJOHLBO CFSBU0 2 QFSN5POQSPEVLTJ OUFOTJUBT FNJTJ 0 2 QFS L8I MJTUSJL ZBOH EJIBTJMLBOFTBS0 2 yang dihasilkan didapat dari FOFSHJJOQVUEJLBMJGBLUPSFNJTJ0 2 . BLUPS FNJTJ EJBNCJM EBSJ 64 OFSHZ OGPSNBUJPO ENJOJTUSBUJPO EJNBOB GBLUPS ZBOH EJBNCJM BEBMBI LH 0 2 ..UV VOUVL EJFTFM EBO LH0..UVVOUVLHBT t NJTJNFUBOEBO0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Diesel Gas gram 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Emisi Methan Seluruh Perusahaan 2 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 Diesel Gas gram 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Emisi NO Seluruh Perusahaan BLUPS FNJTJ EJBNCJM EBSJ 64 OFSHZ OGPSNBUJPO ENJOJTUSBUJPOEJNBOBGBLUPSZBOHEJBNCJMBEBMBI HSBN..UVVOUVL.FUBOEBO HSBN..UV VOUVL0 Intensity of energy from gas per mTon production in the Hardening and Tempering processes compared with weight of CO 2 per mTon of production. Intensity of CO 2 emission per kWh of electricity. The volume of CO 2 produced obtained from the input energy times the emission factor of CO 2 . The Factor of emission is taken from US Energy Information Administration where the factor taken is 73.15 kf CO 2 MMBtu for fuel oil and 54.01 Kg CO 2 MMBtu for gas. t NJTTJPOPGNFUIBOFBOE0 The emission factor is taken from the US Energy Information Administration where the factor used is 1 gramMMBtu for Methane and 0.1 gramMMBtu for NO. 95 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report The constraint in reducing the emission stated above is the cost of investment. Top management of the Company, however, continued those programs as the commitment of preserving the environment and efficiency will occur by using gas instead of fuel oil for electricity generator machines. t B[BSEPVTXBTUFUSFBUNFOUTZTUFN There are a few programs that the Company is under taking as one of the commitment to reducing the impact of hazardous waste to the environment: α Installation of Waste Water Treatment plant IPAL IPAL program is made to reduce the impact of waste fluid from the phosphating and electroplating. The fluid produced from the IPAL process before passing to the drain it is treated by the Company to ensure that the water meets the requirements of existing environmental specifications. The test result is checked every month where the measurements is done by a third party taking samples directly from the locations. b Closed drain system At present the Company is constructing the close drain system on the second phase which will separate the rain water and domestic waste water and waste fluid from the production. Domestic waste water and waste fluid from the production will pass through close drain system to the water treatment plant. c Providing temporary storage for hazardous waste The collection of hazardous waste from the production is collected on a daily basis by HSE team and store in 2 temporary storages which have been approved by Bapedalda Batam. The waste information is recorded and report to the related departments in the Company on the status of hazardous waste as a reference to make any further action. Reports of waste treatment will be compiled by the Company to make collective data reporting and submit to the Government as PROPER report on a 3-monthly basis and to UKPUPL every 6 month. ,FOEBMBZBOHEJMBLVLBOEBMBNLFHJBUBOLFHJBUBO QFOHVSBOHBO FNJTJ EJBUBT ZBLOJ CFTBSOZB CJBZB JOWFTUBTJ ZBOH EJLFMVBSLBO BNVO 5PQ NBOBKFNFO UFUBQ NFOKBMBOLBO QSPHSBN QSPHSBN UFSTFCVU LBSFOB LPNJUNFO ZBOH UJOHHJ UFSIBEBQ QFMFTUBSJBO MJOHLVOHBO TFSUB FmTJFOTJ ZBOH BLBO UFSKBEJ EFOHBO QFOFSBQBO HFOTFU berbahan bakar gas. t 4JTUFN1FOHFMPMBBO-JNCBI EB CFCFSBQB QSPHSBN ZBOH EJMBLVLBO PMFI 1FSTFSPBO TFCBHBJ TBMBI TBUV CFOUVL LPNJUNFO VOUVLNFOHVSBOHJEBNQBLQFOHBSVIMJNCBI pada lingkungan yaitu: B 1FNCVBUBO 1- OTUBMBTJ 1FOHPMBIBO JS -JNCBI JNBOB 1- JOJ EJCVBU VOUVL NFOHVSBOHJ EBNQBL MJNCBI DBJS ZBOH EJIBTJMLBO PMFI QSPTFT QFMBQJTBO MPHBN QIPTQIBUJOH EBO FMFDUSPQMBUJOH JS IBTJM PMBIBO 1- JOJ TFCFMVN EJCVBOH LFTBMVSBO VNVN LBXBTBO terlebih dahulu dilakukan pengukuran oleh QJIBL JOUFSOBM 1FSTFSPBO VOUVL NFNBTUJLBO CBIXB BJS MJNCBI IBTJM PMBIBO BEBMBI MBZBL buang sesuai dengan peraturan lingkungan ZBOH CFSMBLV 1FNBTUJBO IBTJM PMBIBO JOJ KVHB EJMBLVLBO TFUJBQ CVMBOOZB EJNBOB pengukurannya dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga EJMPLBTJUJUJLTBNQMJOHZBOHUFMBIEJUFOUVLBO C 1FNCVBUBO 4BMVSBO 4JTUJN 5FSUVUVQ MPTFE SBJO4ZTUFN 4BBU JOJ 1FSTFSPBO TFEBOH EBMBN UBIBQ QFNCVBUBO TBMVSBO UFSUVUVQ UBIBQ EVB EJNBOB QFNCVBUBO TBMVSBO JOJ EJMBLVLBO VOUVL NFNJTBILBO BOUBSB BJS IVKBO EFOHBO BJS MJNCBI DBJS EPNFTUJL EBO MJNCBI DBJS QSPEVLTJ -JNCBI DBJS EPNFTUJL EBO MJNCBI DBJS QSPEVLTJ BLBO EJTBMVSLBO NFMBMVJ QJQB UFSUVUVQNFOVKVLPMBNBSFBTJ D 1FOZFEJBBO5FNQBU1FOZJNQBOBO4FNFOUBSB -JNCBI 514 1FOHBNCJMBO MJNCBI EBSJ BSFB QSPEVLTJ EJMBLVLBO TFUJBQ IBSJ PMFI UJN 4 VOUVL LFNVEJBO EJLVNQVMLBO EJ EVB UFNQBU QFOZJNQBOBO TFNFOUBSB 514 ZBOH UFMBI NFNJMJLJJ[JOEBSJBQFEBMEBBUBN4FMBOKVUOZB QFOEBUBBO MJNCBI EJMBLVLBO EBO EJMBQPSLBO LFQBEBTFUJBQEFQBSUFNFOUFSLBJUEJMJOHLVOHBO QFSVTBIBBO UFOUBOH TUBUVT MJNCBI ZBOH dihasilkan sebagai acuan terhadap tindakan ZBOHIBSVTEJMBLVLBOTFMBOKVUOZB BMBN IBM QFMBQPSBO MJNCBI ZBOH EJIBTJMLBO 1FSTFSPBO NFNCVBU EBUB OFSBDB MJNCBI dan secara periodik dilaporkan ke pihak 1FNFSJOUBIBOCFSVQBMBQPSBO13013TFUJBQ CVMBOTFLBMJEBO6,-61-TFUJBQCVMBOTFLBMJ 96 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report d The Company will intensify the waste treatment process by using advanced technology Biocleaner to process waste fluid from the production to improve the quality standards of domestic waste fluid. On 2014, technology Biocleaner still build processing to implemented on 2015. t FSUJmDBUJPOJOOWJSPONFOU The Company has obtained the certification of Environmental System Management SML ISO 14001:2004. This system of management concentrates on : a Reduction of polluting the environment; b Minimise complaints from the communities; c Improve efficiency of the processes; d Complying to the regulations; e Improve the performance of the management moral of working; f Improve the satisfaction of the consumer and increase in sales. To support the SML above, the Company has also obtained the certification of OHSAS 18001:2007 and SMK3 for K3 System Management and certification of ISO 9001:2008 for Quality System Management. Application of the above management systems has a great impact to the performance of the Company towards the environment, health and safety and quality of products being produced. With these achievements, in 2014, the Company has been awarded as participation in environmental day 2014 from BAPEDALDA Batam and PROPER Blue in 2014 from the Ministry of Environment and Re-certification of ISO 14001:2004 from the SGS Jakarta. .BOQPXFS FBMUIBOE4BGFUZ t RVBMFOEFSBOE+PC0QQPSUVOJUZ Steps that the Company takes are as follows: A. Job Opportunity - Each vacant position is announced to all internal employees and if they are interested they may submit application for the said positio, - Job vacancy is announced through printed media and some popular Database such as Job Street and Jobs DB, - Each qualified candidate will enter into Rene Portal automatically as to fill job vacancy with all the specifications of the position and may be read by other internal employees and anyone far away such as in Canada, - The process of data entering and preliminary E 1FSTFSPBO BLBO NFOJOHLBULBO QFOHPMBIBO MJNCBI EFOHBO NFOHHVOBLBO UFLOPMPHJ JPDMFBOFS VOUVL NFOHPMBI MJNCBI DBJS IBTJM QSPEVLTJZBOHCFSUVKVBOVOUVLNFNQFSCBJLJ CBLVNVUVMJNCBIDBJSEPNFTUJL1BEBUBIVO UFLOPMPHJ JPDMFBOFS NBTJI EBMBN QSPTFTQFNCBOHVOBOVOUVLEJUFSBQLBOQBEB tahun 2015. t 4FSUJmLBTJEJJEBOH-JOHLVOHBn BMBN IBM TFSUJmLBTJ 4JTUJN .BOBKFNFO -JOHLVOHBO 1FSTFSPBO UFMBI NFNJMJLJ TFSUJmLBTJ 404JTUJN.BOBKFNFO-JOHLVOHBO 4.- ZBOHNFSVKVLQBEB40JOJNFNJMJLJ UVKVBOVUBNBZBJUV B 1FOHVSBOHBOQFODFNBSBOMJOHLVOHBO C .FOHVSBOHJLFMVIBONBTZBSBLBU D 1FOJOHLBUBOFmTJFOTJQBEBQSPTFT E 1FNFOVIBOQFSBUVSBO F 1FOJOHLBUBOLJOFSKBNBOBKFNFONPSBMLFSKB G .FOJOHLBULBO LFQVBTBO LPOTVNFO EBO NFOJOHLBULBOQFOKVBMBO 4FCBHBJQFOVOKBOH4.-UFSTFCVU QFSVTBIBOKVHB NFNQFSPMFI TFSUJmLBTJ 044 EBO 4.,VOUVL4JTUJN.BOBKFNFO,TFSUBTFSUJmLBTJ 40 VOUVL 4JTUJN .BOBKFNFO .VUV 1FOFSBQBO TJTUFNTJTUFN NBOBKFNFO EJBUBT TBOHBUCFSQFOHBSVIQBEBLJOFSKB1FSTFSPBOCBJL MJOHLVOHBO LFTFMBNBUBO EBO LFTFIBUBO LFSKB serta kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Karena pencapaian inilah pada tahun 2014 Perseroan NFOEBQBU1FOHIBSHBBOEBSJ1-BUBN BUBTQBSUJTJQBTJ1FSTFSPBOEBMBNQFSJOHBUBOBSJ -JOHLVOHBOJEVQUBIVOEBO13013JSV UBIVO EBSJ ,FNFOUSJBO -JOHLVOHBO JEVQ EBOSFTFSUJmLBTJ40EBSJ44+BLBSUB ,FUFOBHBLFSKBBO ,FTFIBUBOEBO ,FTFMBNBUBO,FSKB , t ,FTFUBSBBOFOEFSEBO,FTFNQBUBO,FSKB -BOHLBIMBOHLBI ZBOH EJMBLVLBO 1FSTFSPBO antara lain: ,FTFNQBUBOLFSKB 4FUJBQ QPTJTJ LPTPOH EJVNVNLBO LFQBEB TFNVB LBSZBXBO JOUFSOBM CJMB CFSNJOBU JLVUEBMBNTFMFLTJNFOHJTJQPTJTJEJNBLTVE -PXPOHBO LFSKB EJVNVNLBO EJ CFSCBHBJ NFEJB NBTTB DFUBL EBO NFEJB MPXPOHBO LFSKBQPQVMFSTFQFSUJ+PC4USFFUEBO+PCT 4FUJBQ LFCVUVIBO UFOBHB LFSKB EJTFUVKVJ TFDBSB POMJOF EBO PUPNBUJT BLBO NBTVL EBMBN QPSUBM 3FOF TFCBHBJ MPXPOHBO LFSKB EFOHBO TFNVB TQFTJmLBTJ KBCBUBO ZBOH EJCVUVILBO EBO EBQBU EJCBDB PMFI TJBQBQVO CBJL JOUFSOBM LBSZBXBO NBVQVO PSBOHPSBOHOVOKBVIEJ,BOBEB 1SPTFT QFNBTVLBO EBUB EBO TFMFLTJ BXBM 97 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report selection will be automatic through Rene Portal gives equal opportunity to all applicants and start working when all the requirements are fulfillled. B. Equal gender - The policy is made without any discrimination of gender which is discern the increment of female workers from year to year, and in 2014 there were 95 female employees compared to 88 in 2013. - The significant sign showed that there were 2 female apprentice were accepted in the training in the fields where the jobs were done by male employees before. t 5SBJOJOH Various types of training to improve and competency of the employees in Health, Safety and Environment K3L of were carried out by the Company internally and externally such as: Internal Training: - Training of Over head Crane, forklift, Fire Extinguisher APAR, Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS, Handling of spilt chemicals, 5S, Scaffolding, API 5CT Specification, Basic Fire Fighting, Basic Measurement, CNC Lathe Level I, Confined Space H2S, Grinding Safety, Manual Handling Safety, Safety Visit, HIRADC, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001; - Training of P3 and Lock Out Tag Out LOTO. External Training: - Training of Program of Waste Treatment PROPER, Corporate Social Responsibility CSR, Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Determine Control HIRADC, First Aid training P3K, MSDS, Training of Hazardous Waste Handling B3, Occupational Health Safety Assessment System OHSAS18001, ISO14001, Fire fighter class A,B,C and D, Forklift, ISO 19001, Basic Health and Safety Specialist, Lead Auditor, Manager of Water and Air Pollution Control, SMK3 Auditor, STOP, UPLUKL Reporting and Gas Leakage. t BDJMJUJFTBOE4BGFUZJO8PSL1MBDF To ensure that the working condition of the Company is good, implement the scheme of monitor, evaluation of performance K3L where the results of the monitoring and evaluation will be used as reference to make development plans and trainings on a regular basis in fulfillling the parameters related to K3L. The program to reduce the air pollution in a conventional way or from gas houses are looked into by the Company among others: EJMBLVLBO TFDBSB PUPNBUJT EJ QPSUBM 3FOF ZBOHNFNCFSJLBOLFTFNQBUBOTBNBQBEB TJBQBQVO VOUVL NFMBNBS EBO CFLFSKB BTBMLBONFNFOVIJQFSTZBSBUBOKBCBUBO B. Kesetaraan gender ,FCJKBLBONFOEVLVOHLFTFUBSBBOHFOEFS UFSMJIBU EBSJ TFNBLJO CBOZBLOZB KVNMBI QFLFSKB XBOJUB EBSJ UBIVO LF UBIVO EJ NBOB UBIVO NFODBUBU BOHLB EJCBOEJOHLBOUBIVOQBEBBOHLB ,FNBKVBO ZBOH DVLVQ CFSBSUJ EJUVOKVLLBO QBEBEJUFSJNBOZBQFTFSUBNBHBOHXBOJUB VOUVLCFMBKBSLFUSBNQJMBOEJMBQBOHBOZBOH EBIVMVOZBEJMBLVLBOPMFIQFLFSKBQSJBTBKB t 1FMBUJIBO 1FMBUJIBOTFCBHBJVQBZBQFOJOHLBUBOLPNQFUFOTJ LBSZBXBOEJCJEBOH,FTFIBUBO ,FTFMBNBUBO,FSKB EBO -JOHLVOHBO ,- 1FSTFSPBO NFOHBEBLBO pelatihan baik secara internal dan eksternal yaitu: 1FMBUJIBOOUFSOBM 1FMBUJIBO 0WFS FBE SBOF 1FMBUJIBO PSLMJGU 1FMBUJIBO MBU 1FNBEBN QJ 3JOHBO 13 1FMBUJIBO .BUFSJBM 4BGFUZ BUB 4IFFU .44 1FOBOHBOBO 5VNQBIBO BIBO ,JNJB 1FMBUJIBO 4 1FMBUJIBO 4DBGGPMEJOH 1FMBUJIBO 1 5 4QFDJGJDBUJPO 1FMBUJIBOBTJDJSFJHIUJOH 1FMBUJIBO BTJD .FBTVSFNFOU 1FMBUJIBO -BUIF -FWFM 1FMBUJIBOPOGJOFE4QBDF 4 1FMBUJIBOSJOEJOH 4BGFUZ 1FMBUJIBO.BOVBMBOEMJOH4BGFUZ 1FMBUJIBO 3 1FMBUJIBO 4BGFUZ 7JTJU 1FMBUJIBO 044 EBO40 1FMBUJIBO1,EBO1FMBUJIBO-PDL0VU5BH0VU -050 1FMBUJIBOLTUFSOBM 1FMBUJIBO 1SPHSBN 1FSJOHLBU ,JOFSKB 1FSVTBIBBO 13013 1FMBUJIBO PSQPSBUF 4PDJBM 3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ 43 1FMBUJIBO B[BSE EFOUJmDBJUPO 3JTL TTFTTNFOU BOE FUFSNJOF POUSPM 3 1FMBUJIBO1FSUPMPOHBO1FSUBNB 1BEB,FDFMBLBBO 1, 1FMBUJIBO.44 1FMBUJIBO 1FOBOHBOBO-JNCBIBIBCBIBZBFSBDVO 1FMBUJIBO0DDVQBUJPOBMFBMUI4BGFUZTTFTTNFOU 4ZTUFN 044 1FMBUJIBO 40 1FMBUJIBO1FUVHBT,FCBLBSBOLFMBT EBO 1FMBUJIBOPSLMJGU 1FMBUJIBO40 1FMBUJIBO IMJ , 6NVN 1FMBUJIBO -FBE VEJUPS 1FMBUJIBO .BOBKFS1FOHFOEBMJBO1FODFNBSBOJSEBO6EBSB 1FMBUJIBO 4., VEJUPS 1FMBUJIBO 4501 1FMBUJIBO -BQPSBO61-6,-EBO1FMBUJIBOBT-FBLBHF t 4BSBOBEBO,FTFMBNBUBO,FSKB 4FCBHBJ VQBZB QFNBTUJBO MJOHLVOHBO LFSKB 1FSTFSPBONFMBLVLBOQFNBOUBVBOEBOQFOJMBJBO LJOFSKB ,- EJNBOB IBTJM EBSJ QFNBOUBVBO EBO QFOJMBJBO BLBO EJHVOBLBO TFCBHBJ EBTBS EBMBN QFOZVTVOBO SFODBOB QFOHFNCBOHBO EBO QFNCJOBBO TFDBSB CFSLFMBOKVUBO EBMBN VQBZB QFNFOVIBO QBSBNFUFS UFSLBJU ,- 1SPHSBN QFOHVSBOHBOQFODFNBSBOVEBSBCBJLQFODFNBS VEBSB LPOWFOTJPOBM NBVQVO BT 3VNBI LBDB KVHBEJMBLVLBO1FSTFSPBOBOUBSBMBJO 98 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report - Improve the efficiency of the furnace with the replacement of refractory ceramic; - Converted the source of energy from fuel oil to natural gas from 2005; - Installed scrubber in the chimney of electroplating division. The Company has strategic plans in reducing the air pollution by using natural gas as main source of energy for all production facilities and utilizing environment friendly refrigerant for AC. The Company is committed to provide healthy and safe working condition by identifying risks in all activities in the processes of the Company and later impose the control of the risks from all dangers according to the results of the evaluation from those respective risks. The hierarchy of risk control is in the steps as follows: - Elimination of process, tools equipment machinery, material and dangerous behaviour - Substitution of process, tools equipment machinery, material and dangerous behaviour - Artificial Engineering to the process and tool equipmentmachinery which may cause dangers - Administrative action for controlling process, equipmentmachinery, material and dangerous behaviour - Use of personal protective equipment PPE. t 3BUFPGDDJEFOUJOXPSLQMBDF The Rate of accident in the work place of the Company has decreased from year to year. The graphic below shows the trend of the accident in terms of lost time injury rate LTIR and total recordable injury rate TRIR. .FOJOHLBULBO FmTJFOTJ GVSOBDF EFOHBO QFOHHBOUJBOSFGSBDUPSZDFSBNJD ,POWFSTJEBSJCBIBOCBLBSTPMBSEJFTFMNFOKBEJ OBUVSBMHBTTFKBLUBIVO 1FNBTBOHBOTDSVCCFSEJDFSPCPOHFMFDUSPQMBUJOH 1FSTFSPBO NFNJMJLJ SFODBOB TUSBUFHJT EBMBN VQBZB QFOHVSBOHBO QFODFNBS VEBSB ZBLOJ NFOFUBQLBO CBIBO CBLBS OBUVSBM HBT TFCBHBJ CBIBO CBLBS VUBNB VOUVL TFNVB GBTJMJUBT QSPEVLTJEBONFOHHVOBLBOSFGSJHFSBOUZBOH SBNBIMJOHLVOHBO,PNJUNFONBOBKFNFOEBMBN NFNBTUJLBO MJOHLVOHBO LFSKB ZBOH BNBO EBO TFIBU EJBXBMJ EFOHBO EJMBLVLBOOZB JEFOUJmLBTJ CBIBZB QBEB TFNVB QSPTFT LFHJBUBO ZBOH BEB EJ1FSTFSPBOEBOTFMBOKVUOZBEJMBLVLBOUJOEBLBO QFOHPOUSPMBOSFTJLPEBSJCBIBZBCBIBZBUFSTFCVU TFTVBJ IBTJM QFOJMBJBO SFTJLP NBTJOHNBTJOH CBIBZB UFSTFCVU JSBSLJ QFOHPOUSPMBO SFTJLP ZBOHEJMBLVLBOEFOHBONFOHJLVUJVSVUBOTFCBHBJ berikut: MJNJOBTJQBEBQSPTFT QFSBMBUBONFTJO CBIBO dan perilaku berbahaya. 4VCTUJUVTJ QBEB QSPTFT QFSBMBUBONFTJO bahan dan perilaku berbahaya. 3FLBZBTB OHJOFFSJOH QBEB QSPTFT EBO QFSBMBUBONFTJOCFSCBIBZB 5JOEBLBO ENJOJTUSBUJG VOUVL NFOHPOUSPM QSPTFT QFSBMBUBONFTJO CBIBO EBO QFSJMBLV berbahaya. 1FOHHVOBBOMBU1FMJOEVOHJSJ 1 t 5JOHLBU,FDFMBLBBO,FSKB 5JOHLBULFDFMBLBBOLFSKBEJ1FSTFSPBOCFSEBTBSLBO EBUBNFOHBMBNJQFOVSVOBOEBSJUBIVOLFUBIVO SBmL CFSJLVU JOJ NFOVOKVLLBO USFOE UJOHLBU LFDFMBLBBO CBJL -53 -PTU5JNF OKVSZ 3BUF EBO 533 5PUBM3FDPSEBCMFOKVSZ3BUF TRIR = No of Recordable Injury case YTD x 1.000.000 Total Man Hour YTD LTIR = No of Accident case YTD x 1.000.000 Total Man Hour YTD 99 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report “Safety Day” is an annual event. Apart from the Safety and Environment done on a routine basis, the Company is dedicated a full day for this event. On Safety Day there is no production, and all concentrate and aim at Safety and Environment matters. This shows that the management and team are committed to put safety as first priority. The programs are set to the all aspects of Health and Safety in the factory site and also on the road and residential areas. Safety is not only in the working place. The carried out activities among others are as follows: X Activity and Training which are related to safety and environment - Hose drill competition is one of the events of the speed and accuracy to extinguish fire and save the victims in the fire. - Training of LOTO Lock Out Tag Out given to the employees to enrich their knowledge and capability to identify and isolate the source of dangerous energy during the process of maintenance or repair of machineries. - Smart and accurate HSE quiz is a competition of knowledge among departments where the objective is to measure the stage of understanding of employees towards HSE procedures and regulations. - Incident of Injury Free Training is one of the training activities describing the procedures and regulation, safety man and APD are not only to avoid the happening of accident, but also depending on the mental condition of the employee such as frustration, in a hurry, tiredness and ignorant. - Gas leakage and Fire evacuation Drill is a simulation training if fire broke out and evacuation acts when the fire is not able to extinguish. From this training, it is expected that the employees are ready to anticipate any unexpected happenings such as fire and other urgent situation. - OH Exhibition is an exhibition of Safety equipment in the work place and participated by a few K3 equipment suppliers. - Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain 5S competition is a competition among the departments. This competition the evaluation follows the standard of 5S, Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. - Making biopore absorbing hole to make catchment area in PT CT garden area in order to plants around company grow more fertile. i4BGFUZ BZw BEBMBI BDBSB ZBOH EJBEBLBO TFUJBQ UBIVO 4FMBJO EBSJ ,FTFMBNBUBO EBO -JOHLVOHBO ZBOH CJBTB EJKBMBOLBO 1FSTFSPBO NFOEFEJLBTJ TBUV hari penuh untuk acara ini. Pada hari tersebut tidak BEBQSPEVLTJ TFNVBEJUVKVLBOEBOLPOTFOUSBTJQBEB IBMIBMZBOHCFSIVCVOHBOEFOHBO,FTFMBNBUBOEBO -JOHLVOHBO OJ NFOVOKVLLBO UFLBE NBOBHFNFO EBO SFHV NFOHVUBNBLBO LFTFMBNBUBO TFCBHBJ prioritas yang tinggi. 4VTVOBO BDBSB EJUVKVLBO LF BTQFLBTQFL ,FTFIBUBO EBO ,FTFMBNBUBO EJ MJOHLVOHBO QBCSJL UFUBQJ KVHB EJ KBMBOBO EBO EJQFNVLJNBO ,FTFMBNBUBO CVLBO IBOZB EJ UFNQBU LFSKB Adapun kegiatan yang dilaksanakan antara lain sbb: X Kegiatan dan Pelatihan yang berhubungan EFOHBOLFTFMBNBUBOEBOMJOHLVOHBO PTF SJMM PNQFUJUJPO NFSVQBLBO TBMBI TBUV FWFOU QFSMPNCBBO LFDFQBUBO TFSUB LFUFQBUBO EBMBN NFNBEBNLBO BQJ EBO KVHB QFOZFMFNBUBO UFSIBEBQ LPSCBO kebakaran. 1FMBUJIBO-050 -PDL0VU5BH0VU EJCFSJLBO LFQBEB LBSZBXBO VOUVL NFOBNCBI QFOHFUBIVBO TFSUB LFUFSBNQJMBO EBMBN NFOHJEFOUJmLBTJTFSUBNFOHJTPMBTJTVNCFS FOFSHJCFSCBIBZBTFMBNBQSPTFTQFSBXBUBO BUBVQFSCBJLBONFTJO 4NBSU BOE BDVSBUF 4 RVJ[ NFSVQBLBO MPNCB DFSEBT DFSNBU BOUBS EFQBSUFNFO ZBOH CFSUVKVBO VOUVL NFOHVLVS TFKBVI NBOB UJOHLBU QFNBIBBO LBSZBXBO UFSIBEBQ4QSPTFEVSEBOSFHVMBTJ OTJEFO OKVSZ SFF 5SBJOJOH NFSVQBLBO salah satu kegiatan pelatihan yang NFOKFMBTLBOCBIXBQSPTFEVSEBOSFHVMBTJ TBGFUZNBOTFSUB1CFMVNDVLVQEBMBN NFOHIJOEBSJ UFSKBEJOZB LFDFMBLBBO OBNVO TFNVB UFSHBOUVOH EBSJ LPOEJTJ NFOUBM LBSZBXBO TFQFSUJ GBLUPS GSVTUBTJ CVSVCVSV MFMBIEBONFOHBOHHBQSFNFI BT MFBLBHF BOE JSF FWBDVBUJPO SJMM NFSVQBLBO LFHJBUBO MBUJIBO TJNVMBTJ UFSKBEJOZB LFCBLBSBO EBO UJOEBLBO FWBLVBTJTBBUBQJUJEBLEBQBUEJQBEBNLBO JIBSBQLBOEBSJMBUJIBOJOJ LBSZBXBOBLBO TJBQ NFOHBOUJTJQBTJ LFKBEJBO ZBOH UJEBL diinginkan seperti kebakaran dan kondisi darurat lainnya. o 0 YIJCJUJPO NFSVQBLBO QBNFSBO BMBU QFSMFOHLBQBO ,FTFMBNBUBO EBO ,FTFIBUBO ,FSKB ZBOH EJJLVUJ CFCFSBQB supplier perlengkapan K3. o 4PSU 4FU JO PSEFS 4IJOF 4UBOEBSEJ[F 4VTUBJO 4 LPNQFUJTJNFSVQBLBOLFHJBUBO QFSMPNCBIBO4BOUBSEFQBSUFNFO1BEB MPNCB JOJ BTQFL QFOJMBJBO EJMBLVLBO EFOHBONFOHJLVUJTUBOEBST4ZBJUV4FJSJ 4FJUPO 4FJTP 4FJLFUTVEBO4IJUTVLF o 1FNCVBUBO MVCBOH SFTBQBO CJPQPSJ VOUVL NFNCVBU EBFSBI SFTBQBO EJ BSFB UBNBO BHBSUBOBNBOEJTFLJUBSQFSVTBIBBOUVNCVI lebih subur. 100 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report X FBMUI3FMBUFEDUJWJUJFT - Blood donation is one of the social activities to help PMI to supply blood in Batam. - Glucose and Blood Pressure Examination is the activity to check sugar content in the blood and blood pressure to all employees to make sure the status of their health of early detection and easier to handle consequently. - Hepatitis Seminar is to explain what is hepatitis, reason of why hepatitis, risks of hepatitis and steps to avoid of hepatitis. - Drug hazard seminar and exhibition that explain what is drug hazards, risks of drugs and steps to avoid from using drugs. t 4QSPHSBNJO4VCTJEJBSZDPNQBOJFT A Company’s subsidiary company whose business activities is in Logistic and Port services has also conducted training related to the environment and safety among others were : Defensive Driving Training DDT; Techniques of maintaining motor vehicles SCANIA; Operator of Lift Operator Pesawat Angkat-OPA SIO Crane, Loader, Forklift and Reach Stacker; Training for heavy equipment; Rigging Signalmen. Training for ISPS Code International Ship and Port Facility Security; Training in Fire Fighting Drill; Training in First Aid; Training in Chemical Handling; Incident Injury Free Training; Training for IMO International Maritime Organization; Training in K3; periodic employees medical check up and inspect moving equipment; Apart from the trainings stated above, the Company also do activities in 2014 to improve HSE programs such as follows: t OTQFDUJPOPG,-BOE514PGIB[BSEPVTXBTUF t .POJUPSJOH UIF FOWJSPONFOU BOE FYBNJOBUJPO PG Emission; t 4BGFUZ5BML t 4BGFUZWJTJUUPDPOUSBDUPS t 1SJOUPVUBOEJODSFBTFOVNCFSPGQPTUFSTPG4 t PHHJOH t NFSHFODZFWBDVBUJPOSJMM 4PDJBMBOEPNNVOJUZFWFMPQNFOU Strategy of social and community development is formulated into 3 categories which have been introduced in 2014: - JUSB.3 Focus on the activities of the Company in continuous development of the community and being independent, X ,FHJBUBO ZBOH CFSIVCVOHBO EFOHBO kesehatan: MPPE POBUJPO NFSVQBLBO NFSVQBLBO CFOUVL LFHJBUBO TPTJBM VOUVL NFNCBOUV 1.EBMBNQFOZFEJBBOEBSBIEJBUBN MVDPTF BOE MPPE QSFTTVSF FYBNJOBUJPO NFSVQBLBO LFHJBUBO QFNFSJLTBBO LBEBS HVMB EBMBN EBSBI TFSUB UFLBOBO EBSBI TFNVB LBSZBXBO EFOHBO NBLTVE QFNBTUJBBO UJOHLBU LFTFIBUBO TFNVB LBSZBXBO NFMBMVJ QFOEFUFLTJBO TFDBSB EJOJ TFIJOHHB NFNVEBI EBMBN QFOBOHBOBOTFMBOKVUOZB 4FNJOBS FQBUJUJT NFSVQBLBO TFNJOBS ZBOHNFKFMBTLBOUFOUBOHBQBJUVIFQBUJUJT QFOZFCBCIFQBUJUJT CBIBZBIFQBUJUJTTFSUB MBOHLBIMBOHLBIQFODFHBIBOIFQBUJUJT 4FNJOBS EBO QBNFSBO CBIBZB OBSLPCB ZBOH NFOKFMBTLBO UFOUBOH BQB JUV OBSLPCB CBIBZB OBSLPCB TFSUB MBOHLBI langkah untuk terhindar dari penggunaan narkoba. t 1SPHSBN4BOBL1FSVTBIBBO Anak Perusahaan Perseroan yang bergerak EJ CJEBOH -PHJTUJL EBO KBTB LFQFMBCVIBOBO KVHB NFMBLVLBO QFMBUJIBO ZBOH CFSIVCVOHBO EFOHBO MJOHLVOHBO LFTFMBNBUBO BOUBSB MBJO TCC1FMBUJIBOFGFOTJWFSJWJOH5SBJOJOH 5 1FMBUJIBO 5FLOJL 1FNFMJIBSBBO ,FOEBSBBO 4 1FMBUJIBO 0QFSBUPS 1FTBXBU OHLBU 01 40 SBOF -PBEFS EBO PSLMJGU 1FMBUJIBO 1FTBXBUOHLBUOHLVU 1 BMBUCFSBU1FMBUJIBO 3JHHJOH4JHOBMNFO TFSUJmLBU.4 1FMBUJIBO 414 PEF OUFSOBUJPOBM 4IJQ BOE 1PSU BDJMJUZ 4FDVSJUZ 1FMBUJIBO IMJ , VNVN .FEJDBM LBSZBXBO CFSLBMB OTQFLTJ QFSBMBUBO BOHLBU BOHLVU 4FMBJO EBSJ QFMBUJIBO UFSTFCVU EJ BUBT 1FSTFSPBO KVHBNFMBLVLBOLFHJBUBOQBEBUBIVOEBMBN SBOHLBNFOJOHLBULBOQSPHSBN4ZBJUV t OTQFLTJ,-514-JNCBI t 1FNBOUBVBO-JOHLVOHBO6KJNJTJ t 4BGFUZ5BML t 4BGFUZWJTJUUPDPOUSBDUPS t 1FNCVBUBONFOBNCBIQPTUFS4 t PHHJOH t WBLVBTJLFBEBBOEBSVSBU SJMM

C. Pengembangan Sosial dan ,FNBTZBSBLBUBO

4USBUFHJQFOHFNCBOHBOTPTJBMEBOLFNBTZBSBLBUBO NFMBMVJ:BZBTBO JUSBNBT UFMBI NFNGPSNVMBTJLBO EBMBNQJMBSZBOHNVMBJEJQFSLFOBMLBOQBEBUBIVO 2014 sebagai berikut: Citra MANDIRI PLVT QBEB BLUJmUBT 1FSTFSPBO EBMBN NFOHFNCBOHLBO NBTZBSBLBU EBMBN CJEBOH QFSFLPOPNJBOZBOHCFSLFTJOBNCVOHBOEBONBOEJSJ 101 PT CITRA TUBINDO Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report - JUSB16- Focus on the activities of the Company in helping the community around the factory site in humanity and social such as education, - JUSB-,6 Focus on the activities of the Company in preserving and improve the environment quality in the area where the Company is located. JUSB.3 A. One of the focus program is the house wives, to learn how to make better meals and for the objectives as follows: - to be more continuous in the cost cutting when shopping for the family - to prepare healthy food for the family - those who have interests in business may try to set up culinary business in the factory site or their own places. The company will expand the canteen area to accommodate these housewives to sell their food to the employees of the Company. B. To lend working capital for the farmers and fisher men. JUSB16- A. Focus on to the program to improve the quality of education in the schools for teachers and students in the vicinity of the Company - Co-operate with one of vocational junior high schools to improve quality of environment in the school. - Cooperation with a few vocational junior high schools to give the graduate students a chance to have a world class apprentice training classes for 6 months. B. Eyes are the capital of developing a nation, especially for the young generation. The Company has carried out eye test program to 2000 primary school students in Batam. C. The Company also check the health condition of the old aged people, especially those who are classified as weak economy. D. The Company has renovated the clinic where it can be used for medication for employees and community around the factory site. JUSB16- PLVTQBEBBLUJmUBT1FSTFSPBOEBMBNNFNCBOUV NBTZBSBLBU TFLJUBS EBMBN CJEBOH TPTJBM LFNBTZBSBLBUBOTFQFSUJQFOEJEJLBO JUSB-,6 PLVTQBEBBLUJmUBT1FSTFSPBOEBMBNNFMFTUBSJLBO EBO NFNQFSCBJLJ NVUV MJOHLVOHBO IJEVQ EJ BSFB lokasi Perseroan. Citra MANDIRI 4BMBI TBUV GPLVT QSPHSBN BEBMBI NFNCFSJLBO LFTFNQBUBO LFQBEB JCV SVNBI UBOHHB VOUVL CFMBKBS NFOHPMBI NBLBOBO EBO NFNBTBL EFOHBOUVKVBOVOUVL NFMBLVLBO QFOHIFNBUBO EBMBN CFMBOKB keluarga NFOZFEJBLBO NBLBOBO ZBOH TFIBU EBO CFSHJ[JDVLVQCBHJBOHHPUBLFMVBSHB CBHJ NFSFLB ZBOH QVOZB KJXB XJSB VTBIB EJCFSJ LFTFNQBUBO VOUVL NFOKVBM QSPEVL QSPEVL NBLBOBOOZB LFQBEB LBSZBXBO 1FSTFSPBO EJ MJOHLVOHBO ,BCJM EBO UFNQBU tinggalnya sendiri. .FNCFSJLBO CBOUVBO QFSNPEBMBO CBHJ QFUBOJ TBZVSEBOQFUBNCBLJLBO JUSB16- PLVT QSPHSBN BEBMBI QBEB QFOJOHLBUBO NVUV QFOEJEJLBO TFLPMBI CBJL HVSV EBO NVSJEOZB EJ lingkungan sekitar Perseroan. ,FSKB TBNB EFOHBO TFLPMBI NFOFOHBI LFKVSVBO EBMBN QFOHFNCBOHBO NVUV lingkungan sekolah ,FSKB TBNB EFOHBO CFCFSBQB TFLPMBI NFOFOHBI LFKVSVBO VOUVL NFNCFSJLBO LFTFNQBUBO LFQBEB MVMVTBOOZB NFOEBQBU QFMBUJIBO LFUSBNQJMBO LFMBT EVOJB EBMBN QSPHSBNNBHBOHTFMBNBCVMBO ,FTFIBUBO.BUBTFCBHBJNPEBMEBTBSLFNBKVBO CBOHTBLIVTVTOZBHFOFSBTJNVEB 1FSTFSPBO NFOHBEBLBO QFNFSJLTBBO LFTFIBUBO NBUBUFSIBEBQNVSJETFLPMBIEBTBSEJBUBN 1FSTFSPBO KVHB NFNQFSIBUJLBO LFTFIBUBO VNVN QBSB MBOTJB UFSVUBNB NFSFLB ZBOH CFSFLPOPNJSFOEBI JCJEBOH ,FTFIBUBO 1FSTFSPBO NFOZFMFTBJLBO SFOPWBTJ ,MJOJL ZBOH EBQBU EJNBOGBBULBO VOUVL CFSPCBUCBHJNBTZBSBLBUTFLFMJMJOH TFMBJOVOUVL LBSZBXBOEBOLFMVBSHBOZB