Teaching English Vocabulary to the Seventh Grade Junior High School

through the sections in order but use hyperlinks to explore areas of interest or go straight to a given page when revising. 4. Individual preference: learners can differ in the way in which they prefer to process information. 5. Interactivity: the key here is to design learning activities which cognitively engage the learner, that is causes them to think about the material that is presented, what it means, its relevance, how it can be applied and in what context. Looking at those advantages, teachers are supposed to consider using learning multimedia more often, especially to learn vocabulary. By using various kind of learning multimedia, the learning results are expected to get better than when teachers use traditional teaching method. The use of learning multimedia can also provoke learners’ engagement with the materials,which will prevent distraction when the teaching and learning process occurs. It is expected that teachers can be more creative in developing learning multimedia for their students since they are the one who know exactly the characteristics of their students, and the situations that they might encounter. Thus the learning multimedia developed will be the most appropriate and suitable for the students.

c. Principles of Interactive Learning Multimedia

Mayer 2001 in Mishra Sharma 2005: 200 explains seven cognitive principles of interactive learning multimedia: 1. Multimedia principle: individuals learn, retain, and transfer information better when the instructional environment involves words and pictures, rather than word or picture alone. 2. Modality principle: individuals learn, retain, and transfer information better when the instructional environment involves auditory narration and animation. 3. Redundancy principle: individuals learn, retain, and transfer information better when the instructional environment involves narration and animation, rather than on-screen text, narration, and animation. 4. Coherence principle: individuals learn, retain, and transfer information better when the instructional environment is free of extraneous words, pictures, or sounds. 5. Signalling principle: individuals learn, retain, and transfer information better when the instructional environment involves cues that guide an individual’s attention and processing during a multimedia presentation. 6. Contiguity principle: individuals learn, retain, and transfer information better when the instructional environment where words or narration and pictures or animation are presented simultaneously in time and space. 7. Segmentation principle: individuals learn, retain, and transfer information better when the instructional environment where individuals experience concurrent narration and animation in short, user-controlled segments, rather than as longer continuous presentation. All of those seven principles are considered as the foundation in this study to develop an appropriate vocabulary learning multimedia. By adapting all of those principles, the product is expected to be an appropriate and feasible multimedia which can help both teacher and student in conducting the teaching and learning process. The principles are also adapted to improve the quality of the product that will give contribution to the quality of teaching and learning process as well.

d. Criteria of Effective Interactive Multimedia

In developing interactive multimedia, there are some criteria that must be followed to be able to produce an effective interactive multimedia, which are: 1. Theories of design Stemler 1997: 1 stated that there are some requirements of an effective interactive multimedia design, which are: 1 Screen design A good screen d esign has to be able to get learners’ focus, develop and maintain learners’ interest, promote materials processing, promote engagement between the learner and lesson content, help learners find and organize information, and facilitate lesson navigation. 2 Interaction and Feedback The key of interaction and feedback is the availability of control, stimulus and response in the multimedia. It is expected that learners can have control of the flow of the information in the multimedia. Furthermore, a good interact ive multimedia has to be able to give reaction to the actions learners’ done in the multimedia, as well as stimulating learners’ curiosity. 3 Navigation Navigations supposed to be less complicated and enhance learning process. There are buttons to move to a particular frame or scene, and the placement of the buttons has to be consistent. 4 Learner control A good interactive multimedia will enable learner to choose the learning materials, level of difficulty, exercises, and practices due to their need and interest. But, the portion of the control has to be suited to the characteristics of the students. Older students may learn more efficiently with bigger control, but younger students and low ability students may get confused instead. 5 Color Color is most effective when used consistently for cueing and highlighting. Effective colors should use a maximum three to six colors per screen, use the brightest colors for the most important information, use a neutral colors as a background and use significant contrast between text and a background color to provide a higher degree of text readability. Avoid using hot colors and complimentary colors. 6 Graphic It is better to use both text mode and graphic mode rather than just text mode or graphic mode alone. 7 Animation Animation in a good interactive multimedia has to be able to make clear the materials, as well as motivating, and attractive.