The Nature of Instructional Game

5. Implementation In this phase, the second product that is evaluated by the experts is then implemented by doing try out. The result of the implementation will be considered as evaluation in order to improve and revise to create the final product.

B. Conceptual Framework

There are some important factors that will determine English language mastery which are vocabulary mastery, language structure, listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill, and writing skill. Considering its importance, vocabulary is considered as one of the most important aspects of language which needs special attention. However, mastering English vocabulary is not easy considering the vocabulary size, limited learning time, and lack of motivation. One of the ways which can help to overcome those problems is by developing interactive vocabulary learning multimedia. Interactive vocabulary learning multimedia can help teacher in presenting materials in different way which can improve students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. It can also help students to learn vocabulary independently outside the classroom to overcome the lack of learning time in the classroom. The interactive multimedia will follow the principles of Direct Method teaching since it is considered as the best method to teach vocabulary to beginner. There are many kinds of media which can be used to develop interactive multimedia such as Android, Prezy, Macromedia flash, RPG maker, and PowerPoint. The researcher decided to develop the interactive multimedia using Microsoft PowerPoint software since Microsoft PowerPoint is very familiar software to use in our educational field. It is also user friendly, and can be accessed by both teachers and students easily. By using Microsoft PowerPoint software, the researcher also wants to encourage teachers to develop similar interactive multimedia to help students in learning. The researcher wants to show that to create an effective interactive multimedia is not so difficult and can be done by anyone even by the researcher herself, who is just a student and do not really get along with technology. The interactive multimedia is expected to build up fun and interesting atmosphere in the teaching and learning process to increase student motivation. It is also expected to cover appropriate materials for seventh grade students. The practices and drills are devided into three sections which are input, drill, and eveluation. This sequence follows the practices and drills sections in When English Rings The Bell book, which is provided by the government to support the implementation of curriculum 2013. In every unit in the book, there are examples of expressions usage as the input, which is followed by several drills activities. The researcher adds the evaluation part to see what have been learnt by the students. Figure 1: Conceptual Framework Vocabulary Learning Problems:  Vocabulary size  Motivation  Limited Time Interactive Multimedia Covers various Materials, drills, and practices Aplicable In the classroom Improves Motivation Engages students’ attention Saves Time