D. Research Procedure

To develop the interactive multimedia effectively, a planning and a good model were considered crucial. The researcher developed the interactive multimedia by adapting the media development model proposed by Lee and Owens 2004. The development itself required five steps which were: 1. Analysis a. Needs Analysis In this phase, the researcher tried to identify the target needs and the learning needs of the students. The goal of needs analysis was to match student’s need and the program. Questionnaires regarding the target needs and learning needs were given to the student to acquire basic information. The result of the observation and interview was also considered in this phase. b. Content Analysis The goal of content analysis was to match the content with the core competency, basic competency, and syllabus. An interview with the English teacher was conducted to analyze potential content and materials for the program. 2. Design a. Designing Course Grid In this phase, the researcher created the draft of the materials that would be presented. The materials taken are based on the syllabus and the textbook used by students to get appropriate draft of the materials. b. Designing Flowchart After having sufficient draft of the materials, the researcher created the flowchart which would describe the layout of the interactive multimedia developed. Flowchart is a symbol or picture which depicts the steps representing activities of processing the materials. It links one page to another. The flowchart served as a roadmap of the interactive multimedia. 3. Development a. Materials collecting In this phase, materials to develop the interactive multimedia such as pictures, backgrounds, animations, fonts, sounds, etc. were collected. b. Integrating the materials into the program In this phase, the materials were integrated to be an interactive multimedia. The supporting software that was used was Microsoft PowerPoint. Microsoft PowerPoint was chosen since it is user friendly and very popular among teachers and students. It is expected that teachers can develop similar program in the future. c. Validation by the expert The first draft of the product was consulted to the supervisor see whether it was yet appropriate, and to get opinions which would help the researcher to develop the product. 4. Evaluation The first product was evaluated by the expert through questionnaires. The questionnaires were then analyzed to revise the product which led to the final product. 5. Implementation In this phase, the product was tested in the field to see whether it could meet the objectives or not. The implementation phase is in the form of Small group try out. According to Sadiman 2005: 186, the member of small group try- out must consist of 2 up to 8 students who represent the target population. The small group try-out involved 6 students which were chosen randomly. They tested the program and were given the questionnaire. The questionnaires were then analysed to see whether the multimedia was already appropriate or not yet.

E. Data Collection Technique

The technique used in the data collection process was interview, observation and questionnaire. The interview was used to gain information about the characteristics of the students, and information related to the teaching and learning process in the classroom in order to be able to develop appropriate interactive multimedia, so did the observation. The researcher also used several different questionnaires for students, and experts. The first questionnaire was given to students to gain information about the target needs and the learning needs. The second and third questionnaire was given to the experts to get comments and suggestions in developing interactive multimedia and also to determine whether the interactive multimedia developed was already appropriate and could be classified into an effective interactive multimedia or not. And the last questionnaire was given to the students to assess the materials.

F. Research Instruments

The instruments used in this research were observation guide, interview guide and questionnaire.

1. Observation Guide

Observation guide was used to guide the researcher in gaining information about the characteristics of the students. The researcher observed the situation in the classroom to be able to identify their characteristic, learning style, personality, motivation, and performance. It was also used to see the situation and facility in the school. The observation was conducted in the beginning of the research. It was then described in the field note to help the researcher to develop appropriate interactive multimedia that will be useful for them.

2. Interview Guide

Interview guide was used to guide the researcher in gaining information from the English teacher related to the materials which would be developed, and to confirm the characteristic and condition of the students. The interview was conducted in the beginning of the research. It was then transcribed to help the researcher develops the appropriate interactive multimedia.

3. Questionnaire

The first questionnaire was used to obtain data concerning the need analysis. It was given to the seventh grade students of SMP N 15 Yogyakarta to see the target needs and the learning needs. The second questionnaire was given the expert to evaluate the content and media appropriateness of the multimedia draft. And the last questionnaire was given to the students to evaluate the content and media appropriateness the multimedia as well. All of the data were very