Models of Developing Instructional Media

C. Relevant Studies

The implementation of curriculum 2013 leads to a big demand of supplementary materials, since students are encouraged to discover knowledge by themselves. Looking at its characteristics, role, advantages, etc. interactive multimedia is appropriate to bea form of supplementary material.Meanwhile, teaching and learning vocabulary is also considered very crucial in the English language teaching and learning. Vocabulary is the basic component of language which learners have to master. Therefore, there are a lot of studies related to the development of interactive multimedia, and the vocabulary teaching and learning. Nuradila 2014 conducted a study to develop an interactive multimedia to help physics education students to learn vocabulary. The results of the study indicates that the interactive multimedia is very appropriate to help physics education students to master vocabulary. Rahayu 2013 conducted a study related to the teaching vocabulary through quarted games. The result of the study shows that there was an improvement of students’ vocabulary development after some treatment of using quarted games. The result of the study also shows that the use of quarted games could encourage students to be more engaged to the learning process, and could provide students opportunities to share ideas. Both studies indicate that the interactive vocabulary learning multimedia is appropriate to be a supplementary materials. It can help students to independently learning vocabulary, which further can help students to learn English on the whole.


A. Design of Study

The objective of this study is to develop interactive vocabulary learning multimedia for SMP N 15 Yogyakarta. Thus, the design of the study is classified into Research and Development design. As noted by Gall, Gall, and Borg 2003: 569, “Research and Development study is a research process used to develop and validate educational products. ” This statement implies that by adapting this design, there are process of developing and validating an educational product in this study. The development is based on the relevant data collected from the research respondent, and the validation involves media expert and material expert. The educational product is also validated by being implemented in the real teaching and learning process to assure its quality and feasibility.

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted in SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta that is located in Jl. Tegal Lempuyangan No.61, Yogyakarta. The school has eighteen classes and is well facilitated. Each grade consists of ten classes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and J. There is a computer laboratory with 45 units of computers which can be used in the teaching and learning. Each class is also facilitated with LCD projector which can support the teaching and learning process using multimedia device.

C. Research Respondents

The respondents in this research were the student and the teacher of SMP N 15 Yogyakarta. There were 33 students of 7th grade from class E that was given the questionnaires for the need analysis, and an English teacher that was interviewed to gain information related to the data needed to develop the product of the research.

D. Research Procedure

To develop the interactive multimedia effectively, a planning and a good model were considered crucial. The researcher developed the interactive multimedia by adapting the media development model proposed by Lee and Owens 2004. The development itself required five steps which were: 1. Analysis a. Needs Analysis In this phase, the researcher tried to identify the target needs and the learning needs of the students. The goal of needs analysis was to match student’s need and the program. Questionnaires regarding the target needs and learning needs were given to the student to acquire basic information. The result of the observation and interview was also considered in this phase. b. Content Analysis The goal of content analysis was to match the content with the core competency, basic competency, and syllabus. An interview with the English teacher was conducted to analyze potential content and materials for the program. 2. Design a. Designing Course Grid In this phase, the researcher created the draft of the materials that would be presented. The materials taken are based on the syllabus and the textbook used by students to get appropriate draft of the materials. b. Designing Flowchart After having sufficient draft of the materials, the researcher created the flowchart which would describe the layout of the interactive multimedia developed. Flowchart is a symbol or picture which depicts the steps representing activities of processing the materials. It links one page to another. The flowchart served as a roadmap of the interactive multimedia. 3. Development a. Materials collecting In this phase, materials to develop the interactive multimedia such as pictures, backgrounds, animations, fonts, sounds, etc. were collected.