Implementing Fun Learning in English Teaching and Learning

From the study, there are findings about the effectiveness the teaching through fun learning on students’ psychological, social, and active domains. The researchers get data about many advantages of games that provide language teaching with. As the object of research, the teachers regard games as a necessary part of the teaching-learning process. Related to the effects on students’ psychological domains, a great majority of the teachers think that fun learning help students overcome their fears and worries, and develop their self-esteem easily; moreover students thus get psychologically ready for learning. At the affective domain, since games enable learning the information with joy they make learning fun and amusing. The research also finds that learning based on games increase the teacher-student communication, and develops students socially in this sense. The researchers in conclusion suggest that fun-based techniques, such as games, should be set to work in order to make such necessary factors in foreign language learning environments as being at ease, willingness, motivation, attention, interest and interaction a complementary part of learning situations. In addition, text-books should in this sense be arranged with a more entertaining scope. Based on those previous researches conducted, it can be concluded that fun learning gives a good impact to the English teaching and learning quality. It encourages the researcher to conduct a research on “Improving the Quality of English Teaching and Learning Process by Using Fun Learning Activities to the Grade Four at SD N Ngringin”.

C. Conceptual Framework

As explained in the studies above, the quality of teaching and learning process is the core of successful education. The greater the quality of teaching and learning process, the successful education will be. The quality of teaching and learning process is influenced by various components. Those components can be teaching methods or techniques used by the teacher, teaching media, teaching materials, students’ motivations, and interaction in classroom. To improve the teaching and learning quality, the factors mentioned above have to be given support actively. Concerning the necessity of the teaching and learning quality, the involved members of the research decided to do an action. The actions include observations on the object involving the teaching and learning process and the general condition of the classroom. It also involve identifying the existing problems at SD N Ngringin and especially in the grade four, having discussion with the research subjects to find out the solution and making an agreement related to the component to be improved. To improve the teaching and learning quality, the research team did some collaborative works. The first step was identifying the problems in the field, the second was planning the actions to be carried out, the third was implementing the planned actions, and the last was evaluating result of the actions. The research may be continuous and endless since improvement is still needed. 39


A. Type of the Research

The research was categorized as action research since one of the aims is to identify a ‘problematic’ situation in order to bring changes and improvements in educational practice Burns, 2010: 2. Carr and Kemmis cited in Burns 2010: 5 argue that action research is ‘self-reflective enquiry’ undertaken by participants in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own social or educational practices as well as their understanding of these practices and the situations in which these practices are carried out. In doing this action research, the researcher chose a model proposed by Kemmis and McTaggart in Burns, 2010: 9. According to Kemmis and McTaggart, action research involved four phases in the form of a cycle. The researcher, the English teacher, and another research member collaborated and worked together in collecting input about the obstacles and weaknesses of the English teaching and learning process and then identified the research problems. After that, they planned and carried out the actions, observed, evaluated and reflected on the actions implemented in the study. The cycle may become a continuing until the action researcher has achieved a satisfactory outcome. The phases were planning, action, observation, and reflection. The processes of phases could be drawn as figure 1.