Uji Kenormalan Uji Linearitas Uji Multikolinearitas Uji Heteroskedastisitas

Lanjutan Lampiran 4.

c. Uji Kenormalan

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 100 ,0000000 ,58540876 ,082 ,063 -,082 ,816 ,518 N Mean Std. Deviation Normal Parameters a,b Absolute Positive Negative Most Extreme Differences Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Asymp. Sig. 2-tailed Unstandardiz ed Residual Test distribution is Normal. a. Calculated from data. b.

d. Uji Linearitas

™ KeputusanX1 ANOVA Table 50,582 75 ,674 1,546 ,115 7,961 1 7,961 18,254 ,000 42,621 74 ,576 1,321 ,225 10,467 24 ,436 61,049 99 Combined Linearity Deviation from Lineari Between Groups Within Groups Total keputusan X1 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. ™ KeputusanX2 ANOVA Table 40,528 57 ,711 1,455 ,102 19,923 1 19,923 40,776 ,000 20,605 56 ,368 ,753 ,840 20,521 42 ,489 61,049 99 Combined Linearity Deviation from Linearit Between Groups Within Groups Total keputusan X2 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Lanjutan Lampiran 4. ™ KeputusanX3 ANOVA Table 39,844 53 ,752 1,631 ,046 12,386 1 12,386 26,870 ,000 27,458 52 ,528 1,145 ,321 21,205 46 ,461 61,049 99 Combined Linearity Deviation from Lineari Between Groups Within Groups Total keputusan X3 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Coefficients a -.650 .481 -1.352 .180 .015 .123 .011 .122 .903 .707 1.414 .558 .118 .420 4.721 .000 .739 1.353 .402 .109 .316 3.695 .000 .801 1.249 .145 .077 .158 1.865 .065 .818 1.222 Constant X1 X2 X3 X4 Model 1 B Std. Error Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Tolerance VIF Collinearity Statistics Dependent Variable: keputusan a. ANOVA Table 30,591 40 ,765 1,481 ,084 8,265 1 8,265 16,010 ,000 22,326 39 ,572 1,109 ,354 30,458 59 ,516 61,049 99 Combined Linearity Deviation from Linearit Between Groups Within Groups Total keputusan X4 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. ™ Keputusan X4

e. Uji Multikolinearitas

Lanjutan Lampiran 4.

f. Uji Heteroskedastisitas

Correlations 1,000 -,042 . ,677 100 100 -,042 1,000 ,677 . 100 100 Correlation Coefficient Sig. 2-tailed N Correlation Coefficient Sig. 2-tailed N X1 ax1 Spearmans rho iklan ax1 ™ X1ax1 Correlations 1,000 -,005 . ,958 100 100 -,005 1,000 ,958 . 100 100 Correlation Coefficient Sig. 2-tailed N Correlation Coefficient Sig. 2-tailed N X2 ax2 Spearmans rho PP ax2 ™ X2ax2 Correlations 1,000 ,009 . ,926 100 100 ,009 1,000 ,926 . 100 100 Correlation Coefficient Sig. 2-tailed N Correlation Coefficient Sig. 2-tailed N X3 ax3 Spearmans rho HMP ax3 ™ X3ax3 Lanjutan Lampiran 4. ™ X4ax4 Correlations 1,000 -,003 . ,974 100 100 -,003 1,000 ANOVA b 27.121 4 6.780 18.985 .000 a 33.928 95 .357 61.049 99 Regression Residual Total Model 1 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Predictors: Constant, PII, HMP, PP, iklan a. Dependent Variable: keputusan b. Coefficients a -.650 .481 -1.352 .180 .015 .123 .011 .122 .903 .707 1.414 .558 .118 .420 4.721 .000 .739 1.353 .402 .109 .316 3.695 .000 .801 1.249 .145 .077 .158 1.865 .065 .818 1.222 Constant X1 X2 X3 X4 Model 1 B Std. Error Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Tolerance VIF Collinearity Statistics Dependent Variable: keputusan a. Model Summary b .667 a .444 .421 .59761 Model 1 R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Predictors: Constant, PII, HMP, PP, iklan a. Dependent Variable: keputusan b. ,974 . 100 100 Correlation Coefficient Sig. 2-tailed N Correlation Coefficient Sig. 2-tailed N X4 ax4 Spearmans rho PII ax4

g. Regresi