Teaching Listening in SMA

Traditionally, listening was associated with transmission of information, that is with one-way listening Nation and Newton: 2009. This can be seen in the extensive use of monologues in older listening materials. b. Two-way listening—typically associated with maintaining social relations interactional listening. Most contemporary materials reflect this re-emphasis with a move towards natural sounding dialogues Nation and Newton, 2009:40. Based on the two broad types of listening, listening provides transferring information and maintaining social relations as the input. From the point above, as comprehension is so essential of listening to transfer information, without comprehension no listening takes place and without comprehension should not be called listening. In listening comprehension the listeners show whether or not they monitor their comprehension through the listening process by maintaining social relations.

4. Teaching Listening

a. Teaching Listening in SMA

In Indonesia, the education system has applied two curriculums which are Curriculum 2013 as a new system and School-Based Curriculum as a traditional system. Most schools still apply School-Based Curriculum taught in elementary schools SD, junior high schools SMP and senior high schools SMA. It depends on the academic year of students. In SMA, the education system applies new system for X grade students and traditional system for grade XI and XII. So, School-Based Curriculum still exists in teaching and learning process. Caldwell and Spinks 1998 in Yuwono 2005 define School-Based Management as the self-managing school, and it has an authority to make decision related to the allocation of resources. It is evident that schools develop teaching and learning system to achieve the goals of the curriculum. In School-Based Curriculum, English is taught as a compulsory subject. Brown 2001: 92 states that “the terrible teens” are in an age of transition, confusion, self-consciousness, growth and changing bodies and minds. It depends on the goal that English as a foreign language which can be indicated from standard competency and basic competence SKKD. This below is the specimen of SKKD related to teaching listening in SMA: Table 2. The Standard of Competence and Basic Competence of Listening Skills for The Eleventh Grade of Senior High School Students in Semester Two based on the School-based Curriculum Standard of Competence Basic Competence Micro Skills 8. To response simple, short, functional texts and simple monologue texts in the genres of narrative, spoof and hortatory in the context of daily life 8.2 To response simple, monologue texts accurately, fluently, and acceptably in the genres of narrative, spoof and hortatory in the context of daily life a Discriminate among the distinctive sounds of English. b Recognize the communicative functions of utterances, according to situations, participants, goals. c Infer situations, participants, goals using real-world knowledge. d Use facial, kinesic, body language, and other nonverbal clues to decipher meanings. e Develop and use a battery of listening strategies, such as detecting key words, guessing the Standard of Competence Basic Competence Micro Skills meaning of words from context appeal for help and signaling comprehension or lack thereof. In this case, the teaching and learning process have to follow the goal that English as a foreign language. Because people in society do not use English as a tool for communication, it is difficult for learners to apply English competence in daily life. Learners have limitations to use English out of the class. So, the atmosphere of English as a communication can be created through teaching and learning process.

b. Principles for Teaching Listening