Temperatur Permukaan Metode Pengolahan Data Landsat 7 ETM+ .1

82 Dyah Ayu Ritma Ratri, Asep Saepuloh, Ketut Wikantika koefisien   HH   . Nilai HV   pada lahan vegetasi menunjukkan nilai koefisien paling besar.

4.2 Saran

Referensi peta tutupan lahan dan citra Landsat 7 ETM+ disarankan memiliki waktu akuisisi yang sama, agar analisis yang berhubungan dengan tutupan lahan dapat dilakukan dengan lebih akurat. Penentuan model TVDI dari proses pengambilan sampel memiliki korelasi yang cukup baik, namun dapat ditingkatkan dengan melakukan pengambilan sampel pada tiap interval yang lebih rapat. Proses pembuatan model TVDI dalam penelitian ini akan lebih akurat jika dapat dilakukan validasi hasil dengan data kelembaban tanah yang diambil sesuai waktu perekaman citra. DAFTAR REFERENSI Adler-Golden, S., Matthew, M., Bernstein, L., Levine, R., Berk, A., Richtsmeier, S., . . . Burke, H. 1999. Atmospheric Correction for Short-wave Spectral Imagery based on MODTRAN4. SPIE Proc. Imaging Spectrometry 3753 , 61-69. Anderson, J., Hardy, E., Roach, J., Witmer, R. 1976. A Land Use and Land Cover Classification System for Use With Remote Sensor Data. Washington: Governmont Printing Office. Campbell, J. B. 2002. Introduction to Remote Sensing Third Edition. New York: The Guilford Press. Coll, C., Galve, J. M., Sanchez, J. M., Caselles, V. 2010. Validation of Landsat 7ETM+ Thermal-Band Calibration and Athmospheric Correction with Ground-Based Measurements. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing Volume 48 , 547-555. Congalton, R. 1991. A Review of Acessing the Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Data. Remote Sensing Environtment 37 , 35-46. Daniels, D. J. 1996. Surface-penetrating Radar. Electronic Communication Engineering Journal , 165-182. Dobson, M., Ulaby, F. 1986. Active Microwave Soil Moisture Research. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 24 , 23-36. Elachi, C. 1987. Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing. New York: John Wiley. Elachi, C., Roth, L., Schaber, G. 1984. Space-borne Radar Subsurafce Imaging in Hyperarid Region. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing GE 22 , 383-388. Holme, A., Burnside, D., Mitchell, A. 1987. The development of a system for monitoring trend in range condition in the arid shrublands of Western Australia. Australian Rangeland Journal 9 , 14-20. 83 Bunga Rampai Forum Peneliti Muda Indonesia 2016 JAXA, J. A. n.d.. ALOSPALSAR Level 1.11.5 product Format description. JAXA. Kasischke, E. S., Bourgeau-Chavez, L. L., Rober, A. R., Wyatt, K. H., Waddington, J. M., Turetsky, M. R. 2009. Effects of Soil Moisture and Water Depth on ERS SAR Backscatter Measurements from an Alsakan Wetland Complex. Remote Sensing Environment 113 , 1868-1873. Lambin, E., Ehrlich, D. 1996. The Surface Temperature-Vegetation Index Space for Land Cover and Land Cover Analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing 17 , 463-487. Levin, N. 1999. Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. Tel Aviv: Remote Sensing Laboratory of Geography Department. Lillesand, K., Kiefer, R. W., Chipman, J. 2004. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. Minnesota: John Wiley. Luckman, A., Baker, J., Kuplich, T., Yanasse, C., Frery, A. 1996. A Study of the Relationship between Radar Backscatter and Regenerating Tropical Forest Biomass for Spaceborne SAR Instruments. Remote Sensing of Environment 60 , 1-13. Lusch, D. P. 1999. Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing. Michigan: Michigan State University. Moses, K. P., Devadas, M. D. 2012. An Approach to Reduce Root Mean Square Error in Toposheets. European Journal of Scientific Research , 268-274. NASA, N. A. 2015, August 14. Landsat 7 Science Data Users Handbook . Retrieved from NASA L7 Data Product: landsathandbook.gsfc.nasa.gov Paloscia, S. 1998. An Empirical Approach to Estimating Leaf Area Index from Multifrequency SAR Data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 19 , 359-364. Roth, L., Elachi, C. 1975. Coherent Electromagnetic Losses by Scattering from Volume Inhomogeneties. IEEE Transcaction on Antenna and Propagation 23 , 674-675. Rouse, J. W., Haas, R. H., Schell, J. A., Deering, D. W. 1973. Monitoring vegetation systems in the Great Plains with ERTS. Third ERTS Symposium NASA SP-351 I , 309-317. Sandholt, I., Rasmussen, K., Andersen, J. 2002. A Simple Interpretation of the Surface TemperatureVegetation Index Space for Assesment of Surface Moisture Status. Remote Sensing of Environtment 79 , 213-224. Sanli, F. B., Kurucu, Y., Esetlili, M. T., Abdikan, S. 2008. Soil Mositure Estimation from RADARSAT-1, ASAR and PALSAR Data in Agricultural Fields of Menemen Plane of Western Turkey. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Information Sciences , 75-81. Scaramuzza, P., Micijevic, E., Chander, G. 2004. SLC Gap-Filled Products, Phase One