According to Vanderstoep and Johnston 2009: 167, the purpose of qualitative research tends to be descriptive rather than prescriptive. It was in parallel with the purposes of this research, which were to describe and to identify the type and the order of entailment, and also to explain the approaches to detect entailment in The Da Vinci Code movie.

B. Form, Context, and Source of Data

Data are the recorded information or materials which are used in some researches; they are taken from the data source. According to Moleong 2004: 157, the main data of qualitative research are utterances and actions. As a qualitative research, the data of this study were utterances performed by the characters in the movie The Da Vinci Code. Meanwhile, the context of the data was the dialogues between the characters, or merely monologues by a certain character. According to Denscombe 2007: 286, the source of data in qualitative research can be in the form of words, which can be found in the spoken utterances or written sentences. This research was dealing with a movie, so the words were performed in spoken utterances. Thus, the source of the data of this research was the movie itself. Overall, the data were taken from The Da Vinci Code movie and its transcript.

C. Data Collection Techniques

The data was collected by using note taking technique which will be further analyzed by semantic entailment theories. Therefore, there are several procedures of collecting data conducted by the researcher presented as follows. a. the researcher found The Da Vinci Code movie which is considered appropriate with the research topic, b. then she watched The Da Vinci Code movie, c. then she downloaded the movie script from the website: www.yifysubtitles.com, d. the researcher collected the data which were considered as entailment, e. the researcher classified the data based on the types and orders of entailment, f. the researcher found the approaches to detect entailment in the movie, and g. the data were transferred into the data sheet.

D. Research Instrument

There were two instruments used in this research: primary and secondary instrument. The primary instrument of this study was the researcher herself as she collected and analyzed the data by herself. Lincoln and Guba in Vanderstoep and Jognston, 2009: 188-9 explain that the best instrument for qualitative study is human because human has undergone experiences. In accordance with this, Given 2008: 737 clarifies that the primary instrument of qualitative research is the researcher because the researcher takes her own views, beliefs, feeling, and assumptions along the research. As the primary instrument, the researcher planned the research, collected the data, analyzed the data, and reported the data result. The researcher also used the data sheet as the secondary instrument in the study. Therefore, the form of the data sheet is presented in the following table.