Kamu suka banget mendengarkan musik indie folk . p.60, June 2010 edition

45 original English word and it does not have an equivalence of word in Bahasa Indonesia. 11. Melihat orang-orang disekeliling yang rambut dan cara pakaian dengan style emo. p.92, June 2010 edition 12. Gaya berpakaiannya juga punya ciri khas sendiri dengan rambut berwarna hitam gelap dibiarkan memanjang ke depan sedangkan bagian rambut belakang dibentuk spike. p.92, June 2010 edition In example 11 and 12, the magazine used the English original words such as “style emo” and “spike” which are hairstyle. However, Indonesians use these words when they want to have these kinds of hairstyles. 3. Mood of the Speaker The mood of the speaker deals with “code-switching expressions which are used by the speaker because those expressions are avalaible in the point of time when the speaker has a disturbed mind.” Malik, 1994:16. In this reason, the writer also refers to the theory from Gumperz 1982 about personalization. The mood of the speaker has an equal meaning with personalization in which an utterance reflects a personal opinion, feeling, and knowledge. Hence, the mood of the speaker is considered as the personal feeling that the speaker is going to convey toward the situation. In this research, the writer found 28 cases which were categorized as the mood of the speaker. 13. Tolong bahas lebih lengkap lagi, sekalian pakai cover-nya dong. I’m a big fan of her p.9, june 2010 edition 14. Hi CG I’m your new best friend since 2010 lho and you are the best magazine ever p.9, june 2010 edition 46 The utterances above are included in the mood of the speaker because the switching into English is to express a personal expression. In example 13, here the subject was not only stating the message. By the expression “I’m a big fan of her”, it is showed that she really adored the artist, and this expression is very personal. In example 14, the speaker also switched the expression to show a personal idea. She was expressing her involvement to be one of the Cosmogirl Magazine readers, and showed her opinion that Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine is the best magazine ever. 4. To emphasize a point Gal 1979 defined a switch at the end of an argument not only helps to end the interaction but may serve to emphasize a point. In this case, the switching aims to give a stress and to add more force to the statement. In accordance with this research, the writer found that there were many code-switching cases in the chosen magazine which referred to this reason. It is because of the topic under discussion. The reason of point emphasis was mostly found in any section of information. It aims to emphasize and to ensure readers about the arguments which were conveyed. The total number of code-switching cases which were categorized as point emphasis was 49. Here are some examples. 15. Senegatif apa pikiranmu, coba usahakan untuk dikurangi ya. Seperti kata CG, mulai sekarang, ganti kata kelemahan jadi keunikan. No more the weakness, it’s the uniqueness in you, that you have to be proud of. How true p.8, june 2010 edition 47 In the example above, the switching into English is used to emphasize the point which has preceded the sentence. The magazine wants to emphasize to the readers that they should have positive thinking and see the strength in them. Everybody has hisher own uniqueness. The readers do not need to underestimate themselves. 16. Bersahabat dengan bumi jadi semakin mudah. Always ready to be a real green girl p.44, june 2010 edition In example 16, the magazine switched into English because it wanted to encourage readers to be able to be a girl who loves earth, and it is not difficult to be friends with earth. Only this kind of person can be called a real green girl. 17. Cosmogirl tidak pernah ragu mengambil keputusan dan menjalani harinya. Soalnya, kamu punya mantra ajaib yang selalu membantumu mendapatkan semangat baru bahkan di saat kamu hampir menyerah. “Me is born to lead” p.70, june 2010 edition The utterance above is considered as point emphasis because the English switching “me is born to lead” is used to emphasize the sentence point which preceded. The switching aims to emphasize readers to be a leader who always has a new spirit in life and does not give up easily. 18. It Girl itu... Berani mengekspresikan diri Let your inner and outer beauty shine Setiap orang punya kekurangan, kelebihan, dan keunikan masing- masing. Mengikuti orang atau berpura-pura jadi orang lain? Rugi banget p.76, june 2010 edition The example 18 shows the magazine switched into English in order to emphasize the sentence of berani mengekspresikan diri. By the switching, it emphasizes readers to thrust on themselves toward the positive things in them, and they do not need to follow others. 48 19. Jadilah anak gaul yang sebenarnya dengan mengenal beragam dunia. Basic knowledge punya, perkembangan dunia tetap ter-update, dan kamu akan jadi orang yang mudah diterima dimana-mana. You only live once guys – and it’s quite a short one p.129, june 2010 edition In the example above, the switching is to emphasize a point that readers live in diversity, and they should have broad knowledge by updating the information which develops every day. Since people live once, people should exploit every chance they have. 5. Habitual Experience According to Malik 1994:17, “code switching often occurs in fixed phrases of greetings and partings, commands and requests, invitation, expressions of gratitude and discourse markers.” In this reason, people use code-switching because the expressions have often been used in daily life. The writer found out some expressions which were categorized as habitual experience in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine of June 2010 edition. There were 15 cases of code-switching which occured in the chosen magazine. This means that the switching cases which were categorized as habitual experience did not occur frequently. It was only 3.4 percent of the total case , which was found 447 cases of code-switching in the chosen magazine. The writer presents the discussion in examples below.

20. Hello Thank you sudah bahas Orianthi di Mei 2010. p.9, June 2010 edition

21. Senang deh, ngobrol sama kalian. See you later, Guys p.41, June 2010 edition

22. Happy birthday, CG Saatnya mewujudkan resolusi yang sudah kamu buat di tahun ini. p.135, June 2010 edition 49 From these three examples above, the writer noticed that the expressions; “thank you”, “see you later”, and “happy birthday” are the common expressions which were used when using Bahasa Indonesia. The writer often finds that people are likely to use “thank you” to express gratitude to friends. It is because Indonesians acquired this kind of expression when they were in elementary school. However, the words have been used until now. Hence, it becomes a habitual experience of the speaker to use this expression in hisher daily life. Meanwhile in example 21, the expression “see you later” is also a common expression which is used to say goodbye to someone. Indonesians are likely to use this expression to represent sampai ketemu ya or sampai nanti. In example 22, the writer found that it is a very common expression that is used in Bahasa Indonesia. Almost every person says “happy birthday” when he or she wants to give congratulations of having birthday to his or her friend. This expression can be found both in spoken and written contexts, such as in conversation, letter, and send message service sms. 6. To show identity with a group In this reason, code-switching is used to show a group identity. A group identity can be a name which is only known by some people who are involved in a certain group. Dealing with this reason, the writer also combined this theory with the proposed theory from Gumperz 1982 that is addressee specification. This kind of code-switching also serves to direct to a specific persongroup.