Data Analysis Technique METHODOLOGY

35 interview, the writer could develop the questions which aimed at gaining in-depth information from the participants. In addition, the writer used recorded-interview. This technique aims to attain a detail trancription of the conversation which was conducted between the writer and the participants. The result of the interview was then transribed in a form of text.

F. Data Analysis Technique

After gathering the data, then it would be analyzed. Since this research was qualitative research, the nature of data would be in the form of words. In gaining a qualified finding, the writer followed the organized step in analyzing and organizing the qualitative research which were constructed by Creswell 1998, as cited by Leedy and Ormord 2005: 150-151. Creswell described a spiral data analysis which covered four steps; 1. Organizing the data The writer firstly conducted scanning reading of an edition of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine of June 2010 edition to identify words, phrase, clause and sentence which contained code-switching. In this step, the writer sometimes gave a brief note for interesting information which were related to the nature of this research. Before listing the data into observation checklist, the writer highlighted the code- switching cases from the magazine. Secondly, in answering the second research question which deals with the readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine, 36 the writer conducted interview for 5 participants from English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. This interview was based on the interview guide which had been designed. In the process of the interview, the writer recorded it in order to obtain a detail transcription of the conversation. Afterwards, the result was transcribed into text. 2. Examining the data By reading and examining thoroughly the code-switching cases and the interview result that had been put on the observation checklist and interview guide, the writer might have an early interpretation toward the phenomenon being discussed in this research. 3. Identify general categories and classify each piece of data This step might come up with the specific data which have been obtained from the observation checklist and the interview result. In the third step, the researcher went through detailed analysis. Dealing with the first research question in this research, the writer classified code-switching data into description based on each reason. Meanwhile for the second research question, the writer classified the result of the interview based on the questions in the interview guide. 4. Integrating and summarizing the data After finishing classifying the data, to get a big picture related to the common phenomenon being studied, the writer made conclusion toward code-switching phenomenon which was based on the data analysis. In this qualitative research, 37 thewriter drew a conclusion by his personal interpretation which was based on some theories proposed from several linguists.

F. Research Procedure