Research Subject Research Participants

30 measure students’ attitudes and opinions toward something” Ary, Jacob, and Razavieh, 2002: 25. Hence, survey research can be defined as “the systematic gathering of information from a sample of respondents for the purpose of understanding andor predicting some aspects of the behaviour of the population of interest” in certain topic of problem Tull and Albaum, 1973: 3. Related to this research, the writer surveyed students’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occurred in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. The surveyed done through interviewing the students who are considered as the readers of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

B. Research Subject

Since this research focuses on the use of code-switching in written context, Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine was chosen to be the subject of this research. Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine is considered as one of the favorites women magazine in Indonesia. It provides much information which are up-to-date. In addition, the information provided in this magazine are fit to women’s interest. Information such as life-style, fashion, special issues, artists’ life, and newest products are available in this magazine. As defined by the editorial staff of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine, the magazine is for readers in the range of 17-20 years. The writer chose Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine because it uses different language style compared to any other teenage magazines. Hence, it is still acceptable to be read for early college students. In addition, this magazine also provides many code-switching cases which become a space for readers to learn English by enriching new vocabularies used in its contents. After analyzing this magazine, the writer could obtain the proof of the existence of 31 code-switching by examining words, phrases and sentences which combined two languages Bahasa Indonesia and English. The writer employed one edition of Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine to analize. This consideration was based on the need of adequate data, in which the chosen edition of magazine has provided sufficient evidence of the occurence of a code- switching phenomenon to analyze. After analyzing the data, the writer found the evidence that almost in every page of this edition contains code-switching case. There is minimally one code-switching case in almost every page. There are also many pages which contain more than one code-switching cases. Furthermore, since this research has been conducted in the present time, the writer chose June 2010 edition.

C. Research Participants

In answering the second research question, the writer chose students of the English Language Education Study Program ELESP of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta as the research participants. Since this research deals with a phenomenon in sociolinguistics and language learning, the decision of choicing The ELESP students as the participants was because they are more eager to learn English rather than other readers who are not from English education background. Hence, this research expectantly could give a picture on advantages and disadvantages of the use of code-switching. The writer would like to know whether the use of code-switching has influence in assisting English language development or not. 32 Considering the number of female students which is bigger than men’s students in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University, the choice of the magazine came to Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. Furthermore, in the writer’s opinion, compared to men, women have greater interest in updating information which are related to life- style, fashion, and newest products. One of the ways is by reading magazine. In conducting the interview, the writer took 5 women students of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University as the participants of this research. The selection of the students was based on a small observation which had been conducted. The students who were chosen were noticed to frequently read Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine as one of information or entertainment sources in their daily life.

D. Research Instruments