Terus, make-overnya bikin aku pangling pas lihat muka sendiri. p.63, June 2010 edition

44 terms in two languages”. In this research, the writer found that some English terms were used in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine of June 2010 edition because those words are not available in Bahasa Indonesia. The total number of code-switching cases which are categorized as lack of register was 37. The terms which occured in the magazine are usually related to style, products and music genre. The writer would like to discuss some examples below. 7. Dia memutuskan untuk membeli sejumlah fast food menggunakan layanan drive-thru yang tersedia. p.38, June 2010 edition In this example, the word “drive-thru” is considered as lack of register because it doesn’t have equivalence of word in Bahasa Indonesia. Drive-thru means to buy food directly without getting out from the vehicle .

8. Blog saya berisi apa saja yang menginspirasi saya. p.51, June 2010 edition

In example 8, the magazine used the original English word “blog” which refers to “a web based journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption because the equvalent word is not available in bahasa Indonesia.”

9. Tampil seru dengan corak binatang dan boots dari kulit. p.53, June 2010 edition

10. Kamu suka banget mendengarkan musik indie folk . p.60, June 2010 edition

Example 9 shows that the word “boots” doesn’t have an appropiate equivalence of word in Bahasa Indonesia. Indonesians also use sepatu boot which refers to “boot”. It is similar to the case in the example 10. “Indie folk” is the 45 original English word and it does not have an equivalence of word in Bahasa Indonesia. 11. Melihat orang-orang disekeliling yang rambut dan cara pakaian dengan style emo. p.92, June 2010 edition 12. Gaya berpakaiannya juga punya ciri khas sendiri dengan rambut berwarna hitam gelap dibiarkan memanjang ke depan sedangkan bagian rambut belakang dibentuk spike. p.92, June 2010 edition In example 11 and 12, the magazine used the English original words such as “style emo” and “spike” which are hairstyle. However, Indonesians use these words when they want to have these kinds of hairstyles. 3. Mood of the Speaker The mood of the speaker deals with “code-switching expressions which are used by the speaker because those expressions are avalaible in the point of time when the speaker has a disturbed mind.” Malik, 1994:16. In this reason, the writer also refers to the theory from Gumperz 1982 about personalization. The mood of the speaker has an equal meaning with personalization in which an utterance reflects a personal opinion, feeling, and knowledge. Hence, the mood of the speaker is considered as the personal feeling that the speaker is going to convey toward the situation. In this research, the writer found 28 cases which were categorized as the mood of the speaker. 13. Tolong bahas lebih lengkap lagi, sekalian pakai cover-nya dong. I’m a big fan of her p.9, june 2010 edition 14. Hi CG I’m your new best friend since 2010 lho and you are the best magazine ever p.9, june 2010 edition