The Advantages on the Use of Code-Switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine

58 vocabulary item or when the language of conversation does not have the particular word needed to carry on the conversation smoothly.” In accordance with this research, the writer found that sometimes the words in Bahasa Indonesia are not acceptable to replace some particular words in English. It may create a strange situation during the conversation. Kamisah Ariffin in Code-Switching as a Communication Device in Conversation also defined that studies have shown that speakers accommodate and take into account other interlocutors’ linguistic factors in designing their speech Giles Smith, 1979; Bell, 1984; Giles, Coupland Coupland, 1991. Speakers may diverge and converge their speech to accommodate the other interlocutors for effective communication. Hence, in terms of communication, code-switching is used as a bridge to communicate more effectively. Based on the result of the interview, four participants assumed that the use of code-switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine helped them in understanding the information conveyed in the magazine. The participants argued the use of code-switching is a useful way to comprehend the content being discussed in the magazine. In addition, participant B explained that the use of code-switching is related to a habit of using particular words. The analysis shows that such a phenomenon occurs, perhaps due to the habitual use of the terms in English, the comprehensibility of the terms in English compared to Bahasa Indonesia, and the availability of the English terms in the speakers’ linguistic repertoire. The use of English code-switching in which she is familiar with, has helped her in understanding the information. She assumed that the unfamiliar 59 words of Bahasa Indonesia makes the information ineffective. In this case, a closer look at the data shows that the magazine did not only switch the language due to the lack of vocabulary, but rather as a language preference. Thus, according to her, it is better to use the original English words. In contrast, participant A had different opinion of code-switching which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. She assumed that the use of code- switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia magazine is not really effective. She sometimes found a stump code-switching which is unclear. As a result, according to her, since Cosmogirl Indonesia is an indonesian women’s magazine, it is better to minimize the use of code-switching in order to avoid misunderstanding the information conveyed in the magazine. 2 Code-Switching is a Way to Support English Language Development According to Richard Skiba 1997:4 as cited in Code-Switching as a Countenance of Language Interference, “although switching language in a conversation may be disruptive to the listener when the speaker switches due to the inability to express herself or himself, it does provide an opportunity for language development.” Drawing upon this quotation, code-switching is seen as a sample in which language development process takes place, rather than language deficiency. Language development takes place through the applications of target language which are appropiate and code-switching may signal the need of provision of appropiate samples. After analizing the interview result from the participants, the writer found an essential point that code-switching is considered as a way to support English 60 language development. Indeed, the purpose of readers in reading the magazine is to get information which are provided. But while reading the magazine, it is also possible for readers to acquire another language, in this case is English, since the magazine uses English words in delivering information. It might not be realized by the readers, but actually in this process, the language acquisition has taken place. The data that had been collected shows code-switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine has significant influence on English language development. In this case, the use of code-switching provides opportunities for readers to enrich English vocabulary. Participant B said that the use of code-switching enables her to enrich new vocabulary. She found many code-switching cases in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. These code-switching cases are in forms of words, phrases, and sentences. As a result, she could enrich her English vocabulary and expressions by acquiring new words which have not known before. Participant C and E had a similar view of the advantages of code-switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. In the interview, participant C gave an example of process which could be considered as language development process. In the process of reading, she found the word “cozzy”. She had not known the meaning about the word before. After finding the new word, she tried to find the meaning in dictionary. As a result, until now, she still remembers the meaning of the word. Meanwhile, participant D gave additional information in terms of vocabulary enrichment. Nowadays, there are many English expressions which are used in communication. It could be found in any kind of media, such as advertisement in 61 television, radio, newspaper, magazine, etc. This situation brings English to be closer in daily conversation. English is not only seen as a subject which can only be learnt in educational context, such as in high schools, but it is also seen as a language which can also be developed in natural settings, such as in daily communication. Rod Ellis 2003: 214 defined language acquisition in natural setting as follows: A genereal assumption is that the learning that the learning takes place in natural and educational settings is very different in nature. In natural settings informal learning occurs. That is, learning is considered to result from direct participation and observation without any articulation of the underlying principles or rules...The former takes place subconciously as a result of understanding what has been said or written in communication, and clearly corresponds to informal learning. From the interview result, it can be seen that there is an application of vocabulary enrichment they have acquired by reading the magazine. Since the language context in the magazine is not in an educational setting, thus, the vocabulary they have acquired mostly are used in daily communication, particularly when they have a conversation with friends. In addition, two participants viewed that acquiring new vocabulary in the magazine is an indirect learning which supports language development. They learned it unconsciously. Another situation which can be identified as a language development process is when the readers found new vocabulary. When reading the magazine and finding code-switching cases they have not met before, the readers have decision how they want to follow-up the new words. There are some ways of following-up the new vocabulary they met, such as asking another person, opening dictionary, and the common one is guessing the meaning by inserting into 62 context. According to the interview result from the participants, all of them described that the first step when meeting new words is to guess the meaning by inserting into context. In addition, participant E outlined she will open dictionary to find particular words when she really wants to know the meaning of the words they have not known. In this situation, the writer considers the use of code- switching may support English language development process. The occurence of English terms in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine can develop the readers’ store of English vocabulary and expressions. In some cases where the magazine’s writers put explanation to some English terms might be useful for the readers. By reading the magazine, the readers will obtain two advantages. First, information and entertainment from the contents of the magazine and second, the readers unconsciously attain vocabulary enrichment. Ayeomoni 2006:94 states that code-switching “correlates positively with the educational attainment of individuals”.

b. The Disadvantage on the Use of Code-Switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine

According to Sert 2005:5, “code-switching works as a bridge from known native language to unknown foreign language where the code switchers can learn the new words in the foreign language unconciously”. However, there are also some disadvantages of applying code-switching. In correlation with this research, the writer found that there are also some disadvantages of the use of code-switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine which were based on the readers’ opinion. 63 The result of the interview from the participants shows that there are two disadvantages which are led by the use of code-switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. They defined the disadvantage of the use of code-switching will be felt by readers who are not English learners. As described by participant D, there is a possibility that the use of code-switching in multitudes may hinder readers in understanding the contents of the magazine. Instead of carrying smoothness conversation, code-switching may cause an incomprehensible situation in which readers cannot understand the content of information being conveyed. As a result, code-switching might be a disruptive for them. This readers’ opinion is also supported by the theory from Cook 2002:333 about the weak sides of code- switching. According to Cook 2002 as cited by Olcay Sert in The Functions of Code-Switching in ELT Classrooms, “multilingual classrooms in saying that the application of code switching in classes which do not share the same native language may create problems, as some of the students though few in number will somehow be neglected.” The reduction of the familiarity of certain words in Bahasa Indonesia becomes the other disadvantage caused by the use of code-switching. As defined by participant A, in her opinion, nowadays people tend to use particular words in English in which it is more familiar. Indeed, it is good in terms of effective communication, but it may reduce the familiarity of Bahasa Indonesia equivalence words when it is never used. She gave an example by mentioning the words “download”, “print”, “soft file”, and “hard copy”. She found her friends