Research Instruments Data Gathering Technique

32 Considering the number of female students which is bigger than men’s students in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University, the choice of the magazine came to Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. Furthermore, in the writer’s opinion, compared to men, women have greater interest in updating information which are related to life- style, fashion, and newest products. One of the ways is by reading magazine. In conducting the interview, the writer took 5 women students of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University as the participants of this research. The selection of the students was based on a small observation which had been conducted. The students who were chosen were noticed to frequently read Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine as one of information or entertainment sources in their daily life.

D. Research Instruments

In this qualitative research, the writer is considered as the research instrument of the research. Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh 2002:447-448 defined the human instrument as follows: In qualitative studies, the investigator is the data-gathering instrument. He or she talks with people in the setting, observes their activities, read their documents and written records, and records this information in field notes and journals. Qualitative inquiry relies on fieldwork methods-interviewing, nonstructured observation, and document analysis – as the principal means of collecting data, avoiding the use of paper-and-pencil tests, mechanical instruments, and highly structured observational protocols. Dealing with the theory, the writer positions himself as the data gathering instrument of this research. He was the one who observed the phenomenon, read the 33 document and wrote the result, recorded the information in the checklists, conducted interview to the participants, and analyzed the data. The other instruments which were used were observation checklist and interview guide. The observation checklist was used to list code-switching cases which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. Meanwhile, interview guide was used to help the writer to answer the second research question, which deals with the readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occcured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. The table of the observation checklist and the interview guide can be seen in Appendix A and Appendix D.

E. Data Gathering Technique

In gathering the data of this qualitative research, the writer used library study, observation, and interview techniques. The first technique used to help the writer in gaining the data was library study. To describe possible reasons for code-switching, the writer employed library study which was based on theories proposed by some linguists. These theories then would be used as the foundation to analyze the data which deal with the possible reasons for code-switching. Second, in collecting the data of the evidence of code-switching occurrence in related magazine, the writer designed the observation checklist. The observation aims to give a reliable data and to prove the occurrence of code-switching in the magazine. As a result, the writer could obtain background information and the code- switching occurrence in the magazine in which the writer has focused on. 34 The third technique which was used was interview. In this technique, the writer used semi-structured interview. Hancock 2002:13 defined semi-structured interview as follows: Semi-structured interview involves a series of open ended questions based on the topic areas the researcher wants to cover. The open ended nature of the question defines the topic under investigation but provides opportunities for both interviewer and interviewee to discuss some topics in more detail. If the interviewee has difficulty answering a question or provides only a brief response, the interviewer can use cues or prompts to encourage the interviewee to consider the question further. Drawing upon this quotation, the writer used semi-structured interview to help him in gaining the data. The semi-structured interview was a very useful instrument for the writer, since it could help him in obtaining in-depth information from the participants. This instrument also enabled the writer to develop the questions in order to obtain further information from the participants. However, the interview was used to answer the second problem formulation in this research, which was to know the readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. The interview to the participants was conducted within a week, from September 17 th to September 24 th 2010. The writer conducted the interview for the participants one by one. In the process of the interview, the writer tried to create a relax situation, so that the participants could elaborate their answers well. The writer chose a proper place which could create a relax situation, such as in canteen and student hall. In conducting the interview, since the writer used semi-structured 35 interview, the writer could develop the questions which aimed at gaining in-depth information from the participants. In addition, the writer used recorded-interview. This technique aims to attain a detail trancription of the conversation which was conducted between the writer and the participants. The result of the interview was then transribed in a form of text.

F. Data Analysis Technique