The Disadvantage on the Use of Code-Switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine

63 The result of the interview from the participants shows that there are two disadvantages which are led by the use of code-switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. They defined the disadvantage of the use of code-switching will be felt by readers who are not English learners. As described by participant D, there is a possibility that the use of code-switching in multitudes may hinder readers in understanding the contents of the magazine. Instead of carrying smoothness conversation, code-switching may cause an incomprehensible situation in which readers cannot understand the content of information being conveyed. As a result, code-switching might be a disruptive for them. This readers’ opinion is also supported by the theory from Cook 2002:333 about the weak sides of code- switching. According to Cook 2002 as cited by Olcay Sert in The Functions of Code-Switching in ELT Classrooms, “multilingual classrooms in saying that the application of code switching in classes which do not share the same native language may create problems, as some of the students though few in number will somehow be neglected.” The reduction of the familiarity of certain words in Bahasa Indonesia becomes the other disadvantage caused by the use of code-switching. As defined by participant A, in her opinion, nowadays people tend to use particular words in English in which it is more familiar. Indeed, it is good in terms of effective communication, but it may reduce the familiarity of Bahasa Indonesia equivalence words when it is never used. She gave an example by mentioning the words “download”, “print”, “soft file”, and “hard copy”. She found her friends 64 tend to use the original English words rather than mengunduh, mencetak, data lunak, and cetakan keras.

C. Another Finding

After analyzing the data, writer found other findings besides the answers to the two research questions. There were some English words that were fully adopted in the Indonesian language. Words such as film, program, album, pastel, modern, motif, detail, and model. If such words can be found in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, those words have been fully adopted into Indonesian language. 65


This chapter is aimed at concluding and giving suggestions based on the research which had been conducted by the writer. The final results of this research are to answer the two questions elaborated in the problem formulation. The first question is about the reasons of the use of code-switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. Then, the second question is the readers’ opinion on the use of code- switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine.

A. Conclusions

After examining the whole data, the writer concluded two main points. First is about the possible reasons of code-switching. Second point is about the readers’ opinion on code-switching phenomenon which occured in Comsmogirl Indonesia Magazine. Dealing with the possible reasons of code-switching, the writer found that there were seven kinds of reasons of code-switching which occured in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine. They were lack of facility, lack of register, mood of the speaker, point emphasis, habitual experience, to show identity with a group, and attention attraction. Meanwhile, the reasons which were not found in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine were semantic significance, to address different audience, and pragmatic reasons.