Sekarang, kita hanya perlu handphone untuk internetan. p.89, June 2010 edition.

43 makanan hasil laut. In the second example, the magazine used the word “ upload”. The writer thought that the word “upload” is more familiar than the word memuat. The situation is also similar with the switching case in the third example. In many situations, people would rather use the word “inbox” than use kotak masuk, since kotak masuk is not common. The writer thinks it will be strange when people use kotak masuk. It is unfamiliar in daily conversation. The case is also similar in examples 4 and 6, the words “update” and handphone” are used more often than the words diperbaharui and telepon genggam. Lack of facility also deals with certain English words which are commonly used in Bahasa Indonesia. Related to this reason of code-switching, the writer also found some words which occured many times in the chosen magazine. Several words which occured many times were “fashion” and “make- up”. Since Cosmogirl Indonesia is a woman magazine, the code-switching cases are mostly related to fashion and style. Here are some examples: 6. Ssst.. ada beberapa fashion show yang menampilkan make-up dengan bulu-bulu yang dipasang alias dan riasan face painting beraksen glitter yang luar biasa menarik perhatian. p.48, June 2010 edition 7. Aku seneng disuruh pake baju lucu dan di-make up dengan gaya yang sesuai dengan wajahku. p.63, June 2010 edition

8. Terus, make-overnya bikin aku pangling pas lihat muka sendiri. p.63, June 2010 edition

2. Lack of Register Malik 1994:16 defines this reason as “the condition in which a speaker is not equally competent in two languages, and when the speaker does not know the 44 terms in two languages”. In this research, the writer found that some English terms were used in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine of June 2010 edition because those words are not available in Bahasa Indonesia. The total number of code-switching cases which are categorized as lack of register was 37. The terms which occured in the magazine are usually related to style, products and music genre. The writer would like to discuss some examples below. 7. Dia memutuskan untuk membeli sejumlah fast food menggunakan layanan drive-thru yang tersedia. p.38, June 2010 edition In this example, the word “drive-thru” is considered as lack of register because it doesn’t have equivalence of word in Bahasa Indonesia. Drive-thru means to buy food directly without getting out from the vehicle .

8. Blog saya berisi apa saja yang menginspirasi saya. p.51, June 2010 edition

In example 8, the magazine used the original English word “blog” which refers to “a web based journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption because the equvalent word is not available in bahasa Indonesia.”

9. Tampil seru dengan corak binatang dan boots dari kulit. p.53, June 2010 edition

10. Kamu suka banget mendengarkan musik indie folk . p.60, June 2010 edition

Example 9 shows that the word “boots” doesn’t have an appropiate equivalence of word in Bahasa Indonesia. Indonesians also use sepatu boot which refers to “boot”. It is similar to the case in the example 10. “Indie folk” is the