Beban Tangguhan Deferred Charges

Assuring the Move Into Next Level 454 Business Development Report Management Reports Company Information Information For Investors Operational Review PT SEMEN INDONESIA PERSERO Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 AND 2013 Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated Continued - 40 - Penjualan Properti Sale of Properties Entitas anak KIG mengakui penjualan bangunan rumah dan bangunan sejenis lainnya beserta kavling tanahnya dengan menggunakan metode akrual penuh apabila seluruh kriteria berikut terpenuhi: proses penjualan telah selesai; harga jual akan tertagih; tagihan KIG tidak akan bersifat subordinasi di masa yang akan datang terhadap pinjaman lain yang akan diperoleh pembeli, dan KIG telah mengalihkan risiko dan manfaat kepemilikan unit bangunan kepada pembeli melalui suatu transaksi yang secara substansi adalah penjualan dan KIG tidak lagi berkewajiban atau terlibat secara signifikan dengan bangunan tersebut. A subsidiary KIG recognizes the sale of houses and other similar types of buildings and land using the full accrual method, if all of the following criteria are satisfied: a sale is consummated, the selling price is collectible, KIG’s receivable is not subject to future subordination to other loans which will be obtained by the buyer, and KIG has transferred to the buyer the usual risks and rewards of ownership in a transaction that is in substance a sale and KIG does not have a substantial continuing involvement with the property. Penjualan kavling tanah tanpa bangunan diakui dengan syarat jumlah pembayaran oleh pembeli telah mencapai 20 dari harga jual, harga jual akan tertagih, tagihan KIG tidak subordinasi terhadap pinjaman lain, proses pengembangan tanah telah selesai sehingga penjual tidak berkewajiban lagi untuk menyelesaikan tanah kavling yang dijual, seperti kewajiban untuk mematangkan tanah kavling atau kewajiban untuk membangun fasilitas-fasilitas pokok yang dijanjikan oleh atau yang menjadi kewajiban penjual, sesuai dengan pengikatan jual beli atau ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan dan hanya kavling tanah saja yang dijual tanpa diwajibkan keterlibatan KIG dalam pendirian bangunan di atas tanah kavling tersebut. Sales of land without buildings are recognized provided that down payments from customers are a minimum of 20 of the sales price, the sales proceeds are considered to be collectible, KIG’s receivable will not be subordinated to other loans, the process of land development has been completed that the seller is no longer obligated to develop the lots sold, such as the obligation to construct amenities or other facilities applicable to the lots sold as provided in the agreement between the seller and the buyer or regulated by law and the sale consists only of the lots of land, without any involvement of the seller in the construction of the building on the lots sold. Pendapatan Dividen Dividend Revenue Pendapatan dividen dari investasi diakui ketika hak pemegang saham untuk menerima pembayaran ditetapkan. Dividend revenue from investments is recognized when the shareholders’ rights to receive payment has been established. Pendapatan Bunga Interest Revenue Pendapatan bunga diakru berdasarkan waktu terjadinya dengan acuan jumlah pokok terhutang dan tingkat bunga yang berlaku. Interest revenue is accrued on time basis, by reference to the principal outstanding and at the applicable interest rate. Beban Expenses Beban diakui pada saat terjadinya atau sesuai dengan masa manfaatnya. Expenses are recognized when incurred or based on their beneficial period. y. Liabilitas Imbalan Kerja y. Employee Benefits Liabilities Imbalan kerja jangka pendek Short-term employee benefits Imbalan kerja jangka pendek adalah imbalan kerja yang jatuh tempo dalam jangka waktu dua belas bulan setelah akhir periode pelaporan dan diakui pada saat pekerja telah memberikan jasa kerjanya. Short-term employee benefits are employee benefits which are due for payment within twelve months after the reporting period and recognized when the employees have rendered the related service .