Can you find the information in Ws easily from the book? What Ws format is considered good for you? Why?

173 B, C, and D. 2. B It depends on the questions. If the questions are..for example like “what is the meaning of..”, I just skimming and scanning but if the questions are “explain about is meant by…” and the lecturers told us to use our own words yaa it means we have to read the whole information. 3. C Reading carefully. Because, ya..honest ya.. If I do skimming and scanning, ok I finish but sometimes some points are missing, so I have to read carefully. I think depends on the difficulties of worksheet. Misalnya, for example some courses that I think it’s difficult, so I read it carefully. But if the mata kuliahnya agak-agak, ya ga gampang juga ga sulit..just skim and scan. 4. D At the first I use skimming and scanning, and then baru baca pelan-pelan. Skimming sama scanning itu mempermudah kita untuk mencari jawaban sebenernya. Lalu habis itu kita baru memahami isinya dari itu. Sebenernya aku nangkepnya itu sih, tapi ga tau kalo orang lain. Tapi kalo aku merasa bahwa ketika kita baca skimming sama scanning tu cepet kita tu bisa dapet gitu lho. Dan nanti setelah itu baru kita baca lagi dengan pelan-pelan. 5. E Skimming Biar ga buang-buang waktu dan kita langsung focus on the topic what in the question. 6. F Skimming and scanning, depend on the question. Usually I read the question first and then..maybe the question is about instructional design, what is instructional design? I read…cari kata-kata yang ada instructionnya. Lebih cepat. 7. G I prefer skimming and scanning. Because skimming and scanning sometimes I can found something unexpected. 8. H Scanning biasanya. Biasanya soalnya udah jelas toh, ini artinya apa, nah udah kelihatan. Ya lebih enak, ya lebih cepat, hemat waktu. 9. Can you find the information in Ws easily from the book? No. Student Answers 1. A Depends on the type of questions If the Ws requires us to imply what the book means, that would be quite tricky because we do have to have our own sense of understanding of the book. 2. B Not all of the questions. Because sometimes the students, eh the lecturers ask us to summarize it so we have to read…bla bla bla baru nemu jawabannya. Tapi ada juga yang langsung ketemu jawabannya, tapi ada juga yang solanya tu explain about this, so we have to read it first and summarize it. It is not easy to summarize that there is not our mother tongue, especially if the words are difficult. 3. C Sometimes we have to read teliti. The answer, the information and text book is not the same language or the same sentence. We have to conclude by ourselves. 4. D No. We have to read more than once. 5. E Sometimes. Kadang jawabannya sudah ditulis di buku, kadang juga kita harus memahami apa yang dimaksudkan pertanyaan itu. Jawabannya tersirat. 6. F Sometimes it’s easy but sometimes no, depends on the question. Sometimes it’s hard to understand the answer so it’s hard for me to find the answer. 7. G Sometimes it..tersirat, I found it difficult. But because, as I said – pair, my partner may be can find it so it’s ok. 8. H Easily. Very easy. 174 10. What Ws format is considered good for you? Why? No. Student Answers 1. A Not summary. Ya, I believe that question is quite good but aaa…well, I tend quite question that requires us to imply what the meaning; what the book means because well, we will then have our own answers because my idea with your idea is different. That’s it. Question but implified implied. Red question. I mean we make on your own words and your own understanding related to the topic. 2. B I like question format. It’s easy to find the answer. If I have to summarize, I think.. I yaaa.. it’s is too complicated for me because especially if the lecturer told us to use our own words, it will be so difficult because sometimes what the book use, the word in book is easy and we have to find any other word. It will be confusing for us; for me, not for us. 3. C Matching and summary. Matching because sometimes lecturer provide similar answer. It is kind to mengecoh, so have to think it deeper again. And then summary, sometimes also lecturer ask us to give different answer or based on our comprehension. So, by summary we can write or answer by our own understanding. 4. D Aku milih dua-duanya Question and summary. Red karena setelah kita dapet pertanyaan kayak gitu kan kita pasti nyari jawabannya kan mas. Itu sebenernya membuat kita untuk memilih jawaban di worksheet itu, kalo summary itu buat ringkasan materi yang buaanyak itu. 5. E Question-summay. Karena question-summary tu mungkin kita akan lebih berusaha untuk mengerti apa yang dimaksudkan dengan topic itu jadi kita nggak kayak plagiarism. Kita mem-paraphrase. 6. F Question and summary Because I think matching is rather difficult than question and summary. And in the question and summary it can help us to.. pokoknya bisa jawab dengan kata-kata kita sendiri, gitu lho. Jadi jawaban kita tu pemahaman kita, ga cuma yes or no ato matching aja gitu lho. 7. G Honestly I prefer true or false. In true-false you can already like..for example ‘worksheet is bla bla bla’, that means I already study what the meaning, the statement and I need is it true or false? If false I can already know that the correct answer is in that book and I know. 8. H Question. Yang itu tadi ya, ini artinya apa… Tapi kadang.. gak gak..aku ga suka true-false, paling ga suka true-false. Matching Pokoknya yang enak- enak yang ga perlu pusing. 11. a. How do you work on Ws?