How do you work on worksheet? Why?

130 19 08 1214 016 The lecturers evaluates my work with scoring after that the lecturers make a class discussion because it can help me to understand. 20 08 1214 017 No 19, because we can know about the answer and why we have difficulties when we do to finish the answer 21 08 1214 018 Class discussion it is clearer 22 08 1214 019 I need evaluation number 19. Because we will know where is our mistake in the our answer and we can discussion together. It is very helping to understand the material. 23 08 1214 021 Three of them because the combination of number 17-19 can help the students evaluate themselves 24 08 1214 022 Class discussion, because we can know the right answer. If there are question that can’t be solve, we can solve it together. 25 08 1214 023 It’s better if the evaluation is done with class discussion. Because we can ask questions if we don’t understand. 26 08 1214 025 I would prefer the class discussion, because we can solve problems together. 27 08 1214 026 Maybe I prefer the combination of all of them. 28 08 1214 028 Class discussion and scoring, so we know our scor and discuss the answer in a class. 29 08 1214 030 Submission, approval, and class discussion are good but not with the scoring. Because sometimes we don’t have enough time to think when the scoring time. 30 08 1214 031 Number 19. Because it is helpful and we can know the right answer. 31 08 1214 032 Class discussion, because there are deeper analysis of the material given. We can ask if we don’t understand, also give opinion. 32 08 1214 033 With scoring and also class discussion because I also need the correction if I make mistake 33 08 1214 034 Class discussion, because we can know the right answer. 34 08 1214 035 Class discussion. Because we can check the answer and repair it. And it will make the lecturer easier. 35 08 1214 036 Scoring and class discussion because it more effective. 36 08 1214 037 I think the class discussion is the best because the students will understand better. 5. How do you work on worksheet? Why? No. Student Number Answer 131 1. 06 1214 032 On my own, if I think I’m capable. Mostly with my friends, so we can help each other. 2 06 1214 047 Sometimes I just “copy-paste” from my friend because I think the worksheet is inrelevant with the subject and it’s wasting time to do it. 3 06 1214 057 Reading less, copy paste most Later on, I will re-read that, wish that I will understand the matters. 4 07 1214 053 Work with my friend because we can discuss it together. 5 07 1214 121 Work with my friends. 6 08 1214 001 I often do my worksheet by myself first. I do it with my friends when I got any difficulties. 7 08 1214 002 I work on worksheet by myself because it is more effective to be done by myself. However, after I’m done with my worksheet, I usually discuss them with my friends. 8 08 1214 003 Sometime I do by myself and often with my friend. We can share about the answer, improve my ability 9 08 1214 004 Doing at home while reading the material. Because I can more understand the material. 10 08 1214 005 It depends on the worksheet, if easy I’ll do it by myself but if it is difficult I prefer to do it with my friends. 11 08 1214 006 I do my worksheet with my friends, discuss with my friends makes me better understanding in materials. 12 08 1214 007 I usually do my worksheet with my friends. Because we can share what we know and then find the right answers together. 13 08 1214 008 Usually I work my worksheets with my friend because it is so useful when I can’t do and they want to share how can find the answers. 14 08 1214 009 Do it by myself first, then if I found difficulties I asked my friends. 15 08 1214 011 I do my worksheets with my friends. Because when I do it with my friends I can discuss about the question. 16 08 1214 012 Discuss together with my friends. Because when we study study together, we can help each other to understand the material. 17 08 1214 013 I do my worksheet with my friends. Because we can share the answer each other. 18 08 1214 015 Sometimes I can do my worksheets well if I am in good conditionmood but it I am in bad condition, I can’t do my worksheet well. 19 08 1214 016 First I do my myself and then I discuss with my friends because if there’s something that I do not understand I can ask my friends. 132 20 08 1214 017 - 21 08 1214 018 Discuss with friends, they help much to understand the worksheet 22 08 1214 019 I work my worksheets together with my friends. Because I can ask my friends if the question in worksheets difficult. 23 08 1214 021 Sometimes by myself. Sometimes with my friend. Because not all the worksheet is easy. 24 08 1214 022 Sometimes individually Sometimes work in group 25 08 1214 023 I do it as far as I can, because when the questions are discussed, it can improve my understanding 26 08 1214 025 I usually work together with my friend, because we can exchange our experiences and opinions each other. 27 08 1214 026 Sometimes I do my worksheet by myself, and sometimes I do my worksheet by cheating my friends’ 28 08 1214 028 I do it with my friends because it helps me, when I do not know the answer of the question so my friends and I will discuss it together. 29 08 1214 030 I work by myself then discuss with friends. Sometimes I doubt some answers. 30 08 1214 031 With friends. It’s easier to answer the question because there’re a lot of brains to answer it. 31 08 1214 032 I try to answer the worksheets’ questions everytime the worksheet given because it help me to understand the material. 32 08 1214 033 Do it by myself then discuss with my friends 33 08 1214 034 I work with my friends and smtm see their work but before I do it by myself first. 34 08 1214 035 Together with my friends. Because it will help us to know the answer from many sides. 35 08 1214 036 I often discuss it with my friend because sometimes when I do the worksheets I find some difficulties. 36 08 1214 037 I try to answer the worksheets in home but just the points but most of the time I answer it in the class.

B. Approaches, Methods, and Techniques Class