Based on questions number 17-19, what kinds of evaluation meets your need?

128 24 08 1214 022 The question format Because we challenge to solve the question. We also read the book authomatically. It can be more effective to understand the course material. 25 08 1214 023 I prefer the combination of question-summary format Because if we are just given the question format and we don’t have the summary, it’s more difficult to answer the questions. 26 08 1214 025 The combination of summary and question, because we have more various ways to learn the materials. It can help us to understand the lesson easier. 27 08 1214 026 I prefer the question format, because it helps me to understand the material more by doing the tasks. 28 08 1214 028 Question-summary because we can answer the question and learn the material by read the summary. 29 08 1214 030 A brief summary 1 st , then some question. The brief summary introduce the material but still make us curious so we want to learn more by answering the questions. 30 08 1214 031 Number 7. Because it is simpler. 31 08 1214 032 Question-summary. If the worksheet is only questions than we only understand the material from the question but not the whole material. By summary worksheet, we can map the whole material, understand cause-effect relation and it will give us better understanding because we know the whole material. 32 08 1214 033 Question. Because it is more specific. 33 08 1214 034 Question-summary, because this more helper in doing the worksheet, more understood. 34 08 1214 035 1 st . Because it will train us to answer it first, not only read the summary. 35 08 1214 036 Question format, because through answering the questions, we can understand the material better. 36 08 1214 037 The question format, because it will lead to the point of the material, and it will train the students to search for the answer 4. Based on questions number 17-19, what kinds of evaluation meets your need? Why? No. Student Number Answer 1. 06 1214 032 Probably class discussion, it is lot easier for me to understand the material because we are dealing with it along with the whole class. 129 2 06 1214 047 Evaluation number 19 because by the class discussion the lecturers can see the learning process and the understanding of their students. 3 06 1214 057 Class discussion B’coz the real answer is there. 4 07 1214 053 For me any kind of those evaluation can satisfy me. Because I accept all of kind evaluation, I don’t mind fro any kind of evaluation. 5 07 1214 121 Worksheet class discussion. 6 08 1214 001 I need the evaluation such as number 19. I need to share with the other friends, not only the score from my lectures. 7 08 1214 002 The combination of submission approval, scorring, and class discussion, because it helps to clarify misunderstanding or to strengthen the correct understanding. 8 08 1214 003 Class discussion. I can get more understanding. And also it provides question section. 9 08 1214 004 No. 19, after the lecturer discuss the worksheet than I know whether I did the wrong or the correct answer. 10 08 1214 005 Discuss together and give additional information so makes the students really understand. 11 08 1214 006 Class discussion, it helps students to know the idea each others. 12 08 1214 007 The most important is class discussion. Because by doing class discussion the lecturer can give some explanation that hasn’t been understood by the students yet. And also the students can ask for the materials which haven’t been understood. 13 08 1214 008 I need the class discussion because according to me the most important by evaluation is understanding not only scoring or approval. By class discussion we can improve our knowledge by share the material with friends or lecturer. 14 08 1214 009 Those of them are important form me and I really need them. Submission we learn to be discipline Scoring it is appreciate our works Class discussion it can develop our knowledge about the material 15 08 1214 011 No 19. Because with class discussion I can know my mistake. 16 08 1214 012 Scoring and class discussion. When we can discuss together, we also know the best answers When we get score for our worksheet, it will increase our willingness of study. 17 08 1214 013 Number 19. Because I know my mistake and understand more about the lesson. 18 08 1214 015 I need discussion evaluation. 130 19 08 1214 016 The lecturers evaluates my work with scoring after that the lecturers make a class discussion because it can help me to understand. 20 08 1214 017 No 19, because we can know about the answer and why we have difficulties when we do to finish the answer 21 08 1214 018 Class discussion it is clearer 22 08 1214 019 I need evaluation number 19. Because we will know where is our mistake in the our answer and we can discussion together. It is very helping to understand the material. 23 08 1214 021 Three of them because the combination of number 17-19 can help the students evaluate themselves 24 08 1214 022 Class discussion, because we can know the right answer. If there are question that can’t be solve, we can solve it together. 25 08 1214 023 It’s better if the evaluation is done with class discussion. Because we can ask questions if we don’t understand. 26 08 1214 025 I would prefer the class discussion, because we can solve problems together. 27 08 1214 026 Maybe I prefer the combination of all of them. 28 08 1214 028 Class discussion and scoring, so we know our scor and discuss the answer in a class. 29 08 1214 030 Submission, approval, and class discussion are good but not with the scoring. Because sometimes we don’t have enough time to think when the scoring time. 30 08 1214 031 Number 19. Because it is helpful and we can know the right answer. 31 08 1214 032 Class discussion, because there are deeper analysis of the material given. We can ask if we don’t understand, also give opinion. 32 08 1214 033 With scoring and also class discussion because I also need the correction if I make mistake 33 08 1214 034 Class discussion, because we can know the right answer. 34 08 1214 035 Class discussion. Because we can check the answer and repair it. And it will make the lecturer easier. 35 08 1214 036 Scoring and class discussion because it more effective. 36 08 1214 037 I think the class discussion is the best because the students will understand better. 5. How do you work on worksheet? Why?