Worksheet Independent Learning CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS

163 Appendix 8 The Blueprint of the Interview for Lecturers No. Questions Number of Items A. Independent Learning 1. In your opinion, what is independence in learning? 10 2. What influences students’ independence in learning? 3. Is independent learning important? Why or why not? 4. What’s the importance of independence in learning for daily lifein all life aspects? Does it have effect to someone’s daily life activitieshabit especially in work place? 5. How do you make students aware to the importance of independent learning? 6. Can we say that “SELF-DISCIPLINE” is one of the goals? Or is it the required attitude for students to achieve the goal? 7. What life values can people get from independent learning skill practice? 8. According to Kesten 1987, Independent learning deals with sharpening responsibility to make decision and take real actions dealing with their own learning. Do you agree? Why or why not? 9. Do you think that independence in learning minimizes teacher’s role in class? Why or why not? 10. In this situation, what are students’ role in order to help them enhancing independence in learning?

B. Worksheet

Purpose 1. What is your expectation by giving Ws to your students? 3 2. Do the students meet your expectation? 3. Can Ws in teaching process be a media to enhance students’ independence in learning? Why or why not? Preparation 4. How do you design Ws? Individually, team work with other lecturers? Why? 2 5. Are there any criteria in designing Ws? Explain. Validity 6. Do you always restate the instruction on the Ws after it is distributed? 1 164 Format 7. What format do you mostly use – summary, question, truefalse, matching? Which one do you think help you to deliver the topic and help the students? 1 Implementation 8. When do you prefer to distribute Ws – before, at present, or after the material is delivered? Why? 2 9. Do you usually use the questions in Ws as the questions in the exam? Evaluation 10. What evaluation process meets your needs? Why? 2 11. What are the strengths of that evaluation process? 165 Appendix 9 Data Classification from the Interview to the Students

A. Independent Learning

1. What is Independent Learning? No. Student Answers 1. A Independent learning is that something about the urge of students to learn by themselves. The teachers, lecturers, or tutors are merely the guidance for the students. 2. B Independent learning is a learning in which students learn by herhimself, can be individually or in group. Student is the center in learning process. 3. C Independent learning is that students learn by themselves without any guidance; being autonomous. 4. D Independent learning is an individually work. 5. E Independent learning is that the students study outside the class and outside the university by themselves. 6. F Independent learning is that the students learn something by themselves. 7. G Independent learning is learning by ourselves. Students use all their ability without external help. It is like internal help 8. H Independent learning is about learning but without any help. Students do the work by themselves. 2. What factors influence independence in learning? No. Student Answers 1. A Willingness, interesting material, drilling from teacher but will students like it? 2. B Motivation, willingness 3. C Curiosity, motivation, duty, pressure from outside for lower level learner young learner 4. D Keterpaksaan forces from other, willingness, 5. E Curiosity, motivation, drilling 6. F Laziness, motivation, the lack of infrastructure, chances for learning independently, drilling but they can get stressed. 7. G Talent 8. H Motivation, pressure, the lack of information and knowledge 3. Is independent learning important? Why? What’s the importance of independence in learning for daily life? No. Student Answers 1. A Yes. We’re going to need to work by our own. I mean I have to have tough personality and by having independent learning we are trying to be independent, we are trying to be ourselves, we are trying to “sell” ourselves. If we don’t have such independent learning then we keep following people. Well, then we are not becoming a trendsetter. The meaning by being a trendsetter is that we have our own idea, we have our own stand, and by having our own stand, by having our own idea, we are going to move forward better than before. 2. B Yes of course. Because by learning the knowledge by use independent learning, the students can understand the knowledge or the information deeply by their 166 word, their understanding, and then they can confirm it to their teacher if they are not understand about the learning. 3. C Penting banget Untuk menjauhkan sesorang dari ketergantungan ke seorang yang lain. Mungkin mereka punya bakat-bakat apa yang kalo mungkin selama di drill sama teachernya itu kan gak keluar, dengan independent learning lebih termotivasi. Kalo sekarang someone udah terbiasa dengan independent..pokoknya independent learning atau independent apa itu, nanti kedepannya meraka akan misalnya di dunia kerja merka tidak perlu menunggu perintah dari atasan untul lebih bisa sampai detil-detil, mereka udah bisa mengerjakan sendiri. 4. D I think it is very very important. Karena saya sangat menyukai independent learning. Itu membantu fellowship kita sama orang lain, bagaimana cara kita meng-arrange sesuatu. Independent learning itu sebenarnya juga mengajarkan kita untuk kita belajar mandiri jadi ga tergantung sama orang lain. Jadi ketika kita harus keluar untuk mengerjakan sesuatu kita tu udah punya basic karena kita bisa untuk mengerjakan segala sesuatunya sendiri. Tapi kalo kita udah tergantung sama yang namanya discuss discuss terus, nanti saat kita dilepas untuk jalan sendiri, untuk melakukan tugas-tugas sendiri kita pasti keteteran. 5. E Yes. Mungkin dengan mandiri we can get a lot of information, a lot of knowledge. We can work individually,..tidak bergantung sama orang lain. 6. F Yes, I think. In my opinion it can help me to be an independent person when in the society or in the work world, and it can help me to be…jadi bikin dalam kerja kita jadi lebih serius mungkin ,atau lebih giat dalam bekerja karena mungkin kita udah terbiasa buat kerja sendiri. 7. G Important because as I said before, it’s student’s need. The students know what they need. Nobody knows the personal mind only the…yang bersangkutan sendiri. The importance is that they already realize that since the beginning they already understand. Mereka tidak akan bingung lagi when they already adult what they have to do because since the beginning they thought the plan. 8. H Yes, I think. It makes me be independent student. Jadi, besoknya aku jadi independent. Jadi besok-besok tu aku ga perlu orang lain, gitu lho. Jadi aku bisa mandiri. Misalnya ada tugas dari bos…atau gimana.. 4. What life values can you get from independent learning skill practice? No. Student Answers 1. A Self-perspective The value that I get is that I will have my own idea, I will have my own idealism, I will have my perspective and by having my own perspective I could achieve things that I believe it is good, not what people believe it is good but what I believe it is good. 2. B Self-discipline, kesadaran diri..about the importance of the knowledge itself, motivation, teamwork, responsibility 167 3. C Kemandirian, innovative, responsibility 4. D Kemandirian, knowing self-capacity, exploring ideas, complacence 5. E Usaha, discipline, responsibility 6. F Self-motivation, originality, kejujuran 7. G Independency, initiative, tidak mudah menyerah persistent, self-discipline 8. H Responsibility 5. Do you think that independence in learning minimizes teacher’s role in class? Why or why not? No. Student Answers 1. A Oh, no. Independent learning make the teacher only as the mere guidance, so their job is only to guide us, to guide the students to learn not to teach everything because the basic learning is on their own nature. 2. B No Teacher has a big role in class. The role of a teacher is to give information, clarification about the information but it is not reduce the role of teacher itself. 3. C No.. Karena di proses itu guru tetep..bukan berarti terus guru lepas tangan tapi guru tetep membimbing tetapi tidak harus selalu menyanyakan apa, atau bagaimana, gitu ngga. Guru tetap memantau cuman mungkin dari…tanpa siswa bertanya guru tetep tau perkembangan setiap siswanya. 4. D Actually not, because kayaknya kalo independent learning ga meminimalisir deh, kalo meminimalisir lebih kayak presentasi, trus kita bikkin pengajaran trus kita sampein ke temen-temen. Kalo independent learning lebih ke task-task aja sih. 5. E Yes. Karena guru ga perlu menerangkan terlalu banyak karena murid muridnya mungkin udah ngerti sendiri. But, teacher’s guidance is still needed in independent learning. Pasti dikontrol. Maybe menentukan topik-topik yang harus dipelajari. 6. F I think no, because maybe after the teacher gives independent learning to the student they can..the teacher can discuss it together with their students. 7. G I think not, because independent can be done everywhere. You can… memilah kapan when you need to do independent learning and when in school the teacher still have the same role. But because independent,..prefer to do in house, in their own students’ house. Yes, facilitator and motivator. Only motivate but not press, not push the students but only motivate when the students get…like they still confused because they still get … that the students need to motivate. You can do it because you already make your plan, you can do it and they can also help to give reference but then the students need to do it by themselves. 8. H Iya, jadikan kita udah tau sebelum guru menerangkan kita udah tau. Justru gitu kita bisa menemukan to kita kurangnya dimana. 168

B. Worksheets

1. What do you know about Ws? No. Student Answers 1. A Worksheet is that list of questions the teacher will give to students. There are actually there are 2 kinds of Ws I believe that the first one is given before teacher explain the material, the second one is that Ws as given after the material is given in order to asses the students. If it is given before the material given then it will test the students as weather they has understood or not. If it is given after the material is given, then it functions as an assessing material like what you’ve got during teacher’s presentation. 2. B Ws is a sheet that consist of..what is that..rangkuman..summary of the material so the students will be easily learn about the topic because if they have to read the whole information maybe not all the students will read because..ya..they have no much time or…lazy. 3. C It’s a kind of reflection but not only reflection about how we feel during the learning process but reflection about how far we learn, how far we know about some topics or certain topic that we have known. Like…aaa..testing understanding. 4. D Worksheet is a media of learning that improve the ability of students. Maybe to do like assessment. 5. E Worksheet help me to comprehend the learning material better. I think worksheet is the summary of a topic which is set by questions so the students can recall their knowledge. 6. F Something that teacher gives to the students and it like a task or exercises. 7. G Worksheet is like..not a test but assessment to measure the ability of students after they study thing or two things and then with worksheet they can easily like.. mengulang kembali apa yang telah diajarkan. 8. H Soal-soal dari dosen. 2. In your opinion, what’s lecturers’ expectation by giving you Ws in learning? No. Student Answers 1. A The Ws is given to the first one to recall back them the knowledge before or second one is after the material is given, it is to assess their ability. 2. B The students can learn easily. The students can know about..intinya tu inti materi dari topic itu tu apa, jadi ngga menjalar kemana-mana, gitu. 3. C Students can master the topic and a kind of test our understanding. Challenge the students to dig their comprehension. Critical thinking. 4. D Actually the point is to make the students can study independently. Because when we work our assessment, at home, it gives us motivation to do our assessment independently. Kalo ngerjain pasti mau ga mau kita pasti membaca, gitu. 5. E The understanding of the students to the topic lebih naik. 6. F Ya biar muridnya belajar, baca modul, baca materi. 7. G The lecturer wants to know that whether we really understand what they have already give before because sometimes the students only sitting and when the student lecturer. Red “Do you understand?” – “Yes..”. So with worksheet the teacher really know students understand. Worksheet help students to actively participate in learning process especially if the worksheet is only in a small group or even only pair. If too many…group work in worksheet because the people tendency always the 169 smart people can help me to do this. 8. H Kan udah diterangkan trus dikasih worksheet, jadi itu bukti kalo dia mendengarkan gitu. Bukti kalo dia dapet ilmunya. 3. a. Do you agree with the use of Ws in learning process? b. Are you interested in the use of Ws by lecturers in learning process? Why or why not? c. Do you have high motivation in working on Ws? Why or why not? No. Student Answers 1. A a. Yes. Because we do have a need to..the first one is to recall back what.. if I am teacher, I do have to recall back what my students know because well, I don’t want to look down at them and the second thing is that I want to assess also their ability. I have to know them better than others know them in education. b. Depends on the length. The length of the Ws. Two-three will be fine, but more than three..oh.. c. Yes, but it later it becoming dependent to the lecturers themselves as weather they are able to create the situation, as the weather the lecturer will able to make us want to do it. Once again we’re going back to the lecturer makes us like the material or not. 2. B a. Yes. Can make the students learn easily about the topic. b. Yes Iya, because kalo nyuruh murid untuk belajar dari sumber-sumber lain mungkin mereka kan males, tapi kalo misalkan kita kasih Ws minimal mereka tahu intinya, pembelajaran seperti apa. Kalo misal kita ga kasih Ws mereka memang ga akan belajar sama sekali. Tapi kalo kita kasih Ws ,kemungkinan biapun mereka tanpa belajar sendiri di luar, mencari informasi sendiri di luar, mereka akan..they will understand about the basic. Minimal. c. Depends. If it is challenging, I’m really excited to do it. Ya tapi kalo.. Ya maybe because I’m interesting to.. I’m interested to do it, to do the Ws. Soalnya kan kalo kita dikasih topic trus dikasih Ws berarti kan udah dikasih contoh-contohnya itu lho, topik-topiknya, infromasinya gimana. Jadi ya tanpa harus dengerin guru harusnya sih dengan belajar Ws nya aja harusnya udah lumayan ngerti basicnya gitu 3. C a. Yes. Without worksheet sometimes students are lazy to.. aa.. what… relearn again about the previous topic so they have to helped by worksheet to recall again about their memory. b. Yes. Because..especially me myself sometimes lazy if without worksheet sometimes if just read the book sometimes the words in the textbook difficult to understand, so the worksheet helps me much. c. Not always. Sometimes, based on my experience in doing the worksheet, if the teachers only like copy-paste form the textbook into the worksheet, it is meaningless. So, it is just like the..rewrite what in the textbook into the paper or worksheet. So, it is not..apa ya…tidak memotivasi untuk lebih tahu yang lain. 4. D a. Yes, I’m agree. b. Sangat setuju. c. Ya. Actually I have a high motivation because when I have assessment to do some worksheets before I meeting with our friends in discussing, at home I had worked our worksheet and I read our material to work our worksheet. 5. E a. Setuju. Because by worksheet we can.. kita bisa berlatih. Kayak 170 structure kalo nggak pake worksheet jadi ga bisa ngerti tentang itunya. And kalo tentang materi hafalan, mungkin dengan worksheet kita bisa bikin summary. b. Tertarik.. Alasannya sama kayak tadi. c. Sedang-sedang saja. Sometimes if I really interesting with the topic I think I will do the worksheet by myself but if I am confused with the material and I have to do the worksheet, I think I will cheat my friends’ answers. 6. F a. Iya. b. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Hehehe. Because depend on the subject. If the subject is interesting ya, if not…no. Maybe is the vocabulary is difficult or the material is difficult, maybe…hehe..maybe no. c. If it is group work, yes. Because we can bagi-bagi tugas lah. If it is individually, no. 7. G a. I agree but there are some rules in worksheet. Worksheet should be given after the material given. Because like… istilahnya when we want to open the door if we don’t have the key of course we cannot do anything. So, at least we need a key like a keyword. In worksheet at least..oh, this is I already so I can..mengerjakannya karena I have already the keyword before. b. Yes, saya tertarik. c. Yes, because I prefer doing worksheet than like only hearing the explanation. At least simple explanation and then give the worksheet because there’re already the handout. 8. H a. Ya. b. Yes. It help me. c. Ya, karena saya tahu tujuannya adalah untuk membantu saya sendiri, makanya saya kalo misalnya dapat worksheet pasti saya kerjakan. 4. Does it really help you to understand the material? How? No. Student Answers 1. A Yes. It is not because I have read the book I learn something then I write it; means that I memorize it a double. It helps me to memorize or it helps me to understand the materials better. 2. B E’hem. 3. C Yes. Sometimes teacher or lecture do not use the same language in the textbook so the teacher make it easier and simpler so students can understand. 4. D Ya.. karena kan Ws berisi tentang main points dari materi-materi yang kita pelajari. 5. E Not really. Kalo aku pribadi sometimes worksheet makes me confused. I cannot understand well about the question and I have to ask my friend. Aku lebih ngertinya, dongnya kalo di mendengarkan. Kalo worksheet aku baca kadang aku ga paham. 6. F In my opinion yes, because usually the lecturers give us the important point of a material and then it can help us to know the material given. 7. G Well… there are some subjects use worksheet and I can’t say that I’m sure all of them help me, only some of them help me. Some of them even become because what I have said before, were given before the material makes me..lebih tidak mengerti. 171 8. H Iya. 5. a. Is the instruction in the Ws clear enough understandable? b. Do the lecturers often restate the instruction on the Ws given? No. Student Answers 1. A a. Mostly NO. b. Yes. Sometimes if it is meant to clarify and I think it is good. Because most of the lecturers, most of the teachers that give the Ws believe that we have already know what to do so they just give like.. aa.. minimalized instruction to us to work the Ws. It is good. Why? Because, well, we have to get used to things like that but how do I do my Ws well if it is based on common sense. 2. B a. Sometimes. It depends on the teachers or lecturers. b. Not all of the lecturers. Cuma ya sering lah, sering untuk dijelaskan pertama kali tentang suruh ngapain gitu. 3. C a. Yes, simple. b. Not always. If impossible to ask the lecture, I ask my friend. Or try to understand the question. 4. D a. Sometimes it is not clear but..aa..ketika kita ga tau ya lebih baik kita tanya sama dosennya baru kita ngerjain. Itu hal kunci yan gmudah sih, ga usah dipersulit. b. Iya, sering banget kayak gitu. 5. E a. Perintahnya mungkin cuma ‘please mention and explain’. Sometimes clear sometimes not. b. Tergantung sih dosennya. Tapi kebanyakan dibagiin langsung aja. Mungkin saya lebih suka dosen restate. So we can understand what teacher’s want. 6. F a. Usually yes because it’s only see the question and answer. b. Yes. 7. G a. Personally I understand. b. In some cases yes. If I already clear I don’t think that lecturer need to restate it. 8. H a. Sometimes. It depends on the lecturer. b. Before doing…Yak Tak kira kalo misalnya dari worksheetnya udah jelas, ga perlu 6. Does the content in Ws cover all topicmaterial being discussed? No. Student Answers 1. A Yes. And the best thing that I like from the Ws is that..aa..some..well, mostly.. they are in chronological order. So if you’re talking about A, B, C, and D so it has to be A and then B, C, D. Cannot reverse it. It will change the whole answer of Ws. 2. B Yes of course. Almost yaa..85 until 90 . 3. C Sometimes not. Sometimes if we have so many subtopic in one topic, lecturer still divided it into small part or more simple 4. D Sometimes no. Because kadang tuh soal apa yang tertulis dalam worksheet itu ga ada dalam material. Kita harus nyari ke internet, nyari buku-buku di perpus. Cuma memang kadang ada beberapa dosen yang plek sama seperti material yang kita baca. Sebenarnya apa ya?? Kedua-duanya tuh ada keuntunggannya sih mas nek aku mikir. Ketika ada dosen yang ngasih worksheet tapi ada beberapa jawaban ga ada di material, itu tuh sebenarnya 172 melatih kita, kita tuh serius ga sih ngerjain worksheetnya. Tapi kalo yang ada semua juga mempermudah kita, karena kan tugas-tugas kita banyak. 5. E Iya. 6. F In my opinion, lecturers sometimes put not..put unimportant thing in the worksheet. Kadang sesuatu yang misalnya topik yang kurang penting gitu malah dimasukin. Kadang malah membingungkan. 7. G If the worksheet is week-to-week worksheet weekly. Red, yes. But if only maybe after like one chapter, I think it’s not cover all material. 8. H Kalo Pak Gun sama Pak Punto, kebanyakan soal-soal dari worksheetnya itu persis dibukunya. Kalo dosen lain, malah yang ga ada di situ, nah itu yang lebih menantang dan saya jadi males. Saya lebih suka yang ada di buku. Biar ga pening. 7. Have you ever use Ws as test preparation? Why or why not? Is it helpful? No. Student Answers 1. A Oh yes. It helps me because I don’t like buying book. It waste my money. By having my Ws, well actually I just borrow from my friend and then copy it because I lost my Ws.. it helps me when I have to understand like things 2. B Yes of course, because many lecturers use the material from the Ws than the book. Materinya banyak yang keluar dari Ws juga daripada dari buku karena mungkin mereka lebih gampang cari materinya kali ya, buat soalnya. 3. C Yes, sometimes the lecturers take the test from the worksheet itself. 4. D Ya. Karena sesungguhnya beberapa dosen di Sadhar itu kalo ujian test banyak ngeluarin soalnya dari worksheet. Jadi daripada kita susah-susah belajar material yang banyak tebel-tebel, mending worksheetnya dikerjain yang rajin, diisi semua, kalo ada yang salah dibenerin, dikoreksi bareng- bareng sama temen. Jadi waktu kita mau tes , kita cuma baca worksheet aja dan itu sebenernya udah membantu kita untuk kita mengetahui, memahami satu material. 5. E Yes Because in the worksheet I think it is the summary of the topic so I can study from the worksheet for the test preparation. I do not need to read the book. 6. F Yes, if there is a worksheet, I always do that because sometimes the lecturer put some…maybe..sesuatu lah dari situ buat dikasihin ditesnya. 7. G Yes, especially like.. Pak Alip’s class is full of worksheet. I never open after I did the worksheet I never open the handout anymore. I only use the worksheet for preparation for test. 8. H Iya. Kalo Pak Gun itu kalo ngasih worksheet ujiannya pasti dari situ kebanyakan. Melihat karakter dosennya, jadi kita tahu.

8. To complete Ws, if you read the book, will you read all the topics carefully or just by

skimming and scanning? Why? No. Student Answers 1. A I’ll skim Rather than reading all the material. Because things like this; if we do scanning than we probably will miss things that also important. If we do skimming then..ok, I’m looking for A, but in my way of looking A I’ll find 173 B, C, and D. 2. B It depends on the questions. If the questions are..for example like “what is the meaning of..”, I just skimming and scanning but if the questions are “explain about is meant by…” and the lecturers told us to use our own words yaa it means we have to read the whole information. 3. C Reading carefully. Because, ya..honest ya.. If I do skimming and scanning, ok I finish but sometimes some points are missing, so I have to read carefully. I think depends on the difficulties of worksheet. Misalnya, for example some courses that I think it’s difficult, so I read it carefully. But if the mata kuliahnya agak-agak, ya ga gampang juga ga sulit..just skim and scan. 4. D At the first I use skimming and scanning, and then baru baca pelan-pelan. Skimming sama scanning itu mempermudah kita untuk mencari jawaban sebenernya. Lalu habis itu kita baru memahami isinya dari itu. Sebenernya aku nangkepnya itu sih, tapi ga tau kalo orang lain. Tapi kalo aku merasa bahwa ketika kita baca skimming sama scanning tu cepet kita tu bisa dapet gitu lho. Dan nanti setelah itu baru kita baca lagi dengan pelan-pelan. 5. E Skimming Biar ga buang-buang waktu dan kita langsung focus on the topic what in the question. 6. F Skimming and scanning, depend on the question. Usually I read the question first and then..maybe the question is about instructional design, what is instructional design? I read…cari kata-kata yang ada instructionnya. Lebih cepat. 7. G I prefer skimming and scanning. Because skimming and scanning sometimes I can found something unexpected. 8. H Scanning biasanya. Biasanya soalnya udah jelas toh, ini artinya apa, nah udah kelihatan. Ya lebih enak, ya lebih cepat, hemat waktu. 9. Can you find the information in Ws easily from the book? No. Student Answers 1. A Depends on the type of questions If the Ws requires us to imply what the book means, that would be quite tricky because we do have to have our own sense of understanding of the book. 2. B Not all of the questions. Because sometimes the students, eh the lecturers ask us to summarize it so we have to read…bla bla bla baru nemu jawabannya. Tapi ada juga yang langsung ketemu jawabannya, tapi ada juga yang solanya tu explain about this, so we have to read it first and summarize it. It is not easy to summarize that there is not our mother tongue, especially if the words are difficult. 3. C Sometimes we have to read teliti. The answer, the information and text book is not the same language or the same sentence. We have to conclude by ourselves. 4. D No. We have to read more than once. 5. E Sometimes. Kadang jawabannya sudah ditulis di buku, kadang juga kita harus memahami apa yang dimaksudkan pertanyaan itu. Jawabannya tersirat. 6. F Sometimes it’s easy but sometimes no, depends on the question. Sometimes it’s hard to understand the answer so it’s hard for me to find the answer. 7. G Sometimes it..tersirat, I found it difficult. But because, as I said – pair, my partner may be can find it so it’s ok. 8. H Easily. Very easy. 174 10. What Ws format is considered good for you? Why? No. Student Answers 1. A Not summary. Ya, I believe that question is quite good but aaa…well, I tend quite question that requires us to imply what the meaning; what the book means because well, we will then have our own answers because my idea with your idea is different. That’s it. Question but implified implied. Red question. I mean we make on your own words and your own understanding related to the topic. 2. B I like question format. It’s easy to find the answer. If I have to summarize, I think.. I yaaa.. it’s is too complicated for me because especially if the lecturer told us to use our own words, it will be so difficult because sometimes what the book use, the word in book is easy and we have to find any other word. It will be confusing for us; for me, not for us. 3. C Matching and summary. Matching because sometimes lecturer provide similar answer. It is kind to mengecoh, so have to think it deeper again. And then summary, sometimes also lecturer ask us to give different answer or based on our comprehension. So, by summary we can write or answer by our own understanding. 4. D Aku milih dua-duanya Question and summary. Red karena setelah kita dapet pertanyaan kayak gitu kan kita pasti nyari jawabannya kan mas. Itu sebenernya membuat kita untuk memilih jawaban di worksheet itu, kalo summary itu buat ringkasan materi yang buaanyak itu. 5. E Question-summay. Karena question-summary tu mungkin kita akan lebih berusaha untuk mengerti apa yang dimaksudkan dengan topic itu jadi kita nggak kayak plagiarism. Kita mem-paraphrase. 6. F Question and summary Because I think matching is rather difficult than question and summary. And in the question and summary it can help us to.. pokoknya bisa jawab dengan kata-kata kita sendiri, gitu lho. Jadi jawaban kita tu pemahaman kita, ga cuma yes or no ato matching aja gitu lho. 7. G Honestly I prefer true or false. In true-false you can already like..for example ‘worksheet is bla bla bla’, that means I already study what the meaning, the statement and I need is it true or false? If false I can already know that the correct answer is in that book and I know. 8. H Question. Yang itu tadi ya, ini artinya apa… Tapi kadang.. gak gak..aku ga suka true-false, paling ga suka true-false. Matching Pokoknya yang enak- enak yang ga perlu pusing. 11. a. How do you work on Ws? Which one do you prefer, work in group or individually? b. What is your opinion with copying others’ work? No. Student Answers 1. A Individually I’m selfish. The aim of the Ws is if it is for independent learning then I’ll do it individually, but if then the aim is to group learning, then I’ll adjust myself but I prefer individual. I don’t believe that it is wrong, I don’t believe that it is wrong but I don’t believe that it is right, ya? Hahaha. If the length is unbelievable then…I’ll accept it. Like 5 pages… Come on, I don’t want to work 5 pages on my own. I need to cheat. 175 2. B Group of course. Because if there is question that we cannot answer, our friends can help us to answer it and as I said that it will be so more enjoy learning with our friends than just hear our lecture speaking and speaking and then yaaa…our friends’ explanation will be more easily to be catched, to be absorbed than our lecturer, sometimes. Sometimes I did it. Yaa..if I felt not in a good situation, for example I’m sleepy, forget, or lazy to read the book, yaaa..just ask your friend. 3. C Mostly by group discussion but copy paste..nononono Because kalo copy- paste itu sometimes I cannot what my friends write in hisher worksheet. We know that it is plagiarism, mostly students do it if the time is very limited. Kalo udah kepepet pepet pet.., baru copying. But the effect is people who do copy and paste they never get any points or any understanding bout the worksheet. 4. D At the first I always do individually, and then I have to discuss with my friends or our group. Sometimes I do it, but this is not true. Kadang memang kita tu kalo kita keburu-buru pasti kita nyontek pekerjaan orang lain. Tapi kalo kita bisa mengatur waktu dengan baik, punya motivasi tinggi, ya itu tadi..individual work, independent. 5. E Pertama sendiri kemudian dengan teman Jika dibutuhkan Karena kepepet itu tadi. Kepepet and we have to maybe fill all of the question so we can get the better mark. Kalo ga dinilai ya ga usah nyontek. 6. F I do it by myself first. If I find difficulties I ask my friend. It my friend also have difficulties, copy form other. But I prefer group work. Maybe if we’re just copying it’s ok but we have to know what.. apa sih yang kita copy itu? Kalo kita tau, kita dong..ya ☺. Kalo menurutku copying tu ga independent learning sih karena kita ga kerja sendiri kan, kita nyontek. Tapi kalo misalnya kita tanya trus dikasish tau jawabannya sama temen tapi pake kata-kata kita sendiri itu…mungkin lebih baik. 7. G I least pair. If than pair..or maximum three, if 4 or more it’s like there will be someone who always..sebagai pengikut saja. Then when I need to choose between individual or seven in a group, I prefer individual. We do the same and then we will correct each other. Because if you do this and I do this, that means I only know this and you know that. When test time, apa yang keluar..ow.. I didn’t do it. I think copy and paste is not good idea, but in the discussion, the week later you really need to focus on the worksheet and you really need to mengulang kembali. Any maybe you can answer again in aother paper. 8. H Ngerjain sendiri dulu, ben ora kelompokan kesuwen. Kalo kelompokan lama itu sebel., kakean guyon. But I prefer group work. That’s good. Enak aja. Kadang-kadang kan misale kita banyak tugas yang lainya, satu tugas itu..udah..nyontek aja. 12. What evaluation process meets your needs? No. Student Answers 1. A I don’t think scoring is good. Why? Because it is back again subjective perspective. Subjective perspective, because it is based on the teacher’s opinion. I don’t think submission is good because it will force us to keep the dead line. I believe that class discussion will be better because, well, we have like…if the class is 30 then we will have 30 different opinions, like A, 176 B to..whatever. And it is once again back to teacher’s duty to combine the ideas into one single conclusion. 2. B Scoring and class discussion. Scoring because we can measure our ability. Why discussion? Because we will know about our mistake and we will know the true answer. And..the explanation of course from the lecturer because we will know the exact answer, not gossip gossip, answer gossip. 3. C Class discussion. Usually in the end of the meeting, lecturer ask again about what heshe said, so here the students are tertantang for remind. Teacher as controller. So if the discussion go far away from the topic, teacher roles to make it in the normal way. 4. D Presentation, jadi presenter aku suka. Ngumpulin tugas aku juga suka. Scooring aku suka, maksudnya performance kan itu. 5. E Scoring and class discussion. Why class discussion because we can discuss the material in this class so we can gain information which is we do not get before. Scoring… We can know the…our competence. Kalo milih, discussion dulu. 6. F Presentation and then discussion together. Jadi, question and answer gitu. Because usually the presenter present the material and if there is something we don’t know we can ask question or maybe the teacher can add something important. 7. G I prefer discussion as class participation. But in discussion I prefer group discussion not all class. All class sometimes especially the teacher choose the students “You answer this” – “Oh, I can’t answer it but I can answer that.” So, sometimes that will down the moral mental. Red of the students. So I prefer discussion after do the worksheet. 8. H Submission and approval. Aku suka yang dikumpul, dibagi, jadi kita tau salahnya dimana.

13. Do you think that Ws can help youstudents to enhance their independence in

learning? No. Student Answers 1. A Not 100 yes, but I will say YES. The system. The mindset is that Ws is given to fulfill the requirements like.. ok, I have to submit, ok I have to write, ok I have to do because I think the right mindset, the right paradigm is..ok Ws is given to assess myself, so see as weather I could compete this material or not. The aim is good, but the application I think it is not in accordance with the aim. The first is that Ws should…MUST…underline all the quality not the quantity. Not because that I hate to do in length but because the aim is to dig out the understanding of the students. It is bout the quality, not the quantity. 2. B Yes Of course. But it depends on student’s motivation, student’s laziness. If they want to be.. if they want to have a progress they have to do the Ws by themselves, or if they cannot do the questions they can discuss it with their friends, but if they do not want to have any progress yaa…they can cheat. 3. C Yoo…bisa.. Based on the person. Kalo misalnya.. if they do just by copy and paste, ya 177 itu meaningless. But if they do it by at least group discussion, it’s related to independent learning. 4. D Ya.. Sangat membantu. Karena, itu tadi aku selalu menerapkan aku ngerjain Ws sama temen2, aku ngerjain sendiri dulu dan itu membuat kita jadi independent learning itu tadi. Kita mengukur kemampuan kita dulu baru kita bekerja sama temen. 5. E Yes of course. Because worksheet itself distribute to…kan worksheet dikasih buat belajar di rumah kayak homework gitu, jadi kita jawabnya itu di luar kelas.. Bingung. Pokoknya kita belajar sendiri lewat worksheet itu. 6. F Theoretically yes, but the fact is sometimes we do not do worksheet well. 7. G Yes, if the worksheet is individual. 8. H Bisa.. Tapi jangan muluk-muluk, jangan kebanyakan. Jadi bosan 178 Appendix 10 Lecturers’ Experience in Using Worksheet No. Name Period of teaching in PBI Sanata Dharma University …- now Class Supported Experiencing Worksheet in Teaching Literature Linguistic Language Teaching Language Skills Yes No 1. C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. 1996 √ √ √ 2. Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. 1996 √ √ √ √ 3. V. Triprihatmini, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A. 1996 √ 4. Dr. Retno Muljani, M.Pd. 1982 √ √ √ √ 5. Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum. 1995 √ √ √ √ 6. Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd. 2000 √ √ √ 7. Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum. 1999 √ √ √ √ 8. G. Punto Aji, S.Pd., M.Hum. 1999 √ √ √ 9. Drs. J.B. Gunawan, M.A. 1981 √ √ √ √ 10. Drs. A. Herujiyanto, M.A., Ph.D. 1987 √ √ √ √ 11. Rm. L. Suharjanto, S.J., S.S., B.S.T., M.A. 2006 √ √ √ 12. Ag. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A. 1999 √ √ √ √ 13. Ch. Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. 2002 √ √ √ √ 14. Fidelis Chosa Kastuhandani, S.Pd. 2005 √ √ √ 15. Drs. Prayitno Adinugroho 2001 √ 16. P. Kuswandono, S.Pd., M.Ed. - √ 179 Appendix 11 The Transcript of the Interview to the Lecturers Interview Transcript Code : X

A. Independent Learning

R : In your opinion, what is independence in learning? X : Independent learning refers to mental condition that make somebody have the desire, very strong desire, to learn new knowledge or new information without other people’s influence. So something which can happen if the student or the person have very strong motivation. That is what I mean by independent. And when heshe meet problem, she will not give up easily because she know for sure why she must learn. That is my simple definition. R : What influences students’ independence in learning? X : Wow… it can be their motivation, their goal, personality also. Because sometimes we find people who actually have know their goal but they easily give up, they easily surrender when they meet problem, and they will not continue learning. So it can be their goal, motivation and personality. R : How about the influence of pressure as external factor in forming independent learning habit? X : Oya… Bisa, tetapi mungkin tidak efektif. Aaa..this morning I just had a discussion with my students in class that anxiety and motivation are opposite‐end. Jadi satu sisi itu anxiey, sisi yang lain adalah motivasi. Keduanya itu sebenarnya bisa nyambung, dari anxiety menjadi motivasi atau anxiety menambah motivasi dan seterusnya. Nah itulah bisa jadi external factors. Because you are afraid of your teacher for example, you’re afraid that you will make your parent sad, you are afraid that you will lose your girlfriend, and then you want to be independent, and that independent will be your habit because you want to show that you can do something very well. Terserah kamu menafsirkannya. R : According to you, is independent learning important? Why or why not? X : Oo..yaa.. Sangat penting dong. Independent learning is important. Learning should be understood in a wide context, not just learning at school, not just learning at college. But what I mean by independent learning is important is learning in real life. Because if somebody doesn’t want to be independent in learning then heshe will give up easily, dia tidak akan maju. Dia tidak akan menjadi wiser, dia tidak akan menjadi lebih open‐ minded, dia tidak akan menjadi lebih mature dan seterusnya. Jadi, learningnya ini context yang luas. Dan untuk konteks akademik, ya because you grow up, you become older, and you should not depend on other people. As college student if you do not 180 have any independence in learning then…you will nnot read text book, you will not access the internet, because you have no teachers, no friend, to accompany you. R : What’s the importance of independence in learning for daily lifein all life aspects? X : Waah, ya itu tadi, you will not develop yourself or you will develop by very slowly whereas other people have run very fast and you are still here because you do not have independence in learning. Sepertinya tu kuncinya logika saya adalah kalau begitu tergantungnya kamu pada orang lain, guru, teman, orang tua, ngoyak‐oyak untuk belajar, atau fasilitas, dan ketika itu tidak ada, ketika berhenti belajar apa yang terjadi? Dan kalau setuju learning itu adalah tahapan mencapai ekuilibrium – keseimbangan, keseimbangan knowledge – you don’t get lost, you’re not confused, tetapi dalam proses yang baik adalah untuk mencapai ekuilibrium harusnya melewati disekuilibrium. Jadi bingung kog ini bilang gini yang itu bilang gitu, and then you go on searching for more information ketemu..”Ooh..sebetulnya sama idenya, hanya ini gini gini gini..”, nah itu ekuilibrium. Tapi nanti ekuilibrium ini menjadi disekuilibrium lagi because you are not satisfied. You want to learn more. Berkelanjutan, because the idea is you will be better and better. Tapi jangan menyerah because it’s a process. R : Does it have effect to someone’s daily life activitieshabit in work place? X : Yaa. Aku harus jujur mengakui bahwa disini itu saya belum pernah meng‐upgrade professional competency secara on purpose. Tetapi I let you have lots of friends, I let you meet new friends and I hope by meeting them you will learn from them. Jadi belajar itu ga cuma dari saya. Dari tutor senior, dari yang junior, dari karyawan. R : What life values can people get from independent learning skill practice? X : Waa..banyak sekali, to be humble, honest, jadi banyak sekali. Kayak ini kamu tak ceritain tapi kau mungkin bisa mencari sendiri life values yang lain. Nah berarti kan independent learning has taken place dalam dirimu. R : According to Kesten 1987, Independent learning deals with sharpening responsibility to make decision and take real actions dealing with their own learning. Do you agree? Why or why not? X : Lho..bener to? Cuma aku tadi tidak spesifik dealing with their own learning academically. Learning begitu luas. Yes, I agree, because that’s my experience. Sharpening responsibility, dari saya ogah‐ogahan, saya menjadi semakin mau dan bertanggung jawab kalo aku tidak belajar, I miss so many things, opportunity, dan seterusnya. Ada tau tidaknya instruktur, ada atau tidaknya bos, ada atau tidaknya orang tua, tetep belajar. R : Do you think that independence in learning minimizes teacher’s role in class? Why or why not? X : Oww..not always. Depending on who the teacher, who the students. Lihat dulu. Kalo muridnya itu S2, independent learningnya tentu beda dari independent learning S1 181 walaupun sama‐sama sharpening responsibility. Yang kedua, lah gurunya memberikan tugas independent learning tujuannya apa? Apakah tujuannya reducing the burden, atau mau supaya murid itu bisa lebih cepat, lebih baik, lebih efektif belajar kalo independent. Dibanding aku yang mungkin pengetahuanku terbatas. R : Do you have any ideasmethodstechniques to help students enhance their independence in learning? X : Aku pikir aku ga punya metode tertentu. Saya bukan a good motivator. Tapi yang bisa saya lakukan adalah sharing experiences, nah apakah itu bisa diterima aku ga tau. Jadi aku ceritakan pengalamanku kayak gini. I don’t have any method, technique but I will share my experiences. And another thing, saya selalu selalu bilang kenali dirimu. Strength and weaknesses. Kalo kamu tau strength mu, kamu bisa menjadi sangat independent. Dan kamu tau weakness‐nya. Kalu kamu itdak menyadari punya weakness kamu jadi sombong. Sebaliknya kalo kamu ngertine mung weakness’e tok kamu jadi lembek banget. Jadi kenali strength and weakness mu. R : In this situation, what are students’ role in order to help them enhancing independence in learning? self‐awareness? X : Haduuuh, ya self‐awareness, self‐discipline, motivasi yang kuat tidak gampang menyerah. Apa‐apa tu sulit lho sekarang, apa‐apa mahal. Pergaulan kayak gitu, tuntutannya kayak gitu. Mau independent learning atau gaul‐gaulan? R : How do you make students aware to the importance of independent learning? X : Ya tadi sharing tadi. R : Can we say that “SELF‐DISCIPLINE” is one of the goals? Or is it the required attitude for students to achieve the goal? X : Aku lebih suka kalau dalam prosesnya, kita mementingkan prosesnya..ini, required attitude. Tapi apakah itu nanti sesudah itu menjadi attitude, menjadi habit langsung kemudian selalu menjadi target, aku belum tau. Tapi buat saya baik kita mulai dengan itu sebagai sarana, terus tercapai tujuan kita. Lha tujuannya apa? Ya tidak usah tergantung pada orang lain, bisa mencapai hasil yang baik, nah apakah itu kemudian menjadi bagian dari diri orang itu. Itu belum bisa memisahkan, aku.

B. Worksheet