Political Interest and the Potential Power Abuse

unity for the people and who also gives the people a sense of involvement. So that, the power that is given to him as a president also influence how easy the people accept his views and by achieving the values will acts as directed by the president. The analysis found that Obama show a strong concerns on the economic condition. The discourses he has shared in both address are driven to one goal which is the establishment of the free market system. The people are driven to embrace certain values by which will bring them to the promised human dignity. When the defined values have influenced the people‘s attitude, it becomes one of the government‘s assets to strengthen the free market system. The people are also made to believe that free market system is a way to reach the common purpose and in line with the American‘s conception of Liberty and Democracy. However, the citizens can fill free to act because they have become trust in the definition of liberal reproduced in the addresses. The people no longer belong to themselves but to the calling that they have chosen while the choices are already limited by the given policies. As it is politically motivated, even the government has the potential to misuse the authority. How the economic should be recovered is an illusion covering the real labor which citizens must pay. The ideological stance masks the political interest to be seen as an objective economic truth. Furthermore, the vague definition applying to each raised values are potentially played by a party with tendency to benefit themselves. There, inequality and power abuse will always exist.

2. Language as the Representation of the Ideology and Power

Language obtains power through its use by the powerful agent. In this case is Obama as the president of the United States whose power is authorized by winning the presidential election in 2009 and 2013. In this writing, language is seen as a tool to serve the meaning production in social practices. The linguistic analysis has been applied the theory of Systemic Functional Grammar that covers three language meta-functions. They are the ideational function for representing and reshaping reality, the interpersonal function for establishing social relation, and the textual function for framing the political message.

a. Representing and Reshaping Reality

The ideational function of the addresses is to represent and reshaping the world. The transitivity analysis shows that the material process domination in the addresses has impact on the domain of doing and influence the way the people will act therefore it is useful for one who wants to deploy power. It is also useful in utilizing the way people act since it provides the information of the actor and the goal because it is essential to know who will be the doer. The material process is employed not only to create his image as man of action but also one strategy to arouse the willingness of the citizen to do so. Thus, this choice contributes a meaningful notion of responsibility, collectivism, and also utilitarianism which work best at the economy development of the state. The second dominant process used in both addresses is the relational process. The relational process endows the descriptive information about the quality of the phenomena or the participants. It categories and illuminates the social phenomena by attributing and identifying. Relational process is used to explain the complex relationships between some abstract items because it sounds definite. Therefore a speaker can define and reshape the meaning to support his purpose. The third dominant process appears in both addresses is the mental process. It depicts the participants thought, affection, and cognition and also represents speaker‘s perception or political belief which shows the ideologies resided in his consciousness. In this way, the address ees‘ emotion and devotion is aroused and strengthened.

b. Establishing Social Relation

The interpersonal function is about the relationship between speaker and hearer. The relation is set in the use of Mood, Modality, and the Personal and the Possessive Pronouns. The messages in both addresses are delivered in the declarative mood and Obama is the sender of the information. As a mean of exchange, speaker can freely declare what he thinks the people need to know about his views concerning the plan of resolving the crises. The given information, thus, contains both facts and one‘s opinion. The choice of modality also influences the interpersonal function of the addresses. The low and median level of politeness is chosen to equalize the status of the speaker and the hearer in order to avoid resistance from the people so that it becomes easier to make the people accept one‘s ideas. The last element that contributes to the interpersonal function is the choice of personal and the possessive pronouns. Personal pronoun that is used the most is first personal pronoun ‗we‘. There are two types of ‗we‘ placed in the different discourse. The first is the inclusive ‗we‘ that helps the citizen come into the same arena and make them feel close to his points so that it can make them sense that they share a common objective. Second is the exclusive ‗we‘ as a way for Obama defining the line between America as a nation home and other country abroad. So the exclusive ‗we‘ is mostly used in addressing the discourse of international political affairs for it helpfully defines the position of a nation in the global perspective.

c. Framing the Political Message

Textual function of language refers to the fact that language has mechanisms to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent and unified text as a flow of information. From the choice made to fill the theme position in the independent clauses in texts, the text are structured to show the main focus that get all discourse in frame. The textual theme, interpersonal theme, and the marked circumstantial theme are thus crucial to the organization, interpretation and construal of meaning. The type chosen textual theme found in the addresses is mostly the ―additive‖ presented by conjunction ―and‖. ―And‖ as the given textual theme shows that all the mentioned obligations are equally important regarding that ―and‖ gives also a parallel level in linking the clauses. Therefore, the ideas in each sentence are made into a coherence showing that they are in the same level of importance for the speaker.