Study on Film‟s Ideology and Domination

philosophical quest of the language use in society. Therefore, it is important to see the underlying concepts born long before the CDA is said to be useful method for the analysis of language data. To analyze language means to search the meaning. The searching of meaning brings the study to the arena of hermeneutics. And CDA is born in the sphere of critical hermeneutics pioneered mostly by post-structuralist such as Derrida, Bourdieu, and Foucault and later adopted by Fairclough into more workable analysis system. This thesis works by borrowing some notions introduced by Michel Foucault who is the center figure of the development of discourse study. Notion of discourse appears in his writing entitled Archaeology of knowledge 1972. For him, discourse is a medium where power relations produce objects of knowledge. Thus power as noted in The Sage Dictionary of Cultural Studies shapes and identifies a diverse field of knowledgeobjects constituted by a particular set of concepts Barker, 2004. Therefore, Foucault helps to understand how social order is constituted by discourse of power that produces subjects who fit into, constitute, and reproduce that order. In CDA, as mentioned, researcher deals with the notion of discourse, power, and ideology. An ideology is always seen as a motive and never neutral. Van Dijk says that ideology is as social as language which means that there is no individual ideology but there is an individual use of ideology 2006. Ideology as a form of powerknowledge is used to justify the actions of persons or groups and also seen as structures of signification that constitute social relations in and through power. Wodak 2009 adds that discourse exert power because it transfers knowledge that refers to all kind of contents that make up all kinds of meanings that people use to interpret and shape their environment. Discourse, thus, makes ideology observable in the sense that it is only in discourse that may be explicitly expressed and formulated. So, CDA acts as an instrument to see the way power works in the society realm. Locke 2004 states that CDA concerns with the opacity or transparency of texts that is to see the discursive construction as information that is available to consciousness. CDA, therefore, has the necessary to have an actionpractice that bridge between the text and the society in which dialectic of ideas occurs. Dialectics is the process of an idea conveyed from one party to the other party. This process which in turn brings a text into a practice that Fairclough calls as discourse practice which involves the production and the interpretation of text 1995. In his analysis, Fairclough 1995 does not only stressed that social circumstances can change the text directly. He presents three-dimensional framework consisting of a text as an instance of discursive practices and as a piece of social practice. Discourse practice is where the dialectical process occurs. Analyzing discourse practice would explain these things, 1 background behind a production of a text, 2 how ideas contained and conveyed through text, and 3 the participants who engaged in the practice of this discourse. The substance in the third point is that the idea may not be taken for granted by the addresser and the addressee. If both are in the same position and have the same power then a