Theoretical framework THEORETICAL REVIEW

through power. Wodak 2009 adds that discourse exert power because it transfers knowledge that refers to all kind of contents that make up all kinds of meanings that people use to interpret and shape their environment. Discourse, thus, makes ideology observable in the sense that it is only in discourse that may be explicitly expressed and formulated. So, CDA acts as an instrument to see the way power works in the society realm. Locke 2004 states that CDA concerns with the opacity or transparency of texts that is to see the discursive construction as information that is available to consciousness. CDA, therefore, has the necessary to have an actionpractice that bridge between the text and the society in which dialectic of ideas occurs. Dialectics is the process of an idea conveyed from one party to the other party. This process which in turn brings a text into a practice that Fairclough calls as discourse practice which involves the production and the interpretation of text 1995. In his analysis, Fairclough 1995 does not only stressed that social circumstances can change the text directly. He presents three-dimensional framework consisting of a text as an instance of discursive practices and as a piece of social practice. Discourse practice is where the dialectical process occurs. Analyzing discourse practice would explain these things, 1 background behind a production of a text, 2 how ideas contained and conveyed through text, and 3 the participants who engaged in the practice of this discourse. The substance in the third point is that the idea may not be taken for granted by the addresser and the addressee. If both are in the same position and have the same power then a collision will occur. However, if one party does not bring up a reaction of disagreement then the dominance will occur. This study use the three-dimensional framework to reveal how the power is used for domination which often happens without being realized by those who have the less power. With this way of thinking, a CDA study on Obama‘s two inaugural addresses is developed to see the aspects raised in the text production of the addresses related to the use of power. Those aspects will be analyzed to understand the process of a discourse where language is used as the weapon to influence others and that influence is not separated from meaning-making, the causal effects of texts, and the especially the ideological effects of texts. Those are realized in the address texts that in it also brings the ideational, interpersonal, and the textual meaning. In addition, CDA as critical theory has its dialectical method. A critical theory is historic which means that a theory is developed based on the concrete condition of society. It avoids the theory to fall into one ideology by evaluating and reflecting to the theory itself. CDA is trying to reveal the ideological masks which are used to cover the manipulation, power imbalance, and the contradictions in the society. CDA is also developed to give the impulse for the society transformation and the transformation can only be done in practices. As a critical theory, the analyst in CDA has also the practical commitment. Therefore, CDA is a social practice and is not neutral. CDA is emancipation for those who are oppressed. So, it takes side to those who are oppressed in targeted society where the power imbalance happens. 73


This chapter presents the details on the steps which are taken in this study to achieve its objective. It will include the explanation of object of the study, the approach of the study, the data collection, and the methods taken to analyze the collected data. This study is the Critical Discourse Analysis study. Therefore, the CDA concepts and method will be thoroughly applied in the analytical process.

A. Object of the Study

The data of this study were two addresses delivered by President Barrack Hussein Obama in his first and second inaugural address. First address was delivered in front of the American Public in 2009. The second was in 2013. The transcripts are taken from the official site of American Government, http:www.whitehouse.govthe-press-officepresident- barack-obamas-inaugural-address downloaded on June 4, 2013. These addresses were taken as language source in which the writer could do an analytical language research done by applying the Systemic Functional Linguistics. So, the transcriptions were taken as empirical data that could give strong evident of how meaning and ideas were coded into certain language patterns which delivered in their critical context time, place, situation.

B. Type of the Study

This study was a Critical Discourse Analysis CDA study. CDA is a method for the detection of biased and manipulative language. It also could be used as a powerful device for deconstructing the texts to come up with their intended ideologies. CDA is coping with two notions. The first is that knowledge are never neutral which means that it is a matter of the place from which one speaks, to whom, and for what purposes. The second is that the study must provide evidence of verifiability and repeatability Barker, 2001. CDA makes a dialogue between the non-linguistic and the linguistics possible and precise. So, in CDA, the identification of the evidence is closer and clearer based on the interpretation of empirical data which is supported by Systemic Functional Linguistic Analysis. The theoretical assumption that texts and discourses are socially constitutive: ―Language use is always simultaneously constitutive of i social identities, ii social relations and iii systems of knowledge and beliefs‖ Fairclough, 1995. The ideational function of language constitutes systems of knowledge; the interpersonal function creates social subjects or identity and the relationship between them; and the textual function creates discourse. This implies that every text contributes to the constitution of these three aspects of society and culture. Wodak, similar with Fairclough, is a linguistically orientated CDA scholar sees discourse as: ―a complex bundle of simultaneous and sequential interrelated linguistic acts, which manifest themselves within and across the social fields of action as thematically interrelated semiotic, oral or written tokens, very often as ―texts‖, that belong to specific semiotic types, i.e. genres .‖ Reisegl and Wodak, 2001 Wodak‘s approach adds a discourse-historical perspective on CDA. In this approach the connection between fields of action, genres, discourses and texts is described and modeled, and context is understood mainly historically. This approach is understood not as a sequence of separate operational steps but as a cycle in which the three analytical dimensions are systematically and recursively related to the totality of contextual knowledge. The historical context is always analyzed and integrated into the interpretation of the empirical linguistic data.

C. Procedures of Data Selection

The data appeared first in the form of sentences which were numbered on the sequence of occurrence from what had quoted throughout the explanation 1, 2, 3, … While in the end position of every sentence, the sentence was equipped with number based on the sequence of occurrence in the original address and with the paragraph where it was in. For example -13,X,a meant that the sentence was taken from the Thirteenth sentence [13], in tenth paragraph [X], at the first address [a]. The sentence was fully quoted from the text and put in the paragraph continued with the explanation as follows: “And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty, we say we can no longer afford indifference to the suffering outside our borders, nor can we consume the worlds resources without regard to effect. 84, XXIII, a ” And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty, We say we can no longer afford indifference to the suffering outside our borders, nor can we consume the worlds resources without regard