Type of the Study

to effect. Textual Behalf Topical Rheme Theme If the sentence was listed in a table, it appeared as exemplified below: No. Discourses as Social Practices Value Belief Norm Sentences 1. Remaking America a. Nationalism

37. We remain the most prosperous, powerful nation on Earth. XI

D. Procedures of Data Analysis

The analysis was made to answer the first and the second research questions in order to make the explanation flows and help the reader of this study see the relation between power, ideology, and the language as the vehicle of power and ideology themselves. Some principles were applied in answering the research questions. The first principle was that CDA addresses social problems. CDA does not only focus on language and language use, but also on the linguistic characteristics of social and cultural processes. CDA follows a critical approach to social problems in its endeavors to make explicit power relationships which are frequently hidden. It aims to derive results which are of practical relevance to the social, cultural, political and even economic contexts Fairclough Wodak, 1997. The second principle was that power relations are discursive. That is CDA explains how social relations of power are exercised and negotiated in and through discourse. Another important principle was that discourse is history. Thus discourses can only be understood with reference to their historical context. In accordance with this CDA refers to extra linguistic factors such as culture, society and ideology in historical terms Fairclough Wodak, 1997; Wodak, 1996, 2001. Another important principle is that the link between text and society is mediated. CDA, thus, is concerned with making connections between socio cultural processes and structures on the one hand, and properties of texts on the other.

1. Critical Discourse Analysis

Discourse is the culturally representation of reality. It also shapes knowledge in which it determines what is included and what is excluded. In the discursive texts, subjects and objects were framed and positioning so it would be possible to determine what they are possible to be or to do. Texts show how some categories of thinking and arguments come to be generally taken for granted under the power that circulated throughout society. Thus, to know the answer of the mentioned points above, there was some further searching to be done from the source texts. It was to find out by looking for the foregrounding and seeing what were joined together and what were kept separated. It was also to find out what interests are being mobilized and what was not so that we will know how the tests serve the power. This could be seen by looking at the desired identities, actions, practices, and the way of thinking required for serving the interest and of course seeing also what were not allowed. Then, the search went on thoroughly to get what was normalized and what was pathologized. All this evidences could be gained through the source texts relatable to their social and historical background. In its process the power abuse hidden in the language was seen. The steps taken in the analysis are listed below: