But the words I spoke today are not so different from the oath that is

2. Together, we discovered that a free market only thrives when there are

rules to ensure competition and fair play. 14, IV, b ‗Work‘ as the existent in sample no.1 shows that Obama emphasizes on the responsibility shared among the society. His statement is also strengthened by the circumstantial adjunct that is ―For everywhere we look‖. This adjunct emphasizes on the quantity of the responsibilities. Therefore, it can motivate the citizens. While in the sample no.2, the existential process is bound to a wh- relative clause indicates that ‗rules‘ is the pre-condition required for a thriving free market. The maker of rules is the government. This statement weighs on the role of government in making such regulation. Therefore, Obama indirectly states that the government holds the control over the American free market system. Thus, this sentence more or less describes the ambiguous value of freedom adopted in the American society.

2. Interpersonal Function

Based on the fact that language is used to interact, there must be an exchange of information. However, an inaugural address can be said as one way interaction in which the speaker is the most active participant and the audience remains passive and accepting. So that, Obama has higher chance to speak his mind and plays his social role more effectively and the audience have less chance to interrupt or even to confirm the truth of what has been said. Thus, it is true that the moment of address opens a wide opportunity to influence others‘ perspective about the things considered by the elected president. Interpersonal function is analyzed to understand the social role relation or the tenor which refers to a typical situation of language use. It is realized by the choice of modality and the use of personal pronoun in the address. This choice determines the power relation between Obama and the citizens implied from both inaugural addresses.

a. Mood

The purpose of an address is to express the speaker‘s viewpoint on things in the world, to draw or change the audience‘s attitudes and to arouse the audiences‘ passion to share the same proposal of the addresser. Principally in a political, as a mean carrying on a political mission, it is very important and obvious for the addresser to give information. Obama hopes to offer certain messages to the audience showing his political attitude and assumption in which he also acts according to the social role as a president. Tenor is realized in the grammar of MOOD. Mood consists of subject and finite while the other component is called as RESIDUE. The table below will show the Mood types and the distribution. Table 4.9. Mood Types in Obama‟s First Inaugural Address Mood Type Occurrence Percentage Sample Sentence: Declarative 103 92 1. On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics. 22, VII, a 2. And yet at this moment, a moment that will define a generation, it is precisely this spirit that must inhabit us all. 89, XXV, a Imperative 9 8 1. Recall that earlier generations faced down