Research Questions Objectives of the Study

and how certain social groups may be misrepresented in discourse. That is meant by Fairclough as to promote more egalitarian and liberal discourses and for further democratization. It is also to create critical language awareness that give people perception when they participate in a discursive practice by the way texts are consumed and in the social structures and power relations that discursive practice is shaped by and takes part in shaping and changing. Fairclough states, ―People can become more aware of the controls on their practice and of the possibilities for resistance and change 1992: 239 ‖. Finally, looking at CDA in more depth will give a new insight with which to study language, not just academically, but in everyday life too, for examples are in reading newspapers or magazines and watching the news. As it is known that an address is one of the discursive events that describe how a discourse that contended with power and ideology can represent social situations as well as establishing a common sense. Thing like a common sense is then infused into a shared agenda to achieve the objectives of political, social, and cultural rights in U.S. society to shape a social behavior that supports the political objective. This practically teaches us to be more critical to language used by the authority whose tendencies are sometimes concealed and mislead the interpretation. For the local context of Indonesia, this study will enrich the critical attitudes toward American‘s possible intervention in the Indonesia‘s political life. Admitted or not, America‘s policies have influenced many aspects in the Indonesia‘s internal and international political affairs by its global domination on the capitalist system. In The Dialectics of Discourse, a journal written by Fairclough it is stated that: ―Capitalism is being restructured and re-scaled on the basis of important new technologies, new mode of economic coordination, and the increasing subsumption of extra- economic relation under the logic of capital accumulation…The dominance of American multinationals and the US imperialist state has placed neo-liberalism at the top of the global agenda …Neo-liberalism has resulted in the disorientation and disarming of economic, political, and social force committed to radical alternatives. This in turn has contributed to a closure of public debate and a weakening of democracy ‖ Fairclough, 2001: 5 For the most part is the free market policies introduced by Obama which will have greater effects since Indonesia is considered as the most potential market in the global economy. The free market system, as Fairclough 2001 emphasizes, potentially leads an increasing division between rich and poor, increasing economic insecurity and stress even for the ‗new middle‘ classes, and an intensification of the exploitation of labor. Therefore, by possessing critical language awareness, Indonesian should show some resistance toward capitalist ideology which is tried to be infused in Indonesia‘s economy and political discourses to avoid the negative impact of free market system which threats the politics and economy security.