Study on President Barack Hussein Obama‟s Address

Meurer explains that SFL and CDA work together for exploring the interpendence between language and other form of social practices. The study cites Gidden‘s theory to show the point SFL and CDA are met to support the analysis of language and society. There are two terms relating the social condition to language in use. First is the allocation that refers to capabilities generating command offer objects, good or material phenomena. It includes material feature of the environment raw materials, material power sources, means of material productionreproduction instrument of production, technology, and produced goods artifacts created by the interaction between environment and production. Second is the authorization that refers to organization of social time-space constitutions of paths and region, productionreproduction of the body organization and relation of human beings in mutual association, and organization of life chances constitution of chance of self-development and self- expression. The relations among allocation and authorization are close to the source of power where sources are then ruled and the rule are realized by social practice. Social practice and interaction cannot be separated with language use to communicate idea especially when it comes to regulation and rules agreed among the members of society. The action in society is then cannot be happened without resourced. So as the consequence, resources are directly implicated in the generation of maintenance of power and can be assumed as the ‗vehicles‘ of power. The purpose of this present writer‘s study is to give understanding that SFL and CDA have the potential to impact on how individuals understand and react to such structures, helping them to see relationship between language and the larger context of culture, leading to changes where individuals reflect on their roles, on signification and forms of domination in a way that may legitimately lead to better ‗life politics‘.

3. Study on the Presidents‟ Ideology

CDA mostly deals with the relation among language, power, and ideology. Language is believed to bring ideological effect which serves the power relation of certain social group. ―Ideologies in Hosni Mubarak‘s and Muammar Qaddafi‘s Translated Speeches: Critical Discourse A nalysis‖, a thesis written in 2012 by Arina Isti‘anah, former student of Graduate Program of English Language Studies in Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, shows that each person employs different language features in speaking which gives further marker of different ideological stance. She compares two translated political speeches made by two different presidents who are Hosni Mubarak from Egypt and Muammar Qaddafi from Libya. The speeches are delivered in Arabic, but she takes the English translation versions which are distributed worldwide. In the thesis she says: ―Mubarak and Qaddafi selected the different language forms in their speeches because the ideologies they wanted to convey were not the same. Mubarak wanted to show the ideologies in his speec h as a response of the president who really concerned the country‘s progress, while Qaddafi intended to show the ideologies in his speech as the response of a president who was in the right position. ‖ Isti‘anah, 2012: 8 She wants to show how diverse language forms are constructed to serve certain ideologies between the presidents whose objectives are different. Mubarak